The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Made of cheese
Jun 22, 2020
no-one in particular
Why is he allowed to distance himself as if he was not part of it? He is responsible for what happened. Sure he was not directly inside the capitol himself, but without his speech there is no way these people would've stormed inside. That's not even taking into account the extremely shoddy security job which should be thorougly investigated.
Because the GOP need him to. They need distance from the event, so they want it to be brushed aside as the wild actions of a bunch of uncoordinated idiots ASAP. Obviously the GOP have leverage over Trump right now (whatever it is; but I would assume Trump needs them to not kick him out of office before the 20th), so this is how they're using it.

Inciting violence goes directly against our Acceptable Use Policy. We deplatformed Gab for similar reasons a while back. Shopify is probably the most progressive company I've ever worked for, very left leaning and progressive, massive massive emphasis on work life balance, mental health, individuals rights etc. I work in Vancouver and my role has always been remote but yeah great of the company to go work from home for everyone permanently. It's public knowledge that our presidents grandparents survived the holocaust and one of Trumps folks was running around the Capitol in an Auschwitz tshirt yesterday so I can assure you that keeping/getting rid of Nazi's on the platform isn't something that we're on the fence about or do/don't do to protect our reputation. It's disgusting, the company is vehemently against shit like Trump pulled and took action immediately. We can't just remove people because they're assholes and/or we don't like them but when something like that happens and it's a direct contravention of our terms then it's a no brainer and there's nothing to weigh up or take into consideration first.
So you haven't seen your pixel art? Damn.

Yes, that's my main takeaway. OK, no - good post, and thanks for clarifying. That sounds good. Apologies for my earlier cynicism, then. I'll redirect it at a random other company. ;)


No one is a match for his two masters degrees
May 7, 2012
Completely lacking any graces.

Probably be on a plane trying to get to a non-extradition country.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
Giant bitch. Not that he’ll be missed.

Wouldn’t surprise me if he announces he’s running for 2024 on the same day. He’ll be desperate to make the day about him.

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
Has there ever been a bigger cry baby in such a powerful position before? :lol:
:lol: Just to 100% seal that history will remember him as a massive fecking baby.
I'm glad he's not there. With people trying to move away from the shitshow of a term, him being there would make it difficult.

Except from his core hanger-on's, he's pretty much alone in Washington now.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Giant bitch. Not that he’ll be missed.

Wouldn’t surprise me if he announces he’s running for 2024 on the same day. He’ll be desperate to make the day about him.
Will probably hold a rally somewhere and later lie about ratings and attendance figures on right-wing echo chamber networks and airways.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
Does the Caf have a mega thread on the Republican Party? Would be interesting to read people's analysis and/or predictions on what the future holds for the Republicans.

Personally, I think their decline has accelerated and I'd honestly be surprised if they get a Republican president in the next decade.


ask me about our 50% off sale!
Nov 3, 2009
St. Helens
Does the Caf have a mega thread on the Republican Party? Would be interesting to read people's analysis and/or predictions on what the future holds for the Republicans.

Personally, I think their decline has accelerated and I'd honestly be surprised if they get a Republican president in the next decade.
Four years time when the Democrats have failed yet again to do what they need to do to keep voters turning out for them there'll be a Republican president, especially with the likelihood that they'll be going up against Harris rather than incumbent Biden being reasonably high.

Fully expect Dems to flounder for two years then a Republican Senate and House majoirty to obstruct for the last two.

Plus they won't dare go after Trump even though they absolutely should and that'll stick in people's heads enough to keep them away from the polls.

Please, please let me be wrong but it'd be typical.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
How does Nixon count? He didn't lose an election and have to hand over the office.
It's under the wording of 'outgoing President not attending inauguration.' So, technically Nixon should count IMO as his resignation was immediately preceding Ford's inauguration by a couple hours. He was, technically, the outgoing president in that sense.
- In addition to the public, the attendees at the ceremony generally include the vice president, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, high-ranking military officers, former presidents, living Medal of Honor recipients, and other dignitaries. The outgoing president customarily attends the president-elect's inauguration. To date, only five have chosen not to do so. John Adams, still smarting over the outcome of the election of 1800, did not remain in Washington to witness the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, his successor. In 1829, John Quincy Adams also left town, unwilling to be present to see Andrew Jackson's accession to the White House. In 1869, Andrew Johnson was angrily conducting a cabinet meeting even as his successor, Ulysses S. Grant, was being inaugurated.[14] More recently, Woodrow Wilson did not attend Warren G. Harding's 1921 inauguration due to poor health (though he rode to the Capitol with Harding), nor did Richard Nixon attend Gerald Ford's 1974 inauguration (having left Washington, D.C., prior to his resignation taking effect). -


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Does anyone have a link to Van Jones' comment on Trump's "concession" speech?

I've just seen it referenced. If he actually gave Trump credit for finally "acting like a president", I'd say that was uncalled for. You don't give that asshole any credit for reading some lines he didn't write off a teleprompter in order to protect his own ass - that has very little to do with acting like a president.

I stress that I have only seen it being referenced - hence the request for a link.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Has there ever been a bigger cry baby in such a powerful position before? :lol:
Probably. But those feckers didn't have Twitter. And - largely - they were just killed before they had the chance to throw major tantrums for all the world to see.

That's the glory of our age.

Erm...I suppose.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
per CNN: Hope Hicks is considering resigning.

She must have found someone else to prostitute to.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
I might "switch over" to the trumpers side just to post some BS to see if they swallow it.
I mean it can't be difficult based on what I've been reading on twitter.
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