Anderson | 2013/14 Performances (on loan at Fiorentina)

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Jul 13, 2002
Founder of and Gourcufffanboysa
I rated Ando as a kid but he certainly wasn't in Ronaldinho/Rooney level.
That is what you believe. However Pundits and all those who rated him at the time are certain the opposite was true and I personally don't think they were wrong. Anderson was scary good at Porto that everyone major wanted to sign him. is potential was that high. He just sadly hasn't lived up to it.

He was very weak in scoring goals and he lacked the technique, intelligence and vision to reach that level
Totally and completely wrong. There was nothing wrong with any of his technique Nor his passing as a youngster. I insist you are confusing the current stop start Anderson with the previous one.

Henrik Larsson

Still logged in at RAWK (help!)
Sep 13, 2013
So I wonder what Van Gaal will make of him.
If he's one of the first players Van Gaal will be working with after the World Cup (while most of the squad is still on holiday perhaps?), he might impress him. But I very much doubt it, although the exiting thing about Van Gaal is that everything's possible. If his contract runs out in 2015 the club might want to get any money they can get and it saves us salary. Perhaps Porto will take him back.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
That is what you believe. However Pundits and all those who rated him at the time are certain the opposite was true and I personally don't think they were wrong. Anderson was scary good at Porto that everyone major wanted to sign him. is potential was that high. He just sadly hasn't lived up to it.

Totally and completely wrong. There was nothing wrong with any of his technique Nor his passing as a youngster. I insist you are confusing the current stop start Anderson with the previous one.
To be fair chief, you kept rating Ando till it was perfectly evident that he was shit. You always had a soft spot for the kid.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
The interesting part is when he went on loan just about everyone in the thread expected him to be successful. I mentioned it could be a bad move for him because of the tactical and positional nature of the league with good players he'd be competing against and he's nothing short of failed in his loan spell. Its pretty incredible the amount of faith the club has had in him
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of and Gourcufffanboysa
The interesting part is when he went on loan just about everyone in the thread expected him to be successful. I mentioned it could be a bad move for him because of the tactical and positional nature of the league with good players he'd be competing against and he's nothing short of failed in his loan spell. Its pretty incredible the amount of faith the club has had in him
It just show the amount of faith they have had in his potential.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
The interesting part is when he went on loan just about everyone in the thread expected him to be successful. I mentioned it could be a bad move for him because of the tactical and positional nature of the league with good players he'd be competing against and he's nothing short of failed in his loan spell. Its pretty incredible the amount of faith the club has had in him
By "just about everyone in this thread" you actually mean "a handful of posters", don't you? The former couldn't be further from the truth.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Of course I did because of his potential which for me was never in doubt. It's his fulfilling it that was and sadly he proved my hope that he could fulfill it wrong.
Yeah, I largely agree. I don't think his talent was all hype. He did have something at an early stage - something which made our purchase of him at that price less than crazy. But he obviously hasn't lived up to it. The latter fact may easily distort people's overall perception of him, though. He wasn't a shite/overhyped player we never should've gone for - that's revisionism in my book. He was a genuine talent -at the time rated very highly - whom we took a legitimate punt at, even at that price.

But it didn't pay off, as we all acknowledge now.

The verdict in hindsight should be a) that Ando didn't do enough to fulfill his own potential, b) that the idea of converting him wasn't the right one and c) that he was probably injury prone beyond anything anyone could've predicted and/or done very much about.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Everyone I can remember posting about the loan at the time it was confirmed.
Well your memory is highly selective. At most, three or four people said he might do ok in Italy.

The rest was just the same stuff that's populated the vast majority of this thread. Agreeing he's a bit shit and a complete waste of money but a likeable bloke.

Doctor: "Hello Anderson, I am going to perform the medical today. How much do you eat a day, on average?"
Goodbye you fat, unfit, lazy, ruined potential, overpriced, overrated waste of space. I won't miss you.

He's a likeable guy but I'm pissed off at him for showing a complete lack of effort to get himself fit. I know players are different but compare that attitude with someone like Darren Fletcher who is looking more fit than Anderson ever did inspite of coming back from a serious disease.

One of Fergie's biggest failures IMO.
Best of luck to home. I'd love him to play well, and find some from. Who knows what would happen if he has a good loan in Italy. Kind of get the feeling this loan move will go belly up though (no pun intended).
Yeah he really knew how to overhit a pass

Good Luck Anderson - still surprised he lasted as long as he did
Maybe it will get him out of his comfort zone. Nothing else will, I guess.
That sort of stuff...


Full Member
Jun 9, 2013
fecking hell how are we going to get rid of him now. If Fiorentina don't buy him or any other club doesn't due to his wages, we will be stuck with him for another year. A post on here a few pages back was so accurate in summarizing the situation: Anderson is a "turd that won't flush down the toilet".


greasy ginfers
May 30, 2012
Glazers Out
fecking hell how are we going to get rid of him now. If Fiorentina don't buy him or any other club doesn't due to his wages, we will be stuck with him for another year. A post on here a few pages back was so accurate in summarizing the situation: Anderson is a "turd that won't flush down the toilet".
Can we burn the bathroom down and start again?
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of and Gourcufffanboysa
Yeah, I largely agree. I don't think his talent was all hype. He did have something at an early stage - something which made our purchase of him at that price less than crazy. But he obviously hasn't lived up to it. The latter fact may easily distort people's overall perception of him, though. He wasn't a shite/overhyped player we never should've gone for - that's revisionism in my book. He was a genuine talent -at the time rated very highly - whom we took a legitimate punt at, even at that price.

But it didn't pay off, as we all acknowledge now.

The verdict in hindsight should be a) that Ando didn't do enough to fulfill his own potential, b) that the idea of converting him wasn't the right one and c) that he was probably injury prone beyond anything anyone could've predicted and/or done very much about.
I 100% agree


Full Member
Jan 20, 2014
He has a fantastic opportunity here with LVG coming in. A clean slate and a manager who excels at finding a player a new position