The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think it is very instructive to see the Bannon vs GOP fight as the Mercer v Koch fight deciding the direction of the party.
I love it when Paz decides it's been long enough since he was last shown up in this thread and comes back talking nonsense again.
I know this whole electoral college thing but something's really messed up in America where the person with the least votes gets to win an election.
I've said it before, but that can happen in a lot of other countries. It seems the way the electoral college works makes it more likely to happen in America indeed, but that can happen in most parliamentary democracies as well. Churchill became prime minister of the UK with his party having less votes than Labour.

Though I guess in a presidential system it makes even less sense.
I've said it before, but that can happen in a lot of other countries. It seems the way the electoral college works makes it more likely to happen in America indeed, but that can happen in most parliamentary democracies as well. Churchill became prime minister of the UK with his party having less votes than Labour.

Though I guess in a presidential system it makes even less sense.

Yeah, that's true - it can happen over here, but it's definitely a lot less problematic. Our system is determined by whoever can win the most constituencies - while constituencies so vary slightly in size, generally none of them are too big. Certainly none have the power to swing an election in the same way individual states often can.

A system wherein you're determining the President of a country with over 300m people (and over 100m voters) on the basis of whoever wins 50 states seems incredibly arbitrary to me. Gaining 100% of the vote in Texas, say, ends up being no different to winning 55% of the vote in California due to the winner-takes-all nature of the electoral college in each state. The UK equivalent be having a party essentially winning every seat in the South West or North East because they've happened to get the most votes in that region. Which is clearly bonkers.
*mumbles something about the state of the opposition when it's Sarah Huckabee Sanders' appearance that is deemed worthy of comment*
Liberace had talent. And I'm betting trumps base don't know who Liberace is.
Unless she means fecking over the idiots that believe his lies. Then I agree.

He meant to say Trump is a flamboyant liar. As in - someone who rather than stop or apologize; instead doubles down on his lies.
Not a surprise that Conservative media & the usual suspects are getting excited over this WashPo story.
It seems like old news but for some reason there's a new article out about it after Nunes' recent antics.

Isn't this new information? I dont remember reading before today that the Clinton campaign helped pay for the dossier research.
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'Great entrepreneurs... some of my dearest friends are Liberace.'
jeff flake...welcome to the resistance

People used to think this is true, but the past 10 years have shown that the polarization in the media age has probably erased the benefit.
Well, mainly due to the rise of populism. You have a three-party system everywhere. Difficult to get a majority in this situation.
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