Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

For a production budget that size, it's good, sure. Staggering? Not sure if the extra pointy teeth are supposed to make me lose my shit.
Nah, they look pretty darn good to me.
Personally I cant wait for the assholes to start moaning again when they see the female Orcs in the show. I can just imagine the shite they're going to post. :lol:

It'll be interesting to see if they decide to flesh out the Orc race a bit and give some proper scenes rather than the usual "Me hungry, me bad" scenes in the Jackson films.
Nah, they look pretty darn good to me.

They look cool design wise, but if I'm gonna nitpick and I will, why the hell does the first guy has an arrowhead as a noseguard tied up/held with something, that will offer probably no protection if hit their and most likely actually do more damage as the arrow head gets stuck in your nose.

Why does the third guy have these jagged edges on the sword/scimitar, when he starts cutting and slashing there is a good chance the weapon will get stuck between the ribs, bones, ets. What then?

This is just another example of hollywood productions creating "cool" but practically debatable designs. And if my memory serves me well, most of the armors and weapons in the movies were actually quite solid also from functionality wise.
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Personally I cant wait for the assholes to start moaning again when they see the female Orcs in the show. I can just imagine the shite they're going to post. :lol:

It'll be interesting to see if they decide to flesh out the Orc race a bit and give some proper scenes rather than the usual "Me hungry, me bad" scenes in the Jackson films.
Moaning is all anyone ever seems to do at this point. People really just refuse to enjoy things. And then there's of course the next level of sexist or racist moaning which there's also plenty of so good times for all.
They look cool design wise, but if I'm gonna nitpick and I will, why the hell does the first guy has an arrowhead as a noseguard tied up/held with something, that will offer probably no protection if hit their and most likely actually do more damage as the arrow head gets stuck in your nose.

Why does the second guy have these jagged edges on the sword/scimitar, when he starts cutting and slashing there is a good chance the weapon will get stuck between the ribs, bones, ets. What then?

This is just another example of hollywood productions creating "cool" but practically debatable designs. And if my memory serves me well, most of the armors and weapons in the movies were actually quite solid also from functionality wise.

2nd Age Orcs are far more primitive than 3rd Age Orcs.

In the 2nd Age they would basically use the left overs of battles and fling something together and call it armour. Whereas 3rd Age Orcs were advanced enough to be able to forge their own weapons and armour. With these Orcs for example you can see that they're using hides of animals as their base layer and then 'armour' of any kind is a bonus. Probably almost like trophies in war rather than proper functional use. One of the helmets for example looks elven. In the high res shots if you look at the weapons, it's like cobbled together. One of the 'swords' is actually a small hand axe with a sword blade wrapped to the axe with leather wrappings.

This is ultimately the problem this show is going to have because the events that take place in this show and LOTR/Hobbit are thousands of years apart.
2nd Age Orcs are far more primitive than 3rd Age Orcs.

In the 2nd Age they would basically use the left overs of battles and fling something together and call it armour. Whereas 3rd Age Orcs were advanced enough to be able to forge their own weapons and armour. With these Orcs for example you can see that they're using hides of animals as their base layer and then 'armour' of any kind is a bonus. Probably almost like trophies in war rather than proper functional use. One of the helmets for example looks elven. In the high res shots if you look at the weapons, it's like cobbled together. One of the 'swords' is actually a small hand axe with a sword blade wrapped to the axe with leather wrappings.

This is ultimately the problem this show is going to have because the events that take place in this show and LOTR/Hobbit are thousands of years apart.

a) How do you come up to the conclusion that orcs are more primitive in the 2nd age rather than the first. There is nothing to suggest that. In fact if we go by some sort of technological advancements, we can see that the Middle Earth as a world is deteriorating, with the first age being the most advanced. The glory of the elves, greatest cities made. If anything I'd guess they'd be more advanced as there would be more gear left from Melkor's forges. But in general any ideas about orc culture and technological state throughout the ages are pure speculation, as Tolkien himself never wrote much about them. In essence the 2nd age is actually the least documented age in Middle Earth history.

b) There's primitive and there's stupid. Check out weapons and armors from primitive cultures in our history. They sure as hell didn't have arrowheads as nose guards. At that point it's better not to have a noseguard. You want your armor to offer some protection, not be a danger to yourself. Likewise with jagged scimitars. In fact I believe it's actually harder to make a scimitar with these jagged edges than a straight one. Hell, it might do more damage if it manages to penetrate armor (but a normal scimitar would do a lot of damage as well), however it's also very likely to get stuck and at that point become useless.

And I just to reiterate, I'm not saying these designs aren't good from artistic point of view. However, they are impractical. In warfare, particularly in Middle ages and earlier (where Middle Earth technological level corresponds to), practicality and simplicity are the main factor when creating arms. There is a reason that a spear has remained one of the most popular weapons throughout history. It's simple to create and it's really practical and good at what it does. And for some reason it's considered uncool and is heavily underused in movies and fiction. On that point, I wonder what weapon will Gil-Galad use.
Nah, they look pretty darn good to me.
Yeah mate I'll wait to see the live action version than go ga ga on hand picked images.

Either which, by and large the whole look and feel of this has been more Wheel of Time fake than LOTR universe.
a) How do you come up to the conclusion that orcs are more primitive in the 2nd age rather than the first. There is nothing to suggest that. In fact if we go by some sort of technological advancements, we can see that the Middle Earth as a world is deteriorating, with the first age being the most advanced. The glory of the elves, greatest cities made. If anything I'd guess they'd be more advanced as there would be more gear left from Melkor's forges. But in general any ideas about orc culture and technological state throughout the ages are pure speculation, as Tolkien himself never wrote much about them. In essence the 2nd age is actually the least documented age in Middle Earth history.

