Paulo Dybala

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FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
What's the problem with wanting a 30 percent pay increase? Does not make him a mercenary. It also doesn't mean he doesn't want to be here. Hes heading into his prime, is an A grade footballer and should be paid accordingly.

Daniel James and AWB quadrupled their salaries (dont know exact figure)- I dont see them as mercenarys.
Just outraged for the sake of it.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
If that’s what you feel that’s cool. Just against people talking as if they know for certain he doesn’t want in because they’re speaking out of their you know what.

I’m just going by the signs and credible reports. Juvé’s DOF even flew into town. Not a fan of all this pessimistic gossip people are throwing out there. And I’ll call a spade a spade if it comes that he doesn’t want in. But that hasn’t happened yet and all signs *so far* point to him on his way out.
Mate you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of here, you feel that Dybala is happy to come to us based on what exactly? Juve's DOF flying to London? He's in the middle of facilitating the transfers of Moise Kean and Sami Khedira to English clubs so it's not like he specifically flew out to sell us Dybala. His agent flying in for talks? Again, that's just due diligence. Every credible report you're referring to leads with the idea that Dybala doesn't particularly want to leave Juventus and was originally happy about the prospect of playing under Sarri so I'm not sure why you're getting so upset about this. Plenty of players have made moves they're not particularly happy with because new managers simply don't want them anymore, it's just a fact of life. Does this mean he won't end up being a good signing for us if we get this deal over the line? No, but it's something to keep in mind.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2016
Wanting a 30% increase in salary to make it worthwhile moving to somewhere he doesn't want to be. Di Maria.

There are plenty of stories out there currently saying everything is agreed between United and Juve for Lukaku but Dybala doesn't want to come here.
Of course there would be, you can't have possibly the best piece of business in the transfer window without less than reliable "sources" claiming that the player has no interest in joining.It's all part of the game isn't it?

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
At the start of summer everyone is saying "we need to sign hungry players who want to be here and stop signing players who only come for the money."

Then, despite there being reports that not only does Dybala not want to leave Juventus, but he never had any illusions to play in the Premier League as it doesn't suit his style, he'd rather play for PSG or the Spanish clubs, and that he'll only come if we offer astronomical sums of money, some fans are still desperate that he joins.

Words fail me. Really hoping this falls through. The exact kind of transfer that has got us in this mess in the first place.
> sure keep your hungry players like Lingard and might as well bring back Fellaini. That’ll take us far. AKA there’s a balance that needs to be had.

> yes he’s obviously shocked that Juvé are shopping him and showing him the exit. That ≠ he doesn’t want to join us, they are 2 completely different things. Show where he says he doesn’t want to play in the EPL. And he’d have preferred PSG? I would have too considering they have CL football, better living, better pay. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t join United, it’s just that PSG were prioritized but they’re not in the market.

> Dybala is not like any of the other messes. Not even close. And definitely, him replacing Lingard as our starting #10 would be such a failure...


Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
I may be late to the party but why does Sarri doesn’t rate him?

If he doesn’t press from the front then is he good for ole’s style?

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
Mate you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of here, you feel that Dybala is happy to come to us based on what exactly? Juve's DOF flying to London? He's in the middle of facilitating the transfers of Moise Kean and Sami Khedira to English clubs so it's not like he specifically flew out to sell us Dybala. His agent flying in for talks? Again, that's just due diligence. Every credible report you're referring to leads with the idea that Dybala doesn't particularly want to leave Juventus and was originally happy about the prospect of playing under Sarri so I'm not sure why you're getting so upset about this. Plenty of players have made moves they're not particularly happy with because new managers simply don't want them anymore, it's just a fact of life. Does this mean he won't end up being a good signing for us if we get this deal over the line? No, but it's something to keep in mind.
Uhhh, no. Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. I haven’t said he’s “happy to come to us”. If I have, by all means quote me. I’ve merely refuted posters that are saying he’s unhappy to join us. 2 different things.


Full Member
May 2, 2018
At the start of summer everyone is saying "we need to sign hungry players who want to be here and stop signing players who only come for the money."

Then, despite there being reports that not only does Dybala not want to leave Juventus, but he never had any illusions to play in the Premier League as it doesn't suit his style, he'd rather play for PSG or the Spanish clubs, and that he'll only come if we offer astronomical sums of money, some fans are still desperate that he joins.

Words fail me. Really hoping this falls through. The exact kind of transfer that has got us in this mess in the first place.

Good player but if his heart is not set then we will have an issue.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City

Another report saying he doesn't want to join United. Just like di Maria. Is that not a parallel?
Corriere, Gazzetta and La Stampa are saying the same thing, it's just a fact.
He's having a sitdown with Sarri because he doesn't want to leave, and he's never consider the PL as his ambition.
If he were to leave Juventus, he's aimed for Barca/Real followed by PSG. England has never been his target.

