The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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At what point does Europe (and the rest of the world) start to just cut ties a bit with America? I wouldnt want to stretch so far as to say "...and look to China/Russia for leadership" but yeah.

Actually, if anything, the decline of the U.S might be the spark that is required for the EU to start looking at closer federation, due to the necessity to become less reliant on any other superpower for protection.

It's not on the menu. I remember that some EU diplomats made the point that they have no respect for Trump and his administration but don't consider that it's a long term situation. They are not going to cut ties with the US based on 4 or 8 years.
It's not on the menu. I remember that some EU diplomats made the point that they have no respect for Trump and his administration but don't consider that it's a long term situation. They are not going to cut ties with the US based on 4 or 8 years.

Yeah true, im probably overreacting. Cant help but feel that if Trump wins a second term then this (i.e. their current attitudes etc) will be a long term thing.

And what Trump refuses to step down? There has to come a point where other countries say "enough is enough" - its just problematic because we all rely on the US for protection, but cant that even be relied upon anymore?
Sad but true. I suspect this was Trump's thought-process today:

'Great news about the numbers! Time for a fake news-press conference. Suppose I'd better mention f*****g what's-his-name in my speech...what was his name again? Oh yeah: 'Floyd George'...'Boy George'...'George Floyd'' - that's the one. Gotta remember it, gotta remember or people won't shut up about it. F*****g ingrates - just look at the figures! Even Joe Floyd would've been happy with 'em...No 'thank you, Mr President' though, oh no, can't have that...'George Freud', gotta remember...'
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Oh bugger off, Trump, you'd flog America to the Martians if there was a buck in it for you.
It's not on the menu. I remember that some EU diplomats made the point that they have no respect for Trump and his administration but don't consider that it's a long term situation. They are not going to cut ties with the US based on 4 or 8 years.

Which is of course the sensible pragmatic approach, especially when you've a complete man-child buffoon at the helm..

Yeah true, im probably overreacting. Cant help but feel that if Trump wins a second term then this (i.e. their current attitudes etc) will be a long term thing.

And what Trump refuses to step down? There has to come a point where other countries say "enough is enough" - its just problematic because we all rely on the US for protection, but cant that even be relied upon anymore?

But the bold is unfortunate. That we should be stuck in such a 4-8 year cycle because racist Americans have the voting power to dictate the reality.
Yeah true, im probably overreacting. Cant help but feel that if Trump wins a second term then this (i.e. their current attitudes etc) will be a long term thing.

And what Trump refuses to step down? There has to come a point where other countries say "enough is enough" - its just problematic because we all rely on the US for protection, but cant that even be relied upon anymore?
No I agree with you and have been thinking of exactly this. Why cant the rest of the world do that temporarily until hes gone. Why not?
Which is of course the sensible pragmatic approach, especially when you've a complete man-child buffoon at the helm..

But the bold is unfortunate. That we should be stuck in such a 4-8 year cycle because racist Americans have the voting power to dictate the reality.
Yea but making trump an exception? He cant get another term, he will be 10x worse.
In some ways, the full Trump quote is actually worse. 'We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen' - he certainly isn't referring to George's murder, is he?
And even if Trump, in his rambling manner, was referring to George being happy about the equality promised in the Constitution, that passage is hardly new, is it? And certainly not the work of Donald Trump. Not to mention that it's demonstrably bullshit - sheer wishful thinking at best - and always has been (as anyone rich person's lawyer might tell you in a moment of candour).

Apart from being notably crass, Trump's words are demonstrative of his heartless and self-interested mindset: 'Gotta pay lip service to that George Floyd guy. Let's get that shit over with, then get to the main thing - my fabulous numbers.' And then there's Trump's obvious attempt to get people to move on...and then there's making out that a murdered man would be 'happy', which is how Trump - in his endless self-obsession and vainglory - believes people should be because of his 'great numbers'. If this tragic episode were a comedy, it'd be David Brent being bewildered and somewhat pissed off that people were 'still thinking about the bad news' instead of the 'good news' of his promotion.

There's a method to Trump's 'madness' (read: 'technique') and it's not as incoherent as it appears: by portraying George Floyd as happy, heaven-dwelling and at peace, Trump is trying to convince his detractors to stop being angry, something that is making this obscene egotist look bad. To try to change George's 'message' (and we can all guess what his message to those responsible for his death might be...) is typically, shamelessly despicable. It would be hard for George Floyd to please Trump by 'looking down' when a thug was pressing George's neck to the ground; and he still wasn't as low as Donald Trump.
they had their chance to remove the twat before, but they fecked it up. No doubt a lot of people are regretting it now.
The Cheeseburg Address:
Mayor Bowser is grossly incompetent, and in no way qualified to be running an important city like Washington, D.C. If the great men and women of the National Guard didn’t step forward, she would have looked no better than her counterpart Mayor in Minneapolis!
Translation: 'Somebody criticised me; therefore, they're terrible at everything'.
Oh I agree. And it won't be just the U.S that suffers for it.
We all knew it was a bad move to make him president but no one thought he would be this bad or maybe I'm wrong. Hes so bad hes making me forget temporarily that my government is arguably handling this covid situation worse.

Have they pushed the Washington Monument over so it looks like Trump is standing straight? :D
Lean on me, chief.
*falls into bushes*
Kinda weird watching politicians do this song and dance of showing solidarity. When they are the ones with the power to bring about necessary changes.
He's one of the most virtue signalling world leaders theres been. Pathetic
Bez, of the Happy Mondays, talking to Shaun Ryder about Trump on tv yesterday:
"It's the equivalent of having one of us two as President."


What the actual feck? I despise Piers Morgan but he's been spot on about things recently and this is just batshit from Rudy G. Priceless.

:lol: :lol:

I actually interpreted this completely the other way round here! Think Rudy made valid counter arguments which Piers didnt really rebuff and continuously doubled down on his own (and many others) interpretation of this tweet. When you have to resort to calling someone 'unhinged' or 'lost the plot' you are insinuating that anyone that doesn't agree with you must be mentally ill. I certainly don't agree with all what Rudy says but for me he comes out much better in this exchange.
Shit you not, I’m at a bar right now and a black guy is here wearing a USA baseball jersey with Trump as the name and 45 as the number.
Not a fan of Bill Maher any more, but i think this is increasingly becoming a concern. We have some riots and protests and we get a glimpse of him thinking of using the military, wanting to class political opponents as terrorists and news editorials about killing citizenry that have been politically defined (no quarter comments by tom cotton) on the streets. All the fascism warning bells chiming in the background. Yet this all occurred BEFORE its likely sunk in that he's going to lose. We always wonder how countries slip into fascism, especially in democratic countries. Feels like we have seen how they lay the foundations.

What starts to happen in Sep/Oct if he starts to think it's over and he can't win?

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