Massive moobs (planned for Christmas)
Just noticed Melania has no knee caps. Must be hard to walk. Poor thing.
Just noticed Melania has no knee caps. Must be hard to walk. Poor thing.
Is that Bill Mitchell in a lion costume?
GoldIs that Bill Mitchell in a lion costume?
Just a matter of time now
Just a matter of time now
If the president was anyone else but Trump, i'm sure Ginsburg would have retired by now
That would be a disaster. Never mind all the bad things Trump is doing right now, getting three Supreme Court justices (in possibly less than one term!) would have effects far greater and longer lasting than anything else he could do (except possibly nuclear war or catastrophic climate change).
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but she should have retired during Obama's term.
Surely Centrist Obama would have gotten another centrist in? Power to the people now, we'll have a replacement under the Bern
When the alternative is a crony who is hand picked by the heritage foundation, i'd choose a centrist any day of the week.
Yeah I don't think money would be Gavin's issue. Being married to Drumpf Jr's new girlfriend would however likely sink him since she would funnel a massive binder of oppo research on him.
unless he has done something wrong with regards in his official capacity, it would all be gossip.
Think Trump has made us immune to all the seedy stuff.
In the end it will be the platform he runs on. Having said that, should Bernie run, he has earned my vote. The eventually nominee will have to be pretty darn close to what Bernie stands for.
Also , "In God we trust" on the dollar bill, doesn't sound like a secular society to be honest.Its weird to have separation of Church and State written into the Constitution and yet still have this tradition of "swearing in on the Bible". I suppose its also archaic to presume that swearing on anything means much in modern cultures. More than half these Congresspeople should be swearing in on a stack of Federal Reserve notes.
If Newsom runs against Trump, whatever he has done, including that godawful photo pales in comparison to the orange moronstar. However, Bernie should really run. If he doesn't, someone like Warren that is agreeable to the grassroots
Just a matter of time now
Please make this post bigger, Eboue.
Please make this post bigger, Eboue.
forget policy differences and actual political goals, all these people care about is protecting members of their club and seniority within said club. the world is burning and they literally do not care
A Republican county official in Texas has survived a vote to oust him after several local party members took issue with his Muslim religion.
The bigger moron is him. Clearly has no dignity if he continues to offer servitude to the same bigoted party that will never accept him as one of their own.