Many things can happen, but his heart is currently not set on joining United.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of and Gourcufffanboysa
I may be late to the party but why does Sarri doesn’t rate him?

If he doesn’t press from the front then is he good for ole’s style?
He isn't center midfielder who breaks forward to score goals in a 4-3-3 and he isn't a natural winger. The two type of players essential to Sarri ball.

It has zero to do with his ability to press or not. Or his quality or lack. He simple doesn't fit the new jigsaw at Juve

Sterling Archer

New Member
Jun 30, 2016
Show me where he says this.

In the meantime, I’ll show you his wage request for United coming from Sarri’s right hand man himself.

And I’ll ask you why he’d make a wage request if he didn’t want to be here. Cheers.
I'd guess some of the stuff about him not wanting to join is from Inter, attempting to sway things in whatever way possible.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Uhhh, no. Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. I haven’t said he’s “happy to come to us”. If I have, by all means quote me. I’ve merely refuted posters that are saying he’s unhappy to join us. 2 different things.
Wait, so you're actively and aggressively deriding posters who think he may not be happy with the transfer but you're not willing to go on record and say that you think he's happy with it either? Don't you think that's a bit weird? Like it's one thing to say "I disagree. No one knows how he feels so I see no value in discussing this any further" and moving on with your day but you're out here on some crazy flex about Juve's director flying out and talking about Sarri's right hand man like it's supposed to mean anything to people who simply think he may be a bit reluctant to come here. What's your endgame here?

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
I'd guess some of the stuff about him not wanting to join is from Inter, attempting to sway things in whatever way possible.
Either that and/or just shit tier journalists making stuff up for clicks while they can until the real news leaks.

Now if a tier 1 says so, I’ll by all means be glad to mention it. But until then, I’m against feeding into the negative gossip machine...let’s see what sort of reports we get today, I’ll have my fingers crossed !


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
> sure keep your hungry players like Lingard and might as well bring back Fellaini. That’ll take us far. AKA there’s a balance that needs to be had.

> yes he’s obviously shocked that Juvé are shopping him and showing him the exit. That ≠ he doesn’t want to join us, they are 2 completely different things. Show where he says he doesn’t want to play in the EPL. And he’d have preferred PSG? I would have too considering they have CL football, better living, better pay. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t join United, it’s just that PSG were prioritized but they’re not in the market.

> Dybala is not like any of the other messes. Not even close. And definitely, him replacing Lingard as our starting #10 would be such a failure...
You're profile says "supports CR7." You sound like a complete Dybala fanboy. You're ignoring the fact that our main rivals have all gotten to the very top without making any superstar signings, but by only signing hungry players with the potential to be world class and developing them. The only time City signed a "galatico" esque player was Robinho, and look how that ended. They quickly learnt that this kind of signing doesn't work when you're in this part of the world, in a working class city that isn't in any way flash. Fergie also learned this the one time he tried such a signing in Veron, and this was never repeated.

Your post here, and all posts on this issue seem to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge on our history, the type of club we are and the makeup and culture of the city we're in, as well as the transfer strategies of the other northwest clubs who are currently dominating this league.

I can only presume you're so desperate for Dybala to join because he's good on FIFA, or something.
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Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
I'd imagine the negotiations you're referring to are due diligence on the part of his agent in case his position at Juventus becomes completely untenable and he has no other choice but to join us ala Di Maria. It would also give his camp a clearer idea of Dybala's real market value for any other clubs who decide to join the fray in the sense that they can say "United are offering [X] so we'd like you to either match or improve on that offer" ala Sergio Ramos and the other laundry list of players and clubs who have invoked our name to get better contracts/deals elsewhere. Dybala himself wouldn't even come into it until the latter stages of the transfer so your logic is pretty flawed here. That's not to say this report isn't bullshit, it's just something to keep in mind. Personally I've always felt that he doesn't really want to join us for example but it is what it is.
Yup, I mean it would be criminal of the agent not being part of the discussions and negotiating a salary subject to Dybala signing off on United.
Basically he makes 8 million Euros net in Italy and he's asking for 10million (so it's 25% increase according to most reputable Italian media) so that's not the stumbling block.
The issue is he doesn't seem to fancy the Premier League, its physicality and therefore we have to do some convincing on our end.

This will drag over next week, guaranteed.


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
Don't think this can drag into next week, must be sorted one way or another today.

Have a bad feeling after his meeting with Sarri he'll be manipulated in a low moment by his entourage to join us for astronomical sums.

