Mason Mount | Confirmed

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Full Member
Oct 2, 2021
Hope to be proven wrong but I don't have any real expectation with this. We've signed Mount and funded Chelsea buying Caicedo. Feels like it should have been the other way around.
What makes Caicedo so much better than someone who was a key player in a CL winning team?


Last Man Standing 2 finalist 2023/24
Jan 9, 2023
I have seen stupid takes on the cafe. This one is number one. By this stupid logic Gabriel Jesus is a better striker than Harry Kane.
Stupid take, but between City and United who have a better player, Bruno or Bernardo Silva?
Football is a team sport, team sport needs everyone pulling their weight on winning the team trophy. If you are so much inclined to personal accolades then maybe you need a one man sport like golf, tennis or athletics.
Liverpool dominated with Henderson, Gini Wijnaldum not fanfared players but players who delivered when it mattered most.

And by the way, if Jesus wins a league with Arsenal what will Kane have over him? Nothing, just fans arguing on such forums like us, but the genuine accomplishment will be with the player himself and I'm 100% sure you know who will be more happy and content with his career.

One reason why as United we are so behind is this narrative that our players will come out well in the future, by the way, in the team ETH found without his signings only Rashy, Shaw should remain in this team if we want to achieve anything tangible.
And even for Shaw, time is running out especially on his mental collapses when things go bad.

As Ralf said, we need 11 new players. And yes ETH will have 10-11 new players in like 18 months. Give it time you'll see it.

And I'm 100% convinced ETH will deliver the goods because under the radar, with Mount now he will have signed 3 midfielders by himself, add Sabizter on loan if you want that's 4 midfielders.

I've said countless time midfield is our biggest issue.
Yet again our first signing will be a midfielder.. Under the radar ETH has alsoshown that he see's midfield as our biggest problem, now we will have 3 midfielders he has signed himself with estimated cost of around 110m.

Sabizter on loan..

He's signed
1 defender - Martinez,
1 winger - Antony
1 Striker - Wout on loan
But 4 midfielders.

We still need another midfielder by the way. A football recycler and ball controller.

As I said in February, a midfield overhaul is paramount and essential, and ETH is proving that as we move forward.
Meaning he knows the symptoms of our problem
He might get the cure of our ailments wrong (by signing a wrong player) but the fact remains by his action and club action they have accepted midfield is our biggest problem with the investment done to date.

It might take a little longer but with midfield overhaul in few windows our play will develop into modern play. All these pseudo players won't be near our club in 18 months.


Full Member
Jun 8, 2004
Happy with signing a youngish technically elegant, hard working midfielder. Good range of passing and underrated dribbler. Will hopefully link up well with rest of the team. And some goals too. Will be hungry to prove himself after last season both for club and country

Wing Attack Plan R

Full Member
Jul 12, 2019
El Pueblo de la Reyna de los Angeles
Not sure what to make of mount. ETH wanted him, but ETH wanted Martinez and Antony, the former being a amazing signing, the latter no so much.

Remains to be seen which sidw Mount falls on. Hopefully ETH gets his keeper and striker of choice.

Know we lack some squad depth, but would be good to see the full ETH philosophy on the pitch.
Martinez and Antony were both unproven in the Prem, whereas Mount was Chelsea’s POTY twice and won the CL with them. Big difference.There’s nowhere near the risk, the pressure will not be as intense (remember all the talk about Martinez being too short?), and Mount won’t have the Maguire curse of wearing the armband. Mount is more of a winner than most in our squad.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2014
Incredibly disappointed that we landed a player the manager wanted. It's obvious that *insert flavour of the month* would suit us much better, and that I definitely know better than the manager which players he needs to execute his vision.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
To win big trophies a club needs to spend big. We overpaid for Maguire and Antony, neither of whom are on the genius buy of all time list, but the amount we just spent on Mason actually feels about right.

