Television RedCafe's Favourite TV Shows Of All Time Contest (THE RESULTS)

Big GoT fan but I don’t think this even made my list purely because of how drastically it fell off a cliff. Was pretty trash from season 5 onwards and seasons 7 & 8 were awful, culminating in probably the worst ending of all time. At its peak it was probably the biggest series ever, but it’s legacy has taken a beating since.
6th season was absolutely incredible with some of the best episodes in the entire show, and the finale is the best episode ever.

The last two seasons were spectacularly bad though, almost like bad fan fiction.
I doubt anyone under the age of 20 right now has any interest in it unless it's their 40 year old dads still sat watching yellow cartoon guy saying D'oh for the last 30 years.

Bolded bit is incredibly reductive and you know it. I forgot how much of a big depresso you are when you enter threads.
Cant take any show seriously that pulls the rug from under its viewers in the way GoT does.

They had the option for more episodes and more time and they chose to show contempt for the fans and just rush through 6 steaming piles of shit.

A lot of shows decline and it's normal but it's rare to watch something and think the writers were paid to intentionally sabotage and completely burn it to the ground to the point a parody would look better. It would have taken someone who absolutely hated every single fan of the show to make Jaime Lannister say a line like "I never really cared about them" after that entire series. Couldn't hate the show more after that ending if I tried and that's from someone who pretty much has every single scene of at least the first four seasons memorized.
Bolded bit is incredibly reductive and you know it. I forgot how much of a big depresso you are when you enter threads.
It is what it is. If you mean I don't sugarcoat things unnecessarily then yeah, I'm ok with it. It's hardly surprising to see a show like that being super popular in a forum where the average age is like mid 40s.
True Detective made it to top 20 on the back of one (of three) series. Just one. Surely GoT had more than one series that would top most dubious selections in this top 20 so far?
True Detective's one series was a complete, self contained story. It didn't matter that the second series was bad. Same with Blackadder having a bad first season, it didn't hurt the later ones. I find it pretty hard to care about any of Game of Thrones now. The bad seasons hurt the good ones much more. Doesn't help that these looming threats that add jeopardy in early seasons turned out to be such a damp squib. There was always a mystery box, anticipation element to the show that needed a payoff.
If you haven't seen episodes like King-Size Homer, Mr. Plow or Deep Space Homer at least 20+ times I don't know what you do in this thread.
No. 9 - Black Adder
Total Points: 106
Number Of Lists: 21
Highest Position: 1
Voter Of Highest Position: @Withnail @justsomebloke


It's testament to just how bloody good this show is that it made 9th on a forum where half the users probably weren't born when it came out. Still brilliant after all these years.
Oh thank feck it’s not number 1.
One of my favourite shows ever. Those last 8 episodes were just the best TV I have ever seen.

Compared to 1&2, this was only in a handful of lists as number 1 yet wasn't too far off, points-wise, to number 2...
So it’s between The Wire and The Sopranos. As it should be.
So it’s between The Wire and The Sopranos. As it should be.
Mad Men is better than both. The Sopranos possibly the most overrated show of the list.
No. 3 - Breaking Bad
Total Points: 282
Number Of Lists: 41
Highest Position: 1
Voter Of Highest Position: @Dirty Schwein @Dumbstar @Globule @amolbhatia50k @Golden Nugget


Incredible show. Whether people think it's overrated or underrated is on them really. Show can't help how people talk about it.

Amazing character development and superb acting from Cranston all the way through. It's a generational show but just not quite at the level of the top 2. Right position imo. Ozymandias one of the best episodes ever. And Crawl Space. Every character in the universe had so much depth, their motivations felt real and everything had a purpose. Love it.
No. 2 - The Sopranos
Total Points: 308
Number Of Lists: 39
Highest Position: 1
Voter Of Highest Position: @Solius @Parma Dewol @11101 @hobbers @Tom Van Persie @The Cat @onemanarmy @Old Ma Crow @P-Ro @youngrell @Cole9 @Roosney @caid @njred @Bobade @Twins @Zen86


No. 1 - The Wire
Total Points: 345
Number Of Lists: 41
Highest Position: 1
Voter Of Highest Position: @massi83 @1950 @harshad @Damien @e.cantona @Greyfog @Ian Reus @oneniltothearsenal @Stobzilla @Massive Spanner @FreakyJim @Eriku @KirkDuyt

Haven't seen Sopranos but The Wire is very good. Not my favourite but it's an excellent show.
The psychology of criminality vs the sociology of criminality. I lean slightly in favor of the Sopranos but there’s really nothing in it, both worthy winners.
I think the top 10 is full of shows that are clearly very well regarded amongst most places and the top 5 especially can all have arguements for being the best show.
And that's your lot for another year. Thank you to everyone who voted/discussed/moaned... these contests would be pointless without you guys.

I'll be back next year with a music related one (not sure if it's albums, songs or musicians).
The Wire was my number one until I re-watched The Sopranos recently and remembered how genius it is. It's also just incredibly funny. Funnier than some comedies.

James Gandolfini and Tony Soprano are eternally one and the same. The little mannerisms, the breathing, the childishness, all whilst being such a threatening, complex person. Just terrific acting. His argument with Edie Falco in Whitecaps is incredible from both.

Some of the best supporting characters too. Chris, Paulie, Sil, Livia, Junior, Bobby. I actually hated Livia on my first watch but on second watch I found her less irritating and just quite funny.
And that's your lot for another year. Thank you to everyone who voted/discussed/moaned... these contests would be pointless without you guys.

I'll be back next year with a music related one (not sure if it's albums, songs or musicians).
Thanks for putting on a great show! I would particularly like to comment how utterly fair and ethical the entire contest was!
As for The Wire, just an absolutely brilliant portrayal of the systems in our society. It was the first show I watched that truly had no good/bad characters. You rooted for drug dealers and murderers, you hated some of the police, corruption is rife in every area. There are good people in everything but they're overwhelmed by how life works.

So much of it still holds true to this day, and if anything my second watch just made me feel so cynical about the world. Certain things just function the way they do and you cannot change that.
Thanks for all the hard work putting this together @Dirty Schwein

The music one is going to be so polarised I think e-fists might be thrown.
Thanks for the great work @Dirty Schwein put into all of this. Had a lot of fun.
But I’m still mad because of Frasier.