Will be a big mistake, and end badly.


Wishes to be oppressed.
Aug 17, 2003
To be fair, Dybala is never a no.9, nor is he wing forward or attacking midfielder. He only plays well in traditional no.10 role, either in 4411 or diamond or similar etc. Last season we already see him struggle a lot in Juventus 433 formation, to accommodate Ronaldo. If we sign him we will either play 4231 or diamond, otherwise it doesn’t make sense to sign him at all.

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
Wait, so you're actively and aggressively deriding posters who think he may not be happy with the transfer but you're not willing to go on record and say that you think he's happy with it either? Don't you think that's a bit weird? Like it's one thing to say "I disagree. No one knows how he feels so I see no value in discussing this any further" and moving on with your day but you're out here on some crazy flex about Juve's director flying out and talking about Sarri's right hand man like it's supposed to mean anything to people who simply think he may be a bit reluctant to come here. What's your endgame here?
Look, after this I’m not going to respond to your diverting that you’re doing which is just becoming an endless circle.

There’s a difference between pretending to know something and not knowing something. I have said the latter. That’s all. I haven’t claimed he’s “happy to come to us” as you falsely mentioned. All I’ve done is clarify to people who are assuming and spreading that his heart isn’t in it for United or whatever.

Cheers man, and no offense intended!


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
You're profile says "supports CR7." You sound like a complete Dybala fanboy. You're ignoring the fact that out main rivals have all gotten to the very top without making any superstar signings, but by only signing hungry players with the potential to be world class and developing them. The only time City signed a "galatico" esque player was Robinho, and look how that ended.

Your post here, and all posts on this issue seem to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge on our history, the type of club we are and the makeup and culture of the city we're in, as well as the transfer strategies of the other northwest clubs who are currently dominating this league.

I can only presume you're so desperate for Dybala to join because he's good on FIFA, or something.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here so I'll be ignoring all his replies from this point forward. Man, I try to give modern football fans the benefit of the doubt but some of them really make it hard for themselves.


Full Member
Jun 13, 2007
Corriere, Gazzetta and La Stampa are saying the same thing, it's just a fact.
He's having a sitdown with Sarri because he doesn't want to leave, and he's never consider the PL as his ambition.
If he were to leave Juventus, he's aimed for Barca/Real followed by PSG. England has never been his target.

Many things can happen, but his heart is currently not set on joining United.

What heart

Only a matter of money...


Full Member
Sep 16, 2014
On the pay rise thing:

1. Of course anybody going to a new job or company tries to negotiate a pay rise.
2. I'd argue he has been underpaid in Italy.
3. Inflation in football means wages are going up.
4. Tax in Italy is less than UK so he needs a payrise to compensate that.

Nothing to be angry about. Doesn't seem to have a bad attitude or anything. Looking from the outside, he's always seemed a good character.


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
You're profile says "supports CR7." You sound like a complete Dybala fanboy. You're ignoring the fact that out main rivals have all gotten to the very top without making any superstar signings, but by only signing hungry players with the potential to be world class and developing them. The only time City signed a "galatico" esque player was Robinho, and look how that ended. They quickly learnt that this kind of signing doesn't work when you're in this part of the world, in a working class city that isn't in any way flash.

Your post here, and all posts on this issue seem to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge on our history, the type of club we are and the makeup and culture of the city we're in, as well as the transfer strategies of the other northwest clubs who are currently dominating this league.

I can only presume you're so desperate for Dybala to join because he's good on FIFA, or something.
The feck you talking about? The players City signed at the beginning of this decade were all “mercenaries” in their own right. Moving to a no name club with no history? They were hungry my ass. They did it for the money. But at that stage money was lesser than it is now in football. That’s why people balk at wages but that’s the nature of the game. Aston Villa we’re guaranteed 170m just for being promoted. That’s the amount of money that exists in football today. If City were signing Aguero today he would ask for 200k+ easy.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
He isn't center midfielder who breaks forward to score goals in a 4-3-3 and he isn't a natural winger. The two type of players essential to Sarri ball.

It has zero to do with his ability to press or not. Or his quality or lack. He simple doesn't fit the new jigsaw at Juve
He can easily fit in the Mertens or the Insigne role that were very successful for Sarri at Napoli. Neither are natural wingers or center midfielders that you seem to think is what required for Sarrismo.

No, the issue is that La Joya has stagnated and not really kicked on since his successful early seasons at Juve and the club hierarchy being ruthless businessmen are wielding the axe.

Look, he could be a huge success for us, but frankly I'd be surprised, especially if his heart is not set on joining in the first place. Let's wait and see.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
People are really quite miserable in general.

Transfer threads never used to be this forensically detailed.