But we shall see if the man produces the product.
I agree we need to spend I just think if we’re struggling as much as the media are saying we are then I think the money could’ve been better used elsewhere.

Excited to see what ETH does with him though.. he seems a very well rounded player.


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
Finally some movement. Now get Onana and a striker, maybe also Caicedo.

Andre Kagawa

New Member
Jun 24, 2013
How are we signing a striker when we've already spent more than half our reported budget on Mount?


Dec 19, 2011
Not sure where this puts this post from 2 years ago :nervous:
I think you might have been right if we didn’t sign him. Instead he would be unsellable and barely playing in 3-4 years and us fans would be saying ‘why are we so bad at selling players?’.


New Member
Feb 24, 2023
What makes Caicedo so much better than someone who was a key player in a CL winning team?
Cause he plays for the hipster team Brighton and isn't English, which apparently means you're shit.

Mount might not be a star, but he will be a solid player who does all the basics well. He'll be high energy and has decent productivity. Look forward to seeing how he fits in.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
That's a ton of hyperbole for people not acting like signing Mason Mount is like signing prime Zidane
Yeah because obviously the only problem with these posts is that they aren't wanking Mount off.

So underwhelming.

£60m for Mason bl***dy Mount.

We fought tooth and nail this year for Champions League football so we could spend more and attract a higher tier of player.

Instead we are working with a limited budget and Mason Mount is who we blow a large chunk of it on.

Sorry if i sound like a party pooper, just really not happy with the direction this window is going.

Hope the club sale is wrapped up soon for all our sakes.
Hate this deal, hope erik knows what he's doing.
He is going to be a dud
There's a chance this goes down as one of our worst signings in many years. If Chelsea finish ahead of us next season it'll be incredibly embarrassing.
You'll see the first time we face a decent team.
We've just funded their purchase of Caicedo, who is already a better player than Mount, who is a Lingard regen in my book.
I usually dont agree with many of your posts (i believe, maybe it is another poster with a similar name), but here you are spot on. An absolute useless transfer and 60m down the drain in a summer, where we needed to catch up. Another expensive (English) mistake after Sancho. We deserve to be where we are and watch City challenge for big trophies if we waste money like we do.
Once again Man Utd taken for a ride over paying for a player. Why then say the offer was final when they were going to increase the price. The clubs know that Man Utd will always pay over the above asking price.
We’ve been ripped off and given Chelsea the funds to sign Kanté Mk II.
We’ve paid at least 20 million more than we should for a very average player
Caicedo turning out to be the better signing is a realistic, unfunny scenario
£250k - £300k per week?! If this is true, then the club really never learn anything....
250k rising to 300k per week?! For Mason fecking Mount?!

Nah, feck that. Feck. That.

What in the chicken fried f**k?!
Agreed. This club never learns.
We wont be able to offload him with those wages after failing to make an impact here. As usual, more of the same
If true then no wonder he agreed personal terms with us so quickly. We are so bad at negotiating wages.
We pay English players shitloads for doing nothing.
It's a shit deal as potentially I don't see Mount ever becoming a key player in a team likely to win premier league.
And here I thought we have stopped giving out silly wages. No one other than United is giving him that much money.

We'll have difficult time moving him on if this doesn't work out. Just like Martial, Sancho, Maguire, etc.

Caicedo would probably end up the cheaper deal.
Moan, moan, moan. And the time between the first and last ones I've quoted aren't even enough time to play a game of football.

