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2023-24 Performances

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4.3 Season Average Rating
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New Member
Jul 8, 2013
Highly concerning that he can’t even beat Malta defenders and was doing his usual head down nose dive into them! I mean are his managers not telling him to pass the ball to a team mate rather than just hand possession away?


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
Something MAY be wrong with him but that should not be Manchester United's problem. We should have the requisite quality to drop him not be forced to play him and hope he does well.

But maybe it just highlights that the old excuses were just that...excuses. Now he has no new clear excuse people are struggling to reconcile his poor performances which have been the vast majority of the past 3 years. We all love Rashford but need to take off our tinted glasses and he needs to earn his keep consistently.

We've seen Martial do similar, go from shark to plankton to shark back to plankton again. I'm scared we may never see a consistent reliable Rashford and even if we do, his path to the first team should include intense, quality competition for his place rather than us being forced to watch him unopposed delivering such poor performances (this goes for everyone in the squad).

We have struggled for goals for years so going into another season relying on the same guys plus a young striker who wasn't an absolute phenom (Mbappe, R9, Haaland) was always going to have a preditable result, which many pointed out early doors. Even if he was an absolute phenom, that pressure is totally unfair on a young player.
Yeah, the whole thing might be entirely his own fault but I find it laughable that he is regarded as a poor player who played well in a purple patch. He is a brilliant player. Even when he is playing shit he is a brilliant player (playing shit). It is a problem that he can’t play to his capabilities more often and probably an unsolvable problem. It’s our problem because he’s our player. We pay him too much, I suppose.

The poor performances are part of the problem, the other part is how to get past it.

Do we bench him? Maybe but how will he get his form back (if that’s even possible)? And who plays instead- will they be better?

Do we sell him? Maybe but who would take him on the money he gets? Selling him now in this trough of form is even harder. If he gets back to his capability, should we sell him then? When his stock is high? Tough decision to ship him out if he starts scoring a goal a game again but probably the best thing to do (but imagine the consternation).

As far as I care, he can warm the bench and run his contract down. We should recruit a prolific wide forward asap. I have no clue whether we can actually get such a player with the club in the state we’re in.


Full Member
Mar 13, 2022
I have maintained that he needs to be dropped to be reminded where his bread and butter comes from. His head is not in it anymore. More interested in off-field stuff and being a celebrity.
Don't have a problem with players who want to build their brand but they need to make sure that it does not affect their on-field play. When its time for football, you should be absolutely locked in on the task at hand and he is clearly not.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
He’s never been that good. Always lacked the intelligence. Has decent attributes.

Desert Eagle

Punjabi Dude
Sep 25, 2006
Something must be wrong with him. I can’t be convinced that his periods of good form are some otherworldly, transient gift of performances that belie his true shit self. He is an excellent player who spends a lot of time playing shit. The year before last, we knew why - he was carrying and / or recovering from injuries. What’s the problem now?

Who knows? But this is not the “real” Rashford. He’s much better than this. His great performances were never a fluke, he has all the attributes and has proved it many times. Something is wrong.
Ask yourself why you don't feel the same way about other players who " spends a lot of time playing shit" . Is Maguire an excellent player? Dalot? Why is this not the "real" Rashford?


Feb 1, 2012
Yeah, the whole thing might be entirely his own fault but I find it laughable that he is regarded as a poor player who played well in a purple patch. He is a brilliant player. Even when he is playing shit he is a brilliant player (playing shit). It is a problem that he can’t play to his capabilities more often and probably an unsolvable problem. It’s our problem because he’s our player. We pay him too much, I suppose.
That's the furthest thing from the truth. When he is shit, he is shit, which is more often than he is "brilliant".


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
His photo at the top of the page, smiling, is nothing like we see him now. He is almost like Martial in his demeanor.
And last night for England against Malta, despite being played wide left, he made almost no impact at all.

Something is clearly not right with him. At 26, he should be absolutely in his prime.
But stopping and waiving his foot around fools no one.
At the moment there is nothing to his game to justify his inclusion for club or country.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Yeah, the whole thing might be entirely his own fault but I find it laughable that he is regarded as a poor player who played well in a purple patch. He is a brilliant player. Even when he is playing shit he is a brilliant player (playing shit). It is a problem that he can’t play to his capabilities more often and probably an unsolvable problem. It’s our problem because he’s our player. We pay him too much, I suppose.

