Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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May the name John McGinn be stricken from any future “FDJ alternative” lists. Disgusting hack on a 16 year in a friendly with no intent to play the ball. That is not our way.
And, well, he really isn't that good. Nothing special.
I agree in principle but Fred is often weak and easy to dribble away from while McTom, while being a big unit, isn't very good at tracking runs and has no feel for defensive positioning. Expecting them to play defensive doesn't bring out the best of them, which then hurts the team as it doesn't have a fundament to stand on.

Pressing is good but we don't know how capable we are of doing it for longer periods as well - I mean, last year we didn't manage to do it effectively under Ralf. We shouldn't just assume that ETH implements it flawlessly from one day to the other.

Maybe to emphasize the point: I don't want to paint the picture in a way that ball winning is Uniteds main issue. It is one of many, next to composure and ball retention. I am not against bringing in FDJ. But I think bringing him in will not check all the boxes.

Agreed, I think there will be a learning curve for the team pressing, and also for Ten Hag to figure out how to get what is needed out of these players.

The difference though between no Frenkie and a Frenkie is huge. Could be difference between CL and no CL.
If he wants to stay, there's little Barcelona can do about it. From his perspective, this move might seem like a lose-lose anyway. He'd have to leave a place he doesn't want to leave and to forego outstanding wages in the millions. Not exactly enticing, if you ask me.

He's too young to do a Gareth Bale. Barca are forcing him out, if he stays still it would be career suicide, things just won't go back to normal, he'll probably be banished to the bench or something.

Killing your career over 17m and a chance to live in Barcelona is beyond moronic.
I‘ve said this before: the FFP hammer is coming down hard for Barça. Do not despair Muppets.
I think its the medias fault. They haven't breathed any life back into us in a while. Athletic leading with a "alternatives to de jong" story
Don’t blame the media, they’re pumping out the same stuff over and over again. Blame your mentalities for not being able to stay patient to the end
I love De Jong as a player but would be lying if I said I'm loving FDJ's attitude

He's walking on eggshells trying not to piss off Barca. Just publicly state that Barca are conning him out of his wages and he wants to leave, lawsuit otherwise. But seems like he's clinging onto the hope that some arrangement is sorted and he gets to stay.

Maybe something else is going on behind the scenes but I don't understand why he is so reluctant to burn bridges.

Walking on eggshells? He doesn't want to leave, he isn't going to come out and say the club are conning him when he wants to stay there. This saga is very tiring for all involved and it's the same thing being repeated over and over again. The 17mil owed keeps being parroted but the evidence thus far suggests Frenkie and his agents know they have no legal case and his main concern is staying at Barca.

He won't be benched because he refused to leave but he will face competition from Gavi/Kessie this season. Frenkie is a confident type though so I'm sure he backs himself.

Also, how is he killing his career? CL, strengthening heavily this summer, playing at his dream club, beautiful city with a chance at trophies. He'll make a lot more than 17million also on his current contract. The ball is firmly in his court. People keep believing everything these journalists write, big bad Barca are abusing Frenkie so why does he want to stay? Why do players still want to join that scummy club? Maybe because the media have no idea whats actually going on and like making up stories?

Barca leaked stories to their media to try force an exit as Frenkie 1. doesn't really have a place in the 433 midfield Xavi is looking for and 2. his wages break the new wage cap. ten Hag saw an opportunity to try and persuade the player to join United as the face of his new project. Xavi, Laporta, United and ten Hag are all working to find a solution aka him joining United but the player is digging his heels in as he's settled and has no reason to leave.
He's too young to do a Gareth Bale. Barca are forcing him out, if he stays still it would be career suicide, things just won't go back to normal, he'll probably be banished to the bench or something.

Killing your career over 17m and a chance to live in Barcelona is beyond moronic.
Barca would have to play him if he stays though, he'll be on too much to be exiled especially considering his quality.
At some point they'll have to sit down with him and negotiate something workable for all parties.
Messi also wanted to stay...

and was he been as successful in his new club as he was in the club he wanted to stay in ?


But - it may be different for FdJ. He just wants his money from Barca before saying yes to the transfer. Can't believe he has said no directly to EtH.
The progression on this has come to a halt, I hope we get some proper updates after the el classico match.
Surely, surely you guys wouldn't just delete someone's account for being a little foolish??

Accountability isn't valued by you, eh? Besides, a good muppet drama always comes with some casualties...
We've all said stupid things on here. Besides, we've had so many dramas on here there wouldn't be anyone left bar noobs.

There's finally some meat on the Sacrificial Muppet Altar, and only Frenkie can prevent the seemingly inevitable. This is exciting!
@sewey89 doing what's best for the greater good, what an honorable muppet!

What's that about McGinn?
His name was used in a list of potential midfield options that would improve us. Thank god he fouled somebody in the game today so we can now focus on moral stuff instead of the actual intent behind the original point.
Wolves have set Neves asking price as higher than the fee we have agreed for FDJ so he is not a real alternative. I don't genuinely think they expect to get 100M for him, more that they don't want to sell and so unless they get a stupid offer they won't but in truth he would be overpriced at anything North of around 35M.
I get what you’re saying but £35m doesn’t get you much these days. I bet they’d let him go for £50m and that would be doable. This is only if FDJ can’t be got of course. We can’t carry on with the midfield options we have at the club now.
He's too young to do a Gareth Bale. Barca are forcing him out, if he stays still it would be career suicide, things just won't go back to normal, he'll probably be banished to the bench or something.

Killing your career over 17m and a chance to live in Barcelona is beyond moronic.
I'd do it. They need to pay me in small, unmarked bills though. I've had my feelers out but some time but somehow no one wants a fat 60 year old two footed winger any more.
Any of the other muppets joining the bet? Some seem incredibly confident that it's 100% going to happen. Time to put your necks on the line.

Could do a mass clearout and have a yes/no poll, whichever gets it wrong gets deleted :lol:
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