Criticism is fine, hence why I haven't picked up on any of your comments. But the ones where folk are just looking for something to bitch about like always? feck me, mate. It's bloody tragic.
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Full Member
Jun 25, 2014
He's a very good footballer, Happy to have him, he clearly chose us over a number of big clubs who were after him as well. not bad for a lingard regen


Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
He's leaps and bounds better than Mctominay, Fred and VDB. So that's something


New Member
Oct 21, 2021
Ontario, Canada
So you would sell both Fred and McT because Donny? He is completely useless for us so far. We have no idea how he will recover even. Even 5th place is too high for him as over a season 5th place mid still plays lots of games. If those 2 leave + Sabitzer, 1 player in will not be enough.
I would sell Fred and McTominay because they are potentially saleable. Donny likely isn't. And we need to sell if we're to fill needs at other positions. Still with our record for sales I would be happy if we could sell either one honestly.

dubplate warrior

New Member
Jul 24, 2015
What makes Caicedo so much better than someone who was a key player in a CL winning team?
Far more press resistant, can play as a 6 and an 8, more assured in possession.

This is an awful signing imo. It doesn't suit our tactical needs. We needed either a metronome or a player who can carry the ball.

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
Yeah because obviously the only problem with these posts is that they aren't wanking Mount off.

Moan, moan, moan. And the time between the first and last ones I've quoted aren't even enough time to play a game of football.

Criticism is fine, hence why I haven't picked up on any of your comments. But the ones where folk are just looking for something to bitch about like always? feck me, mate. It's bloody tragic.
To be fair, can you blame them? A lot of these posts are underrating Mount quite a bit, but let's be honest: the club's track record when it comes to big signings, transfer fees, and wages isn't great. I can see why a lot of fans would be nervous, especially given our budgetary constraints.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2013
I don't understand posts like these. Is nobody allowed to question the transfer fee / wages or have concerns about what his role is going to be in the XI?
People were told to stop moaning when we signed Weghorst. The fans will support him but the idea we have to be firm in support for every signing just isn't reality.

Many had concerns about Martinez and a couple months later everyone is happy. Ultimately Mount will have to prove himself on the pitch, like every other signing whether he's wanted or not.

Same has gone for managers too, Moyes was not the fans first choice and ETH was the fans first choice.

The negativity angle is overblown on here as it's perfectly normal discourse for a transfer at any club on a forum.

Fahad Jawaid

Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Useless signing, his best position is part of front three, that was where he played in the season Chelsea won the champions league and that's the position we have Rashford, Bruno and Antony plus probably Greenwood aswell.

We needed to improve on Eriksen with somebody who could control the midfield, plus provide us legs and physicality. We have been open all year away from home and having Mount will not solve that, nor he will control or dictate the play, we will continue to lose even more possession with him, Bruno and Casemiro which is something we all had highlighted was a big problem for us and wanted us to rectify.

In addition, he is a worse passer than Eriksen, the only attribute in which he is better is, goal scoring, but even that will also be impacted if he plays further away from goal like Eriksen and not as part of front three.

Funnily enough a lot of people are mentioning his pressing as plus point, we already have Fred for that. Every season you are suppose to improve on the squad but I don't understand the purpose of this signing, except just eating away majority of our budget which is already limited due to FFP.

Lastly I have never been impressed with him, whenever I have watched him or whenever Utd played against Chelsea, I don't ever remember him doing anything of note or somebody that put fear in me. England was also a worse side with him and only played better when he was dropped in World cup.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
To be fair, can you blame them? A lot of these posts are underrating Mount quite a bit, but let's be honest: the club's track record when it comes to big signings, transfer fees, and wages isn't great. I can see why a lot of fans would be nervous, especially given our budgetary constraints.
That doesn’t make sense when they wanted to spend more on a player who isn’t as proven as Mount


Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
Maybe ask Chelsea?
Chelsea aren't going for Caicedo to replace Mount. They are going for him to cover for Fernandez defensively and the thinking is we already have this type of player in Casemiro. We needed a midfielder who would offer more in attack and they picked Mount.


New Member
Sep 10, 2013
I believe Mason possesses a reasonable level of skill and potential, and it is worth considering that being a young English player often adds value in terms of transfer fees. However, I find it difficult to ignore the recurring trend where this particular club tends to make questionable decisions, resulting in overpaying for transfers and offering exorbitant wages. While he might perform decent I don't know I bloody hope so, but for me ultimately he might end up in the club's extensive list of costly signings that did not fulfill their potential.

