Tennis 2022

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How does he promote that people should not take a vaccine? By not getting one or did he advocate that people should not the vaccine ?

He has on several occasions talked about how he doesn't believe in vaccines even initiating the subject without being asked but he has never to my knowledge advized people not to take it. His wife on the other hand has on several occasions and was active in the 5G conspiracy craze on several social media platforms. But he's not responsible for that, so it's irrelevant.

Djokovic is a massive hero to many young here. They try to emulate how he dresses, they have become vegeterian or vegan just because of him and this is all fun and harmless but around the time the vaccines were announced Djokovic was asked in an interview (I think it was in Danas) if he was excited about the vaccine and how it would bring back normality to the sport. He was quick to point out that he would never let any needle with an unknown substance prick him, he did add he wasn't a doctor but the way he said it he pretty much implied it was poisonous.

This did get a reaction from many people here in Serbia and other media outlets because of the influence he has on our young. Many felt, including some journalists that he should stop with the health guru shit and stick to Tennis.
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Djoko is sort of a Joker, the perfect villain for these crazy times. He is also full of sh*t, to be fair, and the nationalistic aggravation just adds to the sh*thousery. Having a PM and his government rushing to issue a persona-non-grata order against a tennis player, on the other hand, is so out of proportion to be just as incredible. Bad, bad situation for all parties involved.

For anyone who wants to watch the steam starting in around 45 mins.
This is Farage’s Gazza turning up at Raoul Moat’s standoff moment.
So it looks like based on the latest articles is that Djokovic’s camp was arguing a valid medical exemption was recent infection. Not another underlying condition which prevents him having the vaccine. Which is obviously bullshit and should never be deemed a valid exemption. I think that’s just nonsense and it smacks even more clearly of Djokovic trying to bend rules to suit him.

What do you mean by ‘it should never be deemed a valid exemption’? Are you disagreeing with the Australian medical boards that signed off this regulation based on the latest science? Are you an anti-science person?
The judge so far seems to be sympathetic to Djokovic's cause. Has suggested Djokovic did what he was supposed to do and questioning what more he could do.

Useful chain of tweets to follow. And the link has now died as too many people have tried to join the Zoom link.
My expectation of a judge is to follow the law or at least the laws intent.

Surely "he did what he thought he was meant to" isn't a defence.

The question by the judge was - what more he could have done to support hisa Visa claims. Djokovic did EVERYTHING he was told he had to do.
So not that he doesn't think he needs to be vaccinated but he CANT be due to a medical issue?


"His counsel Nicholas Wood notes in the request for declaration of vaccination, Djokovic has claimed he cannot be vaccinated on medical grounds"
IF this is true, why would they bother to file an exemption under the past infection route?
The question by the judge was - what more he could have done to support hisa Visa claims. Djokovic did EVERYTHING he was told he had to do.
Ahuh. I get that.

I'm just curious as to why a judge thinks what someone entering the country did is that important. What that country's rules ARE would seem more pertinent?

I don't think anyone doubts that someone said it's ok for him to come in (TA have basically said so?).
The stream is still down. As of now, the judge has sounded sympathetic to Djokovic's cause and has noted that Novak has done everything he could do. Still not close to reaching to the point if he is even allowed into the country on the basis of the exemption he used though.
So not that he doesn't think he needs to be vaccinated but he CANT be due to a medical issue?


"His counsel Nicholas Wood notes in the request for declaration of vaccination, Djokovic has claimed he cannot be vaccinated on medical grounds"

That’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is did Djokovic have all documentation as required in order to enter the country and play at the tournament? The answer seems to be yes. That’s all that matters to the court.
Ahuh. I get that.

I'm just curious as to why a judge thinks what someone entering the country did is that important. What that country's rules ARE would seem more pertinent?

I don't think anyone doubts that someone said it's ok for him to come in (TA have basically said so?).
I just don't think we're far ahead enough in proceedings to get to the actual rules of the country yet. He's just listening to the lawyers talk about Novak doing everything right from his end.
Ahuh. I get that.

I'm just curious as to why a judge thinks what someone entering the country did is that important. What that country's rules ARE would seem more pertinent?

I don't think anyone doubts that someone said it's ok for him to come in (TA have basically said so?).

Well I have no clue. This will go for much longer before the judgement moment. There is a lot more to be said.

I want Djokovic to play. He is starting with a handicap, huge one.
We honestly can't say what way the hearing is headed because we've only heard Djokovic's lawyers speak so far. It's on serve currently.
The stream is still down. As of now, the judge has sounded sympathetic to Djokovic's cause and has noted that Novak has done everything he could do. Still not close to reaching to the point if he is even allowed into the country on the basis of the exemption he used though.

Okay but that’s something they’re discussing only now. This should have been looked into at the time of Novak’s application. And if there were no grounds to grant him a medical exemption, then this should have been communicated to him before he even made his way to Australia.
That’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is did Djokovic have all documentation as required in order to enter the country and play at the tournament? The answer seems to be yes. That’s all that matters to the court.
One... chill.

Two, who said it was (or wasn't) relevant? I was under the impression that not being vaccinated was his choice (based on what had been published previously) but his counsel states it was due to a medical reason... hence a post saying that (if that's ok with you?)
Okay but that’s something they’re discussing only now. This should have been looked into at the time of Novak’s application. And if there were no grounds to grant him a medical exemption, then this should have been communicated to him before he even made his way to Australia.

Unfortunately governments sometimes can do whatever they want. It looks that even if he wins the case he will highly likely leave the country. I hope on his terms.

Obviously what is happening to Djokovic has nothing to do about safety or health. It is that he didn't comply to the rules that all Australians had to. I get why they are pissed and I get why government did not want Novak in.

What I don't get is why Novak didn't get a little jab so we are all happy and shit and can watch tennis.
Well I have no clue. This will go for much longer before the judgement moment. There is a lot more to be said.

I want Djokovic to play. He is starting with a handicap, huge one.
I've got no clue either, the input from the judge is interesting, not sure if because a different country or a certain type of hearing.

I'd assumed that ATAGI stating a recent +ve test wasn't a medical exemption would be the focus and not who said what and when. Maybe the judge wants to show he's listened to everything in detail and he'll get there eventually.
The excuse about not being vaccinated because of infection is bull crap, as far as we know he was infected in July 2020 and claimed Dec 16 2021 as the date of the most recent infection, so unless he’s been contracting Covid every few months unbeknownst to the public, that leaves a window of 8-9 months in the last year where he could’ve been jabbed. Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt that he was really going to get jabbed to play AO, when, then? The date of the first jab must be a few days off either side of the Dec 16 infection, and there are a 4 weeks interval between doses, he arrived Jan 5th, so according to his original plan, he would get jabbed with the 2nd side mere days before arriving and immediately start the tournament, which is on the 17th?
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