The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump's lack of tweeting of late (until an hour ago) just proves that he uses his Twitter as a distraction / misdirection to change the topic when bad news comes. He did it repeatedly during the campaign and generally went silent when he was going through a good news period, which he had a couple of days ago during and after Tuesday's speech. Now suddenly with the Sessions news, he's resorted back to tweeting.

Absolutely. He is the king or redirections. He has no scruples in redirecting his voters.

Yeah, although the last one above could be him, but I agree the rest don't seem like it, too articulate for him and a far better vocabulary too.

At the very least you'd hope that if someone else was managing his tweets they'd be able to use quote marks properly.
Interesting stuff from @Acosta and @yashar.
  • Former Trump campaign nat sec adv JD Gordon tells me he and other nat sec adv's met with Russian Amb in Cleveland during GOP convention.
  • Gordon says he discussed goal to forge better US relationship with Russia. But there was no conversation about Russians helping Trump camp.
  • At convention Gordon says he and others advocated for GOP platform to include language against arming Ukrainians against pro-Russian rebels
  • Gordon says this was in line with Trump's views, expressed at March national security meeting at unfinished Trump hotel in March.
  • Gordon says Trump said at meeting at unfinished Trump hotel in March that he didn't want to go to "World War Three" over Ukraine.
  • Then Senator Jeff Sessions presided over the meeting, Gordon added.
I don't think that the word 'ordered' is correct in Yashar's tweet but that 45 pretends to have nothing to do with it is hard to believe, too.
Interesting stuff from @Acosta and @yashar.
  • Former Trump campaign nat sec adv JD Gordon tells me he and other nat sec adv's met with Russian Amb in Cleveland during GOP convention.
  • Gordon says he discussed goal to forge better US relationship with Russia. But there was no conversation about Russians helping Trump camp.
  • At convention Gordon says he and others advocated for GOP platform to include language against arming Ukrainians against pro-Russian rebels
  • Gordon says this was in line with Trump's views, expressed at March national security meeting at unfinished Trump hotel in March.
  • Gordon says Trump said at meeting at unfinished Trump hotel in March that he didn't want to go to "World War Three" over Ukraine.
  • Then Senator Jeff Sessions presided over the meeting, Gordon added.
I don't think that the word 'ordered' is correct in Yashar's tweet but that 45 pretends to have nothing to do with it is hard to believe, too.

Whhhyyy does he say NATO like that?? Another one for the Trumpnunciation list.
I've said it many times before, I say it again: You can't make this stuff up. If Hollywood had released a movie with everything that has happened during the campaign and since 45 has taken office, they'd be destroyed because it would be considered too far fetched. :D

If the 'juicy' details of Steele's dossier about 45 were to be verified, it would take this spectacle of a presidency on another unprecedented level of absurdity.
You know that Alec Baldwin is waiting for this to play its course so he can star in Trump the Movie.
What about Tucker Carlson? Is he super trump/republican's supporter like some from fox? I don't watch many of them a lot.

Anyway, I watched him interviewing sessions earlier and he seemed to be asking a lot of questions about the whole thing in details. The answers were pretty much standard "I don't know, I don't recall, I don't think" etc.

The funny thing about this is though Calson's face expression was like "wtf, I can't believe it" while the other guy had a smudge on his face all the time like he is screwing with his grandkid around.
What about Tucker Carlson? Is he super trump/republican's supporter like some from fox?

Yeah, he's a real shitbag. He's argumentative, obtuse, arrogant and exceedingly condescending, he definitely acts like he's got something to prove and you can tell he's career motivated and he's definitely landed on his feet getting the Megyn Kelly slot. He's not quite as bad as Hannity but he's getting progressively worse. @Dwazza will tell you different though as he's got a huge man crush on him, bless. Dwazza's usually a good judge of character though, so maybe I've got him wrong?

Whhhyyy does he say NATO like that?? Another one for the Trumpnunciation list.

Because he sits on the couch like a potato while reading some Plato and eating a tomato and shouting NATO!...................

Yup, I'll get my coat.
Yeah, he's a real shitbag. He's argumentative, obtuse, arrogant and exceedingly condescending, he definitely acts like he's got something to prove and you can tell he's career motivated and he's definitely landed on his feet getting the Megyn Kelly slot. He's not quite as bad as Hannity but he's getting progressively worse. @Dwazza will tell you different though as he's got a man crush on him, bless.

Yeah, I saw him interview Bill Nye recently about Climate Change and he kept asking him questions and then interrupting him within seconds saying that he wasn't answering the questions. You could see Bill Nye getting really frustrated, when he's normally very patient.
What about Tucker Carlson?
Yeah, I saw him interview Bill Nye recently about Climate Change and he kept asking him questions and then interrupting him within seconds saying that he wasn't answering the questions. You could see Bill Nye getting really frustrated, when he's normally very patient.

Just check out his expression here during the interview with Sessions, he kept this dumb look on his face for pretty much the entire time :lol:


I don't know if that's a look of sheer bewilderment at the bollocks he is hearing, the look of a man who knows he is being lied to, a look of pure confusion... Or, he just needs a big poo. Maybe he's even having it there?


Ahhh that's better.
Talking of Fox.... It seems that The president has been watching again, and decides to promote a book based completely on an interview on Fox and Friends.

And he's getting angry because he can't get his own way.

Just check out his expression here during the interview with Sessions, he kept this dumb look on his face for pretty much the entire time :lol:


I don't know if that's a look of sheer bewilderment at the bollocks he is hearing, the look of a man who knows he is being lied to, a look of pure confusion... Or, he just needs a big poo. Maybe he's even having it there?


Ahhh that's better.

