Fantasy Premier League 21/22


Full Member
Dec 17, 2012
ESR scoring off the bench two games running is just a massive piss take at this point.
As an owner he seems to be massively out performing what he should be scoring. I’m not really sure to do with him at the moment, but I’m hoping he will come into the line up this week given that he’s had his minutes managed far more than Odegaard and Saka.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
Interesting comments from Pep today re: team selection from the weekend...

I mean we know Grealish is a 'lad'. Is he dragging Foden along with him?
A dominatrix who claims to have been visited by a Manchester City player posed in a shirt which he supposedly gave her as a gift.

Mistress Estée boasted about a late-night sex meeting with the unnamed player following City's 7-0 Premier League thrashing of Leeds last week.

Whoever it is, it seems he was embracing the festive spirit, as he came bearing presents.

At least that's according to the dominatrix, who shared an Instagram post of her wearing a City strip and very little else.

The caption read: "He brought me a city top! I shown him the theatre of dreams!"

Naturally, her followers have begun guessing who the mystery man may be.

In the comments section of her post one person mentioned she had previously referenced the nationality of the player in the summer.

“Aaah, someone getting closer,” Estée responded.

And after another commented about players cheating on their partners, she replied: “Yeah exactly but the wf/gf must not live up to expectations.”

fecking hell Phil


New Member
Dec 18, 2021
Spurs and Burnley have got 3 games extra to play and United Leicester Brentford Brighton and Watford all have 2 extra games.

Worth bringing players in from these teams now for when they play there double game weeks.

And if these next few games get cancelled could be time to get rid of salah for upcoming afcon.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Foden taking trolling to a new level (if it's him). Got him in for a hit and everything. Ungrateful prick :lol:


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Spurs and Burnley have got 3 games extra to play and United Leicester Brentford Brighton and Watford all have 2 extra games.

Worth bringing players in from these teams now for when they play there double game weeks.

And if these next few games get cancelled could be time to get rid of salah for upcoming afcon.
What makes you think the afcon will stay on?


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
A double for all teams is sort of pointless though isn't it :lol:
I'm not so sure.

Two of the cons to using the BB in a DGW are that it often requires you to use transfers in ways you wouldn't otherwise (either strengthening your bench in advance or removing funds from your bench afterwards) and/or forces you to use your wildcard the week before the DGW instead of on the DGW. Meanwhile you often end up carrying some SGWers in your 15 anyway.

If all teams had a DGW in that GW though then a lot of that downside would be ameliorated. Spending transfers strengthening your bench would be less of an issue because we're largely doing that anyway due to the danger of Covid cancellations, readjusting your squad afterwards is less of an issue because you'd still have the second wildcard untied from the BB and you wouldn't be carrying SGWers either because there'd be no SGWers.

You'd possibly be getting 30 games versus non-BBers' 22 games, but with less downside than usual.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012

As someone who has already used the BB (because I think it's massively overrated in DGWs) this smaller DGW scenario would suit me a lot more.

What I lose in not having the BB in the DGW I gain back in a) the SGW BB points I already got, b) not taking the hits he mentions to set up my team as I only need 11 players rather than 15, c) being able to save the wildcard for the other DGWs and save hits there and d) possibly being able to us TC instead in 22 if there's an appealing option.

If everyone had a DGW though then I'm not sure there's any real edge for me to compensate with.


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
I've only got 1 eye on the dgw's this season. Too may other variables and too much uncertainty to plan ahead. I'm 75% playing to the gw in front of me and I don't see that chaging any time soon.

The only plus for all this chaos is it's made me less cautious about taking hits. Two weeks in a row I've taken hits and still come out with substantial green arrow. I say just go for it.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
I'm not so sure.

Two of the cons to using the BB in a DGW are that it often requires you to use transfers in ways you wouldn't otherwise (either strengthening your bench in advance or removing funds from your bench afterwards) and/or forces you to use your wildcard the week before the DGW instead of on the DGW. Meanwhile you often end up carrying some SGWers in your 15 anyway.

If all teams had a DGW in that GW though then a lot of that downside would be ameliorated. Spending transfers strengthening your bench would be less of an issue because we're largely doing that anyway due to the danger of Covid cancellations, readjusting your squad afterwards is less of an issue because you'd still have the second wildcard untied from the BB and you wouldn't be carrying SGWers either because there'd be no SGWers.

You'd possibly be getting 30 games versus non-BBers' 22 games, but with less downside than usual.
Yep, a BB, the week after a wildcard could be an interesting option.

Or use the game weeks in between to make sure you don't have any filler chumps on the bench if not.

Just very early to use it if it goes tiddies up, week 22.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014

As someone who has already used the BB (because I think it's massively overrated in DGWs) this smaller DGW scenario would suit me a lot more.

What I lose in not having the BB in the DGW I gain back in a) the SGW BB points I already got, b) not taking the hits he mentions to set up my team as I only need 11 players rather than 15, c) being able to save the wildcard for the other DGWs and save hits there and d) possibly being able to us TC instead in 22 if there's an appealing option.

If everyone had a DGW though then I'm not sure there's any real edge for me to compensate with.
I don't see how you plan to BB whilst surfing a wave of the pandemic. There's too much likelihood you won't get 15 out, even in a DGW. You'd be better using it in a smaller double or a single gameweek later on in the season when things have calmed a little.


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
That said reading that tweet above from Crellin he's basically suggesting to ditch Chelsea, City and Liverpool for 22 isn't he. It won't be viable with all the money invested in some of those players to get them back so I'd probably bench Jota, TAA & Cancelo of the ones I have (I don't have a BB either so no problem for me). I'd be prepared to lose Salah (but with the money aside to buy him back), Sterling and James mind so maybe I should start binning them off.

Fabian Keller

New Member
Jan 13, 2018
I'm stuck.

Cancelo TTA Alonso Reg (bench; Liveramento)
Salah Son Foden Raph Jota
Watkins (bench; King, Borja


Cancelo TTA Alonso Reg (bench; Liveramento)
Salah Foden Raph Jota (bench; Brownhill)
Ronaldo Maupay (bench; King)

what do you reckon?

Essentially its about Ronaldo. But i feel Son + Watkins is better than him and brownhill

I don't need to take hits. But damn, do we need Ronaldo? Son feels just as important