The poor performances are part of the problem, the other part is how to get past it.

Do we bench him? Maybe but how will he get his form back (if that’s even possible)? And who plays instead- will they be better?

Do we sell him? Maybe but who would take him on the money he gets? Selling him now in this trough of form is even harder. If he gets back to his capability, should we sell him then? When his stock is high? Tough decision to ship him out if he starts scoring a goal a game again but probably the best thing to do (but imagine the consternation).

As far as I care, he can warm the bench and run his contract down. We should recruit a prolific wide forward asap. I have no clue whether we can actually get such a player with the club in the state we’re in.
Sorry but I can not agree with you that he is a brilliant player.
Good at times is the best I can say.


New Member
Oct 29, 2023
Rashford to me is a pretty good LW that had a world class second half of the season (even at the end he ended up playing pretty similar to what we see now). He's not a world class talent, he is waaaaay too inconsistent to be that, even when he broke into to the team I never bought in to the hype that he will turn into a top 3 LW or player as some MU fans where hoping or hyping him up to be. It was easy to see that he would turn out to be a great player, but never much better than that, sadly.

He's not as good as Mbappe, who's younger than him btw, and he's maybe not even as good as Son(when he's playing at his best imo). So to put all our hopes that he will lead us back to the glory days, is too dumb for me, if we could get 80-90m pounds for him I would sell and invest in someone better.


Full Member
Mar 8, 2021
Yeah, the whole thing might be entirely his own fault but I find it laughable that he is regarded as a poor player who played well in a purple patch. He is a brilliant player. Even when he is playing shit he is a brilliant player (playing shit). It is a problem that he can’t play to his capabilities more often and probably an unsolvable problem. It’s our problem because he’s our player. We pay him too much, I suppose.

The poor performances are part of the problem, the other part is how to get past it.

Do we bench him? Maybe but how will he get his form back (if that’s even possible)? And who plays instead- will they be better?

Do we sell him? Maybe but who would take him on the money he gets? Selling him now in this trough of form is even harder. If he gets back to his capability, should we sell him then? When his stock is high? Tough decision to ship him out if he starts scoring a goal a game again but probably the best thing to do (but imagine the consternation).

As far as I care, he can warm the bench and run his contract down. We should recruit a prolific wide forward asap. I have no clue whether we can actually get such a player with the club in the state we’re in.
I think, he knows his position at United. He is untouchable, Uniteds Golden Boy. Selling him is something, that I consider as impossible (at least with the hierarchy that is there right now, changes there might have an effect). The player knows his stature at the club and I am pretty sure, he surrounds himself with people who only emphasize this notion. I think, he could be a fantastic player but being at United, he hadn't had elite level coaching during the most important years. It is a shame to the player who, I would agree, has most of the tools needed to be one of the best players in the world. But he certainly doesn't show it on the field. Not even last year when he was banging them in, his decision making got worse (in my opinion) and his workrate dropped. This all might be conncted with tactical decisions who knows but all together, creates a bad environment.

In my eyes, he needs to be benched, he needs to be talked to from somebody who is really honest with him. No sugarcoating. Again, if some of the things are tactical, then yes, it would be unfair but I don't think they are instructions from the coach. His game didn't really change since Ole. Our failure at club level also chipped into the problem, not having anybody to really challenge him during his bad periods.

At this point, I think ETH has put his success here on Bruno and Rashford and I personally think, this decision will turn out a bad one.

TLDR - I think, he can be a pretty good player the problem is he thinks he is way better than he is. His dribbling never has been exceptional, his finishing is alright but extremely confidence effected, his physicality is good, his attacking workrate is pretty good, his overall workrate only average, his decision making is on a level, I'd consider it actually a problem.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
That's the furthest thing from the truth. When he is shit, he is shit, which is more often than he is "brilliant".
Loads of people agree with you. I don’t. A shit player cannot suddenly be brilliant for weeks or months at a time. A brilliant player can play shit.