I mean, sure, people would track flights and watch obscure Chilean television shows in the middle of the night in the hope of a morsel, but there was always an inherent positivity to things.

We're getting Dybala, lads.



Full Member
Jun 13, 2007
To be fair, Dybala is never a no.9, nor is he wing forward or attacking midfielder. He only plays well in traditional no.10 role, either in 4411 or diamond or similar etc. Last season we already see him struggle a lot in Juventus 433 formation, to accommodate Ronaldo. If we sign him we will either play 4231 or diamond, otherwise it doesn’t make sense to sign him at all.
The first reason is to get rid of Lukaku

Tactical questions regarding Dybala are in second place


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Yup, I mean it would be criminal of the agent not being part of the discussions and negotiating a salary subject to Dybala signing off on United.
Basically he makes 8 million Euros net in Italy and he's asking for 10million (so it's 25% increase according to most reputable Italian media) so that's not the stumbling block.
The issue is he doesn't seem to fancy the Premier League, its physicality and therefore we have to do some convincing on our end.

This will drag over next week, guaranteed.
No it won’t drag over to next week. Guaranteed.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
Can see why people don't want this transfer as he might not be motivated, as he was pushed out of Juventus and his first, second and maybe third choice wasn't ManUtd. Maybe he will sign as he doesn't have other options except stay at Juventus.

But people moaning about that 30% hike should get a grip. Even fecking Lukaku has got improved contract from Juventus, no player moves to clubs without getting better contract.

I was very excited about this transfer as we are offloading Lukaku and getting ready replacement but tbh I'm also bit scared that he might turn out like previous transfers.

Before the start of the window, general theme was we should go for hungry players who wants to be here, Dybala might not fit that.
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Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
The feck you talking about? The players City signed at the beginning of this decade were all “mercenaries” in their own right. Moving to a no name club with no history? They were hungry my ass. They did it for the money. But at that stage money was lesser than it is now in football. That’s why people balk at wages but that’s the nature of the game. Aston Villa we’re guaranteed 170m just for being promoted. That’s the amount of money that exists in football today. If City were signing Aguero today he would ask for 200k+ easy.

People are just saying random stuff and making it up as they go to fit whatever point or narrative they want to get across. I’m not even going to respond to that post honestly speaking...I don’t even know how or where to approach it haha


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Imagine player and his agent covering their solutions ahead of final decision, crazy stuff. Season starting soon anyway. His agent in advance showed his client demands to interested parties in case Sarri, or who ever feck in Juve tells Dybala that he doesnt fit into plans for manager, or board wants him out because they really want Lukaku, tones of reasons.

Clearly if its up to him alone he wouldnt move, so he went back in desperation for any signs of him being wanted there. If they, like i said, tell him that they rather see him move, he either says feck you, i am not living, gonna sit on the bench, dont care, or he turns towards interested parties and accepts already pre offers. Or you rather see nothing happening till he makes a decision and then his agent starts running a cross a Europe, offering his clients services.


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
People are just saying random stuff and making it up as they go to fit whatever point or narrative they want to get across. I’m not even going to respond to that post honestly speaking...I don’t even know how or where to approach it haha
How dare your profile say “Supports CR7”. What the feck does that have to do with anything?


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
The feck you talking about? The players City signed at the beginning of this decade were all “mercenaries” in their own right. Moving to a no name club with no history? They were hungry my ass. They did it for the money. But at that stage money was lesser than it is now in football. That’s why people balk at wages but that’s the nature of the game. Aston Villa we’re guaranteed 170m just for being promoted. That’s the amount of money that exists in football today. If City were signing Aguero today he would ask for 200k+ easy.
Another chap with "CR7" associated to his username. Seems to be a pattern..

If you want to ignore the blinding obvious so that United have a better team on FIFA next year, then good luck to you. You've either ignored or not understood what I've written about signing galactico/ superstar players. City did it once. It failed. We did it once under Fergie, it failed. We've done it a few times post Fergie, it's failed every time.

Dybala doesn't want to come. This is the exact type of signing we should be avoiding as it's what got us into this mess. Even if he did want to come I'd doubt his suitability, but considering every single news outlet under the sun has said that he doesn't, its obvious this will end badly.

Woodward wants him for shirt sales. His representatives want him here for the money. He only wants to come because none of his preferred options want him. Avoid like the plague.

Ole’s Wheel

New Member
Mar 12, 2019
People are really quite miserable in general.

Transfer threads never used to be this forensically detailed.

I mean, sure, people would track flights and watch obscure Chilean television shows in the middle of the night in the hope of a morsel, but there was always an inherent positivity to things.

We're getting Dybala, lads.

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