Paulo Dybala

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Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Another chap with "CR7" associated to his username. Seems to be a pattern..

If you want to ignore the blinding obvious so that United have a better team on FIFA next year, then good luck to you. You've either ignored or not understood what I've written about signing galactico/ superstar players. City did it once. It failed. We did it once under Fergie, it failed. We've done it a few times post Fergie, it's failed every time.

Dybala doesn't want to come. This is the exact type of signing we should be avoiding as it's what got us into this mess. Even if he did want to come I'd doubt his suitability, but considering every single news outlet under the sun has said that he doesn't, its obvious this will end badly.

Woodward wants him for shirt sales. His representatives want him here for the money. He only wants to come because none of his preferred options want him. Avoid like the plague.
What is it with you and FIFA? Why do you keep bringing up the game when people argue they are for signing Dybala? Did Dybala or his agent actually come out and say he doesn’t want to go to United or are all the media outlets peddling the same bullshit? Every outlet under the sun said we would sign Bruno but have we done it yet? And please if you’re responding to my post please don’t find a way to say something about FIFA again.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2015
Nothing wrong with his initial wage demands. He's a borderline world class / world class player entering his prime. A club that finished 6th last season and is in the EL is trying to sign him. You pay a premium for that and frankly, there isn't another Europa League club that could sign him. The only reason it's possible is because United can afford his wage demands, and there is some hope that the club could possibly make top 4 in the near future.

It's also clear that United is not his first choice and he's being pushed out of Juventus. That doesn't mean he won't perform here. It just means Untied must pay a premium to sign him and I don't blame Dybala one bit for taking advantage of the situation. He could also just choose to stay and fight for a spot, but probably not the best career move since he has quite a bit of time left on his contract (3 years?).


Full Member
Nov 11, 2009
Why wouldn’t Dybala be hungry? He hasn’t fullfiled his potential, is seemingly being dumped from the team he loves and hasn’t established himself on the international stage yet either. This while coming of the back of his worst personal season. I’d imagine his starving!

He can still be hungry but not prefer us as his first choice. Who can blame him?we’re a state of a club at the moment. We’re not in the champions league and currently managed by a rookie.

However fortunes and cycles can change very quickly in football as seen with Liverpool. He can be apart of that if all falls into place.

Ps - surprised to see people placing him as a RW in these dream formations. Surely a false 9 or behind the striker?

Rish Sawhney

New Member
Mar 15, 2015
State College
Another chap with "CR7" associated to his username. Seems to be a pattern..

If you want to ignore the blinding obvious so that United have a better team on FIFA next year, then good luck to you. You've either ignored or not understood what I've written about signing galactico/ superstar players. City did it once. It failed. We did it once under Fergie, it failed. We've done it a few times post Fergie, it's failed every time.

Dybala doesn't want to come. This is the exact type of signing we should be avoiding as it's what got us into this mess. Even if he did want to come I'd doubt his suitability, but considering every single news outlet under the sun has said that he doesn't, its obvious this will end badly.

Woodward wants him for shirt sales. His representatives want him here for the money. He only wants to come because none of his preferred options want him. Avoid like the plague.
Yeah but none of that implies what I think you're implying. Players do this all the time. If he signs for us, it'd be his choice. He can very much sit on his contract or try to move to Inter.

Also while I agree that we shouldn't be going for players who don't want to be here the issue is more about commitment. If Dybala's mentally strong enough to buckle down and turn up for a job that wasn't his first choice but still pays well - most people are able to do this - then we shouldn't have an issue and his qualities are known to everyone. Also have some measure of trust in Ole who himself wasn't the most physical forward himself to be able to find uses for a player of his qualities. Add to that the fact that he and Pogba are tight and that he's aroung the right age - its a punt well worth taking. Worst case scenario he doesn't work out and we move him on to PSG/Madrid/whatever - but he'll have resale value like Lukaku.


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
People are really quite miserable in general.

Transfer threads never used to be this forensically detailed.

I mean, sure, people would track flights and watch obscure Chilean television shows in the middle of the night in the hope of a morsel, but there was always an inherent positivity to things.

We're getting Dybala, lads.

Yeah the atmosphere really isn’t as playful in these threads as it once was, probably due to our current standing as a club so it’s all bit more serious and desperate for us to get it right.

We’re not so much muppets anymore, because muppets are fun!

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
What is it with you and FIFA? Why do you keep bringing up the game when people argue they are for signing Dybala? Did Dybala or his agent actually come out and say he doesn’t want to go to United or are all the media outlets peddling the same bullshit? Every outlet under the sun said we would sign Bruno but have we done it yet?
Those are the types of people I stop responding to.

I’m all for explaining logically with rationale but if they can’t get past that, then I just move on...they’re the types that just pretend to know something instead of admitting they don’t know anything. I don’t get what’s so hard about that.