Feb 1, 2012
Loads of people agree with you. I don’t. A shit player cannot suddenly be brilliant for weeks or months at a time. A brilliant player can play shit.
But the way you're phrasing it, it's as if there's some kind of brilliance in his months of shit form. Like we're talking about Wayne Rooney during some of his bad patches. It's not like that at all, and shouldn't be for a top earner at this club.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
But the way you're phrasing it, it's as if there's some kind of brilliance in his months of shit form. Like we're talking about Wayne Rooney during some of his bad patches. It's not like that at all, and shouldn't be for a top earner at this club.
Okay, that’s not what I meant. I agree that when he plays shit he contributes very little.


New Member
Mar 1, 2008
40m should be enough to let him leave, even to clear the ridiculous wage. He just isn't and never was good enough. He sulks and disappears in a lot of games if things don't go his way. No fight in him at all.


New Member
Nov 18, 2023
His only weapon is his speed, scary to imagine him at 30. I dont get it how we spent so much money on wingers and we don’t have anyone in the level of diaby from villa, gordon from Newcastle or even mitoma at brighton. Anyway, i hope rashford will understand he is working for man utd and focus on his football and not on his PR


Ati-virus, keeps missing the n button
Feb 24, 2006
bonnie wee Scotland
Watch him score a goal against Everton which takes his tally to like 2 in 15 for the season and people claiming he’s back. He’s not changed as a footballer since he broke into our first team. Exactly the same. Some games it works, more often than not it doesn’t. Can only finish by powering it. No composure either by the looks of things. His goal scoring last season was great but it masked a lot of the issues we have with the squad and the main one is relying on individuals to make things happen rather than any form of good team play and this exposes Rashford even more when he’s trying to be the hero every game. Just watch his body language when we’re losing. Head down, doesn’t care. Highest paid player too for the next 5 years. We’re fecked!


Full Member
Jun 23, 2015
Can't wait for him to point at his head when he scores his first goal in months


Foootball hinders the adrenaline of transfers.
Jul 11, 2015
Watch him score a goal against Everton which takes his tally to like 2 in 15 for the season and people claiming he’s back. He’s not changed as a footballer since he broke into our first team. Exactly the same. Some games it works, more often than not it doesn’t. Can only finish by powering it. No composure either by the looks of things. His goal scoring last season was great but it masked a lot of the issues we have with the squad and the main one is relying on individuals to make things happen rather than any form of good team play and this exposes Rashford even more when he’s trying to be the hero every game. Just watch his body language when we’re losing. Head down, doesn’t care. Highest paid player too for the next 5 years. We’re fecked!
Happens everytime.


Foootball hinders the adrenaline of transfers.
Jul 11, 2015
Loads of people agree with you. I don’t. A shit player cannot suddenly be brilliant for weeks or months at a time. A brilliant player can play shit.
Jesse Lingard was good for those 2 months under Jose.


Foootball hinders the adrenaline of transfers.
Jul 11, 2015
Highly concerning that he can’t even beat Malta defenders and was doing his usual head down nose dive into them! I mean are his managers not telling him to pass the ball to a team mate rather than just hand possession away?
What do you expect from Southgate?

At Utd he only had LvG who used to have certain instructions for his players.
Jose - Do whatever you want
Ole - Do whatever you want
Rangnick - Can the season end already?
ETH - I don't know what I'm doing


New Member
Jan 4, 2013
We're stuck with him for the foreseeable, 300k a week for this guy is laughable.. like.. genuinely laughable.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
Can’t get on board with the majority of posts in here. My feeling is that it’s not on Rashford if the club and management anointed him a saviour or one to carry a team. In assessment, they have years of evidence of highs and lows; his peaks and troughs aren’t new and as such, should have been catered for and contingency factored in. There’s also the enormous problem at this club that we’ve become more dependent on the hero, than we’ve ever been, even when we were the best team in the world. Worse still, so many of you don’t factor that into putting the boot into Rashford.

