I can work from home twice a week
Lets say I have covid & I’m asymptomatic, wouldn’t it be more dangerous for me to go into my office with 100+ people, some of them old, then go to my friends house with 3-4 people, all of them young?
I know, economy & that, but there’s clearly a double standard.
This lockdown is going to have dire effects on people’s mental health, especially if they live alone. Most people see their friends at the weekends to destress & forget about work, taking that away from people for a considerable amount of time is going to have consequences.
Work is far more essential for the economy and society than is seeing your mates so that is a false and almost irrelevant equivalency.
Nothing is consequence free but for most people not partying with your mates for a few months is something we can all cope with for the greater good.
And if your work requires attendance then they should be minimising risk.