*Errr, I’m going to pretend like I know something and spew out random stuff as if it’s facts*

> “Lukaku hates Sarri and doesn’t want to go behind Conté+Inters’ back...I know no reliable reporters have mentioned it but trust me this is true”


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
I assume of he doesnt want to leave, which is his good right, then he wont move here. Good for us.

If he wants to come, great for us. Either way, this should be resolved today, as we have agreed everything with Juve, so at least no dragging on. We can only win


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
And if people are believing all the bullshit the media are reporting then they should also believe the fact that the papers say Ole actually wants him and he likes him as a player. Why don’t you believe that? He knows the history of this club and he understands the signings he makes. And he wants this player!

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
I assume of he doesnt want to leave, which is his good right, then he wont move here. Good for us.

If he wants to come, great for us. Either way, this should be resolved today, as we have agreed everything with Juve, so at least no dragging on. We can only win


Full Member
May 20, 2011
I don't understand where the rumours of Dybala not wanting to come here is coming from. Sure he might want to stay at his current club which he enjoys but if Sarri doesn't see him in the squad he is leaving. His agent traveling to London is the biggest indication that he has interests to move to United or he could have clearly refused or dragged the saga.

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
I don't understand where the rumours of Dybala not wanting to come here is coming from. Sure he might want to stay at his current club which he enjoys but if Sarri doesn't see him in the squad he is leaving. His agent traveling to London is the biggest indication that he has interests to move to United or he could have clearly refused or dragged the saga.
Common sense W - a rarity



New Member
Jul 27, 2019
What is it with you and FIFA? Why do you keep bringing up the game when people argue they are for signing Dybala? Did Dybala or his agent actually come out and say he doesn’t want to go to United or are all the media outlets peddling the same bullshit? Every outlet under the sun said we would sign Bruno but have we done it yet? And please if you’re responding to my post please don’t find a way to say something about FIFA again.
Well the same outlets that report that we are in talks to sign him are the same that say he doesn't really want to join.

So, why would you believe the first part, and not the second? Maybe the entire thing is nonsense, and we're not in talks to sign him at all?

You've chosen to believe the "bullshit news outlets" when the story suits you, but called "bullshit" when it doesn't. Why? Because you're desperate for us to sign for some reason. I note you didn't respond to my points about "superstar" signings and our awful history with it.
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Full Member
Aug 21, 2012
Not wanting to leave Juve and not wanting to come here after Juve tell him he's surplus to requirements are 2 different things.

He's 25. About to enter his prime and will be joining a great club.

He's not joining a retirement home.


Full Member
Nov 30, 2017
He probably doesn't want to sign for United but if Sarri tells him hes not in his plans he will go, and that will probably change his mind. People change their mind. Its a thing. Dybala could come here and absolutely love it, he doesn't strike me as being anything like Di Maria personality-wise. Plus, he is friends with Pogba which could help get this deal to come to pass.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
I'd love him here tbh. However, I see another club jumping in and snapping him up before we manage to get a deal done.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
He probably doesn't want to sign for United but if Sarri tells him hes not in his plans he will go, and that will probably change his mind. People change their mind. Its a thing. Dybala could come here and absolutely love it, he doesn't strike me as being anything like Di Maria personality-wise. Plus, he is friends with Pogba which could help get this deal to come to pass.
Pogba who is battling to get out?!


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Well the same outlets that report that we are in talks to sign him are the same that say he doesn't really want to join.

So, why would you believe the first part, and not the second? Maybe the entire thing in nonsense, and we're not in talks to sign him at all?

You've chosen to believe the "bullshit news outlets" when the story suits you, but called "bullshit" when it doesn't. Why? Because you're desperate for us to sign for some reason. I note you didn't respond to my points about "superstar" signings and our awful history with it.
Because info about clubs agreeing a deal is much easier to get and pass along than information about what a player and his agent talk about. Everyone is privy to deals being agreed between clubs.

As for superstars, we signed RVP, Rio and Rooney for big money at THAT time. They were superstars in their own right. We signed RVP when we had Rooney and Kagawa and sacrificed Kagawa by playing him on the left. It still ended up getting us a championship. Look all signings are gambles. We win some. We lose them. But given a chance to sign a superstar we need to take it.

You also forget the manager who was in place when we signed Falcao and Di Maria. His slow system didn’t suit their style. There was no expression of freedom from the these players and they thrive on that.


Talent Spotter
Oct 5, 2013
Unless Di Marzio, Romano or Agresti say otherwise, Dybala looks a real possibility at this stage and it seems he wants to join us. La Stampa, TMW and Cds are pretty crap sources generally and seem to be piggy backing of one an other.


Resident moaner, hypocrite and moron
Jun 4, 2006
Lifetime vacation
You're profile says "supports CR7." You sound like a complete Dybala fanboy. You're ignoring the fact that our main rivals have all gotten to the very top without making any superstar signings, but by only signing hungry players with the potential to be world class and developing them. The only time City signed a "galatico" esque player was Robinho, and look how that ended. They quickly learnt that this kind of signing doesn't work when you're in this part of the world, in a working class city that isn't in any way flash. Fergie also learned this the one time he tried such a signing in Veron, and this was never repeated.