Far better teams than us, past and present, ensure that no player is an island, and if any star player of theirs is, they work tirelessly to get said player assistance. Players in a different stratosphere to Rashford are being given far better teammates:

- Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappè, LewandowskI, Benzema, Haaland a veritable who’s who of the past 5 years, have all been backed, supported and aided by the kind of players Rashford can only dream of playing with. Kane is the only player in that top bracket of forwards who was said to carry a team, and even then, he had Son to work with, Rashford doesn’t even get that. It’s just a fact that good or top clubs make life as easy as possible for their players, but what do we do? We make Rashford a single point failure last season and exacerbate it the next season, and none of you comment on it? The same goes for Casemiro; he goes from an elite midfield that caters for each player and their foibles, to our mess, carries it for as long as he can, then capitulates, but he’s to blame, and not the cloggers he’s being overworked next to? Name a giant club that isolates an elite midfielder like we do.

Rashford should not be carrying our striking burden. We had Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez here once upon a time and the manager still sought to add more firepower. To a man those are superior players to Rashford, and yet they had each other plus an unneeded Bulgarian thrown in for good measure. Incidentally, it’s no coincidence we looked an entirely different outfit with Martial and Greenwood alongside Rashford where any weaknesses in any of their respective game was covered by another in the forward line. Now? We have a very raw kid at point and a non entity (whoever plays there) on the right. Rashford’s blind alley football looks so much worse because nobody else comes close to picking up the baton or sharing the load; this solo superhero gig is for a select few, and even then, extremely ill-advised (as above), and I can’t believe Rashford gets dug out for it.

The deviation this season is his exact same game as last season isn’t working out, but where’s the contingency? Where is the remainder of the 4*4 relay unit every team worth its salt has? When these other top players get to pass the baton on to an able match winner, where’s Rashford‘s?


Full Member
Mar 8, 2021
Can’t get on board with the majority of posts in here. My feeling is that it’s not on Rashford if the club and management anointed him a saviour or one to carry a team. In assessment, they have years of evidence of highs and lows; his peaks and troughs aren’t new and as such, should have been catered for and contingency factored in. There’s also the enormous problem at this club that we’ve become more dependent on the hero, than we’ve ever been, even when we were the best team in the world. Worse still, so many of you don’t factor that into putting the boot into Rashford.

Far better teams than us, past and present, ensure that no player is an island, and if any star player of theirs is, they work tirelessly to get said player assistance. Players in a different stratosphere to Rashford are being given far better teammates:

- Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappè, LewandowskI, Benzema, Haaland a veritable who’s who of the past 5 years, have all been backed, supported and aided by the kind of players Rashford can only dream of playing with. Kane is the only player in that top bracket of forwards who was said to carry a team, and even then, he had Son to work with, Rashford doesn’t even get that. It’s just a fact that good or top clubs make life as easy as possible for their players, but what do we do? We make Rashford a single point failure last season and exacerbate it the next season, and none of you comment on it? The same goes for Casemiro; he goes from an elite midfield that caters for each player and their foibles, to our mess, carries it for as long as he can, then capitulates, but he’s to blame, and not the cloggers he’s being overworked next to? Name a giant club that isolates an elite midfielder like we do.

Rashford should not be carrying our striking burden. We had Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez here once upon a time and the manager still sought to add more firepower. To a man those are superior players to Rashford, and yet they had each other plus an unneeded Bulgarian thrown in for good measure. Incidentally, it’s no coincidence we looked an entirely different outfit with Martial and Greenwood alongside Rashford where any weaknesses in any of their respective game was covered by another in the forward line. Now? We have a very raw kid at point and a non entity (whoever plays there) on the right. Rashford’s blind alley football looks so much worse because nobody else comes close to picking up the baton or sharing the load; this solo superhero gig is for a select few, and even then, extremely ill-advised (as above), and I can’t believe Rashford gets dug out for it.

The deviation this season is his exact same game as last season isn’t working out, but where’s the contingency? Where is the remainder of the 4*4 relay unit every team worth its salt has? When these other top players get to pass the baton on to an able match winner, where’s Rashford‘s?
I see your point but in terms of a team mate helping Rashford, I am not sure there is one better suited to it than Bruno. This player has quite a lot of downsides (lets not get into that) but in terms of being able to make a player like Rashford shine, it isn't easy to find a better one.