He had that look from the top picture the interview with Nye too.

He asked what the planet would be like right now if there was no human influenced Climate Change and he had that look on him as Nye answered and then he interrupts him saying "You haven't answered the question". He had answered it exactly as asked. And when he listened the second time Nye answered he just goes "You can't answer that because it's unknowable" :lol:
Yeah, I saw him interview Bill Nye recently about Climate Change and he kept asking him questions and then interrupting him within seconds saying that he wasn't answering the questions. You could see Bill Nye getting really frustrated, when he's normally very patient.
I just watched that interview. It only strengthened my desire to one day punch Carlson in the balls.
Talking of Fox.... It seems that The president has been watching again, and decides to promote a book based completely on an interview on Fox and Friends.

And he's getting angry because he can't get his own way.

In regards to the 2nd tweet... The Dems are in the minority. Does he know that?
This Russian ambassador must be the most unremarkable uncharismatic forgettable human beings on the planet, no one seems to ever be able to recall meeting with him.

He had that look from the top picture the interview with Nye too.

He asked what the planet would be like right now if there was no human influenced Climate Change and he had that look on him as Nye answered and then he interrupts him saying "You haven't answered the question". He had answered it exactly as asked. And when he listened the second time Nye answered he just goes "You can't answer that because it's unknowable" :lol:

I've just watched it, he really is a cnut. It was as expected though, he uses the "unknowable" line A LOT! I've heard him use it a fair few times before. He used to be a regular guest on Outnumbered, and The Five, two damn awful Fox programmes, he was also the stand in when any of the big three went on holiday (Bill-O, Hannity and Megyn Kelly)

In regards to the 2nd tweet... The Dems are in the minority. Does he know that?

He fecking should do really? One of the first replies tells him exactly that too. It's infuriating really, Obama's Supreme Court pick was denied or ignored for nearly a full year, and also some of his cabinet wasn't agreed upon until near the end of April the year he was elected. On top of that, Trump is waiting for 17 positions to be agreed and there are over FIVE HUNDRED positions he hasn't even tried to fill yet. Quite how the Government is supposed to function with so many positions and jobs sat empty is completely beyond me. I completely get why he's doing it, I just think it's a very dangerous game and could backfire spectacularly. I hope it does too, I just also hope it doesn't cause any harm or put anyone in danger.
Been following the thread for a long time, but don't feel like I have anything of note to add, I do however feel like this is the kind of stuff that should have come forward during the election... Or did shit go down after the election?
Why wasn't this the kind of stuff that the media focused on instead of just hoping that Trump would take himself out of the race?

Anyone think this actually can have an effect on the presidency?
(as in, will Trump have to step down/be removed? or is it just what the media is hoping for and trying to drumroll up with nothing of substance to Trump himself?)
Just check out his expression here during the interview with Sessions, he kept this dumb look on his face for pretty much the entire time :lol:


I don't know if that's a look of sheer bewilderment at the bollocks he is hearing, the look of a man who knows he is being lied to, a look of pure confusion... Or, he just needs a big poo. Maybe he's even having it there?


Ahhh that's better.

He always has that constipated look on his face as shown in the first pic. Its like he's taking an eye test or something.
Been following the thread for a long time, but don't feel like I have anything of note to add, I do however feel like this is the kind of stuff that should have come forward during the election... Or did shit go down after the election?
Why wasn't this the kind of stuff that the media focused on instead of just hoping that Trump would take himself out of the race?

Anyone think this actually can have an effect on the presidency?
(as in, will Trump have to step down/be removed? or is it just what the media is hoping for and trying to drumroll up with nothing of substance to Trump himself?)
Countless things came out and it didn't matter.
Interesting stuff from @Acosta and @yashar.
  • Former Trump campaign nat sec adv JD Gordon tells me he and other nat sec adv's met with Russian Amb in Cleveland during GOP convention.
  • Gordon says he discussed goal to forge better US relationship with Russia. But there was no conversation about Russians helping Trump camp.
  • At convention Gordon says he and others advocated for GOP platform to include language against arming Ukrainians against pro-Russian rebels
  • Gordon says this was in line with Trump's views, expressed at March national security meeting at unfinished Trump hotel in March.
  • Gordon says Trump said at meeting at unfinished Trump hotel in March that he didn't want to go to "World War Three" over Ukraine.
  • Then Senator Jeff Sessions presided over the meeting, Gordon added.
I don't think that the word 'ordered' is correct in Yashar's tweet but that 45 pretends to have nothing to do with it is hard to believe, too.

Nailing Trump on a lie is pretty pointless as he does it on a regular basis. Getting his people to testify under oath under threat of perjury is where its at.
Been following the thread for a long time, but don't feel like I have anything of note to add, I do however feel like this is the kind of stuff that should have come forward during the election... Or did shit go down after the election?
Why wasn't this the kind of stuff that the media focused on instead of just hoping that Trump would take himself out of the race?

Anyone think this actually can have an effect on the presidency?
(as in, will Trump have to step down/be removed? or is it just what the media is hoping for and trying to drumroll up with nothing of substance to Trump himself?)

Its tough on the Press when he throws out grenades after grenades during the election process. He knows how to manipulate the press by getting the to chase bright shinny objects whilst hiding what they should not see. (The news cycles are so short nowadays that the traditional broadsheet press have a dilemma -- to spend time researching/investigating a story or lose out to social media 'news')

Whats Trumps objectives -- in my opinion, he has two folds:
1) He wants to be like a Putin and his relationship with the oligarchs -- enrich himself like Putin.
2) Be like an emperor and divide up the world together with Putin, a friendly ally.

Trump is a teflon politician like Reagan. He will die by a thousand cuts.
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