Just to add, for ETH's sake I really hope Mason will be feckin world class for us because his recent expensive signing well that one turns out to be a turd. Expensive 90m turd to be exact.

Red the Bear

Something less generic
Aug 26, 2021
Yeah because obviously the only problem with these posts is that they aren't wanking Mount off.

Moan, moan, moan. And the time between the first and last ones I've quoted aren't even enough time to play a game of football.

Criticism is fine, hence why I haven't picked up on any of your comments. But the ones where folk are just looking for something to bitch about like always? feck me, mate. It's bloody tragic.
It's fair to call out excessive moaning but one has to call it how he or she sees it .

I firmly back erik and have supported all of his transfer business prior to mount but there's a fine line between supporting the manager and just being a creepy cult like say Rawk tend to be and it's only logical to question how a mostly attack minded player who presumably is going to play in the same area as Bruno Fernandes and who even his most ardent lovers concede is not world class is going to fit into our team and whether he's worth the rather significant fee.

I hope he makes it work, and he probably already has plans of what he wants his midfield to look like but as it stands, it's a risky move.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
Hope to be proven wrong but I don't have any real expectation with this. We've signed Mount and funded Chelsea buying Caicedo. Feels like it should have been the other way around.
Would be nice if West Ham could fund our move for Caicedo. Or Arsenal I guess, in a round about way.

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
That doesn’t make sense when they wanted to spend more on a player who isn’t as proven as Mount
Only a few of those posts were even referring to Caicedo, who plays a completely different role than Mount anyway.


Full Member
Jul 28, 2017
How are we signing a striker when we've already spent more than half our reported budget on Mount?
The rumor was that because Chelsea didn't need much payment upfront.

That's why the 60 million is a moot point. If it's 10 million years 1, and then 12.5 million the next 4 years, what's the big issue?


Geriatric lover and empath
Sep 2, 2010
MK Dons
Chelsea aren't going for Caicedo to replace Mount. They are going for him to cover for Fernandez defensively and the thinking is we already have this type of player in Casemiro. We needed a midfielder who would offer more in attack and they picked Mount.
Who do you think will replace Mount?


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
The rumor was that because Chelsea didn't need much payment upfront.

That's why the 60 million is a moot point. If it's 10 million years 1, and then 12.5 million the next 4 years, what's the big issue?
Reports this morning were that they wanted £60m up front? That’s a big fecking climb down if true.

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
It's fair to call out excessive moaning but one has to call it how he or she sees it .

I firmly back erik and have supported all of his transfer business prior to mount but there's a fine line between supporting the manager and just being a creepy cult like say Rawk tend to be and it's only logical to question how a mostly attack minded player who presumably is going to play in the same area as Bruno Fernandes and who even his most ardent lovers concede is not world class is going to fit into our team and whether he's worth the rather significant fee.

I hope he makes it work, and he probably already has plans of what he wants his midfield to look like but as it stands, it's a risky move.
The bolded bit is my main concern with this transfer. I like Mount and think he's a much better player than many here are giving him credit for - but I can't help but worry that we're ultimately going to try to pigeonhole him into a role he's not a natural fit for, as we've done with many signings in the past.


Full Member
Mar 24, 2013
Yeah because obviously the only problem with these posts is that they aren't wanking Mount off.

Moan, moan, moan. And the time between the first and last ones I've quoted aren't even enough time to play a game of football.

Criticism is fine, hence why I haven't picked up on any of your comments. But the ones where folk are just looking for something to bitch about like always? feck me, mate. It's bloody tragic.

Stop your whinging. You have a cheek calling anyone a moan. I don't think it's unreasonable to question £250-£300k a week wages for Mason Mount when we are supposed to be getting our wage structure under control after years of mismanagement.
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