Because these will be wild and leaderless orcs, rather than a unified force. I don't really agree about the gear from from Melkor's forges, there's a thousand years between his defeat and the return of Sauron.
a) How do you come up to the conclusion that orcs are more primitive in the 2nd age rather than the first. There is nothing to suggest that. In fact if we go by some sort of technological advancements, we can see that the Middle Earth as a world is deteriorating, with the first age being the most advanced. The glory of the elves, greatest cities made. If anything I'd guess they'd be more advanced as there would be more gear left from Melkor's forges. But in general any ideas about orc culture and technological state throughout the ages are pure speculation, as Tolkien himself never wrote much about them. In essence the 2nd age is actually the least documented age in Middle Earth history.

b) There's primitive and there's stupid. Check out weapons and armors from primitive cultures in our history. They sure as hell didn't have arrowheads as nose guards. At that point it's better not to have a noseguard. You want your armor to offer some protection, not be a danger to yourself. Likewise with jagged scimitars. In fact I believe it's actually harder to make a scimitar with these jagged edges than a straight one. Hell, it might do more damage if it manages to penetrate armor (but a normal scimitar would do a lot of damage as well), however it's also very likely to get stuck and at that point become useless.

And I just to reiterate, I'm not saying these designs aren't good from artistic point of view. However, they are impractical. In warfare, particularly in Middle ages and earlier (where Middle Earth technological level corresponds to), practicality and simplicity are the main factor when creating arms. There is a reason that a spear has remained one of the most popular weapons throughout history. It's simple to create and it's really practical and good at what it does. And for some reason it's considered uncool and is heavily underused in movies and fiction. On that point, I wonder what weapon will Gil-Galad use.

a) Angband and therefore Melkors forges were destroyed at the end of the 1st age though, whatever gear remained from the 1st Age would be battle damaged or lost. The Orcs couldn't just snap their fingers together and create a whole new infrastructure to create new weapons and armour. Stands to reason that Orcs would use what they can. Now what we don't know is when the shots take place in the timeline, if these are late 2nd era Orcs then your point stands. If these are early era Orcs then I think it's fine. Context is probably important, for example the desert clad Orc is clearly a different tribe to the other Orcs in the promos.

b) The arrowhead isn't even a proper noseguard in my opinion. It's attached to the front of the helmet and you can see there's a good inch clear of his nose. It's more of a decoration than serving a functional purpose. I think it looks great, if it's meant to be a noseguard then yeah, it's a tad silly. But honestly, spikey armour in general is silly and we got plenty of that in the Jackson films. It is what it is. At least it's not as bad as the 80's and 90's fantasy armours!

As for spears, completely agree with that point. One of the best fight sequences in film is the terrific fight with Achilles vs Hector in Troyes. Love that sequence. I guess the problem with spears in film is that it's not really dynamic enough in a big battle sequence. Goes all the way back to the early Robin Hood films with the swashbuckling sword play that was considered romantic and fun. Spear fights are fairly dull despite being extremely effective and practical.

I really hope from a storys perspective that we actually have a specific group of Orcs that we follow along with the Elven, Dwarf, Human storylines. That would be really interesting and different. As long as they don't all have cockney accents mind.
As for spears, completely agree with that point. One of the best fight sequences in film is the terrific fight with Achilles vs Hector in Troyes.
This autocorrect has me giggling imagining some sort of tourism related fracas.
First Picard, then Kenobi and now this. Can't wait for it to be torn apart like the other two dumpster fires.
They look good it has to be said, in stills at least, how they look in live action will be the test.

I really hope they(Amazon) have learned from their mistakes with WOT.

Moaning is all anyone ever seems to do at this point. People really just refuse to enjoy things. And then there's of course the next level of sexist or racist moaning which there's also plenty of so good times for all.

And of course the moaning about people moaning.

National sport.
I'm not the life and soul of the party myself by any means, but I'm glad I'm not as miserable about my entertainment choices as some of you are :lol:
The arrowhead nose-guard in the helmet is clearly an attachment for sado-masochistic ass-eating, which was very common for orcs in the 2nd age. Ye obviously don't know your stuff.
They look good it has to be said, in stills at least, how they look in live action will be the test.

I really hope they(Amazon) have learned from their mistakes with WOT.

And of course the moaning about people moaning.

National sport.
The only good type of moaning.
The arrowhead is probably elven thus it will be sturdy, so as long as the helmet is braced properly it will do its job which is to deflect an overhand blow from landing a stunning blow on the nose.

The only unrealistic detail is that it is too short but they probably did that so as not to obscure the actor’s vision. also unrealistic is that it is an orc
The orcs look amazing.

From the first trailer and these shots this show looks WAY MORE like a true GoT competitor than Wheel of Time with it's poor sets and customes straight out of your local costume rental store.
Actually positively surprised by how the orcs look.

I still expect it will be cringe nonsense like Wheel of Time, albeit with better looks, but credit where due.
New teaser on amazon prime right now with another new teaser being shown on July 14th.

I'm in love with the visuals at least. So beautiful.
New teaser on amazon prime right now with another new teaser being shown on July 14th.

I'm in love with the visuals at least. So beautiful.
Not much to find fault with so far, hoping for plenty of dialogue in teaser 2.

Sneak peek:
I'm hyped for this. The more I'm seeing of this the more I'm getting convinced of the production quality. Hopefully, the show is, at least, decent.
the scene after Galadriel says the line, is that the first kinslaying that we're seeing? at least her memory of it?
I'm hyped for this. The more I'm seeing of this the more I'm getting convinced of the production quality. Hopefully, the show is, at least, decent.
the scene after Galadriel says the line, is that the first kinslaying that we're seeing? at least her memory of it?
It's quite fantastical. War of Wrath? Something to do with Morgoth?