Your post here, and all posts on this issue seem to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge on our history, the type of club we are and the makeup and culture of the city we're in, as well as the transfer strategies of the other northwest clubs who are currently dominating this league.

I can only presume you're so desperate for Dybala to join because he's good on FIFA, or something.

You refer to our history and talk about transfer strategies like they are set in stone. Nothing wrong with being a little bit pessimistic but if you’re going to highlight all the negatives then you also have to accept the positives without being sarcastic.

The hard part from United’s perspective is that we aren’t in a position to fully dictate our transfer businesses. Sometimes you have to go with the flow and take your chances to move forward. Transfers of this calibers is always calculated risks.

Last part. None of us know what’s inside Dybala’s mind at this moment. What he said about the PL and preferred destinations was in the past and things can change when opportunities arrives. It’s also part of human nature to hesitate when your future is up in the air, nothing wrong with him being a little bit “scared”. Let’s wait and see. If we give him time to adapt to the new situation things can change.

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
Unless Di Marzio, Romano or Agresti say otherwise, Dybala looks a real possibility at this stage and it seems he wants to join us. La Stampa, TMW and Cds are pretty crap sources generally and seem to be piggy backing of one an other.

Another W


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
Why would Dybala spread rumors he doesn't want to leave? Makes no sense. So he gets called up to a meeting with management.
"There is an offer on the table for a swap deal with Lukaku. We dont really fit our plans. Sorry."
He walks out and gets on the phone with his agent - "Ring the papers! Tell them I dont want to go and Im really sad!" "Oh and tell That Manchester place I want an extra 100 grand".

More likely he has been saying that he is settled and happy at Juve for years. Which he has been. That doesnt mean he hasn't changed his mind after been given the elbow. Its old news. If he comes its because he wants to come. No one has a gun to his head.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
What time is the Dybala photo op and unveiling?

PS : I might or might not be totally crushed if this deal does not go through.


Talent Spotter
Oct 5, 2013
We've even briefed our journos that we're interested and in talks to sign him. I doubt we'd do that if we thought he didn't want to come to us.

I'm reading this currently as us knowing he wants to join us. And we've decided to brief the likes of Simon Stone that we're in early negotiations with Juve and the players reps because we've got the 'yes' from the player.

If he didn't want to join us, then I'd imagine we'd have briefed something similar to what we did with De Ligt.


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
I’ll be more annoyed if we don’t sign Maguire, purely because this one still seems so unbelievably unlikely and too good to be true. That and the Maguire deal seems so much more easy to achieve.

Nakhon Phanom

New Member
Jul 21, 2015
There's also a rumour that Juve will include Mandzukic (spelling?? Croatia no. 9) as well as Dybala as part of the deal.
I know he, s 33 but still in decent shape and would be a good back up for the main strikers.


Full Member
May 14, 2014
Unless Di Marzio, Romano or Agresti say otherwise, Dybala looks a real possibility at this stage and it seems he wants to join us. La Stampa, TMW and Cds are pretty crap sources generally and seem to be piggy backing of one an other.
This. People should not freak out about fan accounts with their own views of other people’s news and sources worse than the sun.

The three mentioned above is great sources and none have had a negative view. It’s only natural that Dybala talks to the management before making up his mind.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009

You refer to our history and talk about transfer strategies like they are set in stone. Nothing wrong with being a little bit pessimistic but if you’re going to highlight all the negatives then you also have to accept the positives without being sarcastic.

The hard part from United’s perspective is that we aren’t in a position to fully dictate our transfer businesses. Sometimes you have to go with the flow and take your chances to move forward. Transfers of this calibers is always calculated risks.

Last part. None of us know what’s inside Dybala’s mind at this moment. What he said about the PL and preferred destinations was in the past and things can change when opportunities arrives. It’s also part of human nature to hesitate when your future is up in the air, nothing wrong with him being a little bit “scared”. Let’s wait and see. If we give him time to adapt to the new situation things can change.
That's a very good point. Sometimes we will have chance to sign quality players and those opportunities don't come often, so we might have to take calculated risk.


New Member
Jul 8, 2013
Why the feck are people still peddling the crap ‘his heart’s not in it’ Nobody knows what’s going on in his head; he might be thinking he wants to show Juve what they’re missing and become a great at the biggest club in the world! He’s not moving to fecking Fulham!

Tom Van Persie

No relation
Dec 12, 2012
Unless Di Marzio, Romano or Agresti say otherwise, Dybala looks a real possibility at this stage and it seems he wants to join us. La Stampa, TMW and Cds are pretty crap sources generally and seem to be piggy backing of one an other.
This. CDS and TMW are like the S*n and Express of Italy.
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