I think, this point is served better when pointing out that Rashford never had any team mates to really take his burden, be it for a few weeks or so. All our attacking signings in the last years were failures, except for maybe Ibra who I thought was a positive factor for Rash but those times are long gone. It is a shame, that Martial carreer turned out the way it did, him and Rashford suited each other quite well.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2015
Playing the same for England as he does for us. Running into players and looking pretty frustrated.

The goal he scored for us against Arsenal from a long run and cutting across to shoot was the same as the one for England recently. It's very rare they come off but look great when they do. He's mostly ineffective right now.


No 6-pack, just 2Pac
Oct 20, 2014
Ole's ipad
4-4-2 classic
Peak level: 2007 Ronaldo
Bottom level: 2009 Obertan playing with one shoe missing


scored 25-30 goals a season as a right footed RW
Feb 7, 2005
I think that he’s fallen out with ETH. His body language indicates that he doesn’t enjoy being out there on the field.

I’d have a permanent grin on my face if I was being paid £300k a week to kick a ball around.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
I see your point but in terms of a team mate helping Rashford, I am not sure there is one better suited to it than Bruno. This player has quite a lot of downsides (lets not get into that) but in terms of being able to make a player like Rashford shine, it isn't easy to find a better one.

I think, this point is served better when pointing out that Rashford never had any team mates to really take his burden, be it for a few weeks or so. All our attacking signings in the last years were failures, except for maybe Ibra who I thought was a positive factor for Rash but those times are long gone. It is a shame, that Martial carreer turned out the way it did, him and Rashford suited each other quite well.
Rashford proved he could play actual combination football with Martial; that dribbling blind is something we thrust upon because previously it resulted in goals as he was finishing those chances. If we’re honest, the concern this season is almost purely about him not scoring, over how greedy/mindless he is; during his golden period of form how many complaints about the way he plays football could be found, and even then, how quickly would they be drowned by others citing his goal scoring stats?

No team of any measure leaves all its goal scoring to one man. That’s a foundation built on balsa wood, and unless you have a very special player, one that’s bound to fail; we’re not supporting the load or aiding him in getting through his slump; we’re compounding the woe and then he tries doubly hard, resulting in even more blind alley runs and ‘mindless’ plays.

The Bruno you’re referring to hasn’t been seen since that triumvirate I mentioned, whom he had a field day feeding as they created spaces and chaos he could easily exploit. A player of the profile Martial used to have is what we know Rashford shines playing with. There’s a massive burden on him alone at the minute, and it doesn’t seem to get the attention it should as that should never, ever happen at a top club, and I’ll cite those forwards, all of whom are levels above Rashford, who are all far better supported than he is here.


Full Member
May 14, 2012
Beyond the Wall
I think he has fantastic attributes but what he needs is a huge refinement in his game. When to pass/dribble etc. He's an instinctive player that almost always does the most silly things on the pitch. Things like running it out of play and running into players brainlessly.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2015
What do you expect from Southgate?

At Utd he only had LvG who used to have certain instructions for his players.
Jose - Do whatever you want
Ole - Do whatever you want
Rangnick - Can the season end already?
ETH - I don't know what I'm doing
I don't think it's as black and white as that.
I am sure each manager provides a different degree of instructions and freedom.
But it is also a question of a player's capacity of understanding and willingness to follow through.
Could also be that a manager either adapts or forces the instructions based on what the player is suited to.

I think Rashford was maybe more suited for what LVG or Ole requested, but was more receptive to LVG's instructions.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
Better yes, but 'very far' above in ability based on what? Why do people see Rashford as elite?
I suppose they watch him and form an opinion. He’s been unplayable at times. He’s played very poorly a lot of other times as well. Probably we should get rid of him. But I am just not having it that he isn’t brilliant. The problem is he doesn’t play to his capability enough.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
I don't think it's as black and white as that.
I am sure each manager provides a different degree of instructions and freedom.
But it is also a question of a player's capacity of understanding and willingness to follow through.
Could also be that a manager either adapts or forces the instructions based on what the player is suited to.

I think Rashford was maybe more suited for what LVG or Ole requested, but was more receptive to LVG's instructions.
Yeah all of that is fair comment but the main problem is himself. I couldn’t tell you why but he’s a shadow of his self from last season. The guy has torn it up against top defences on many occasions but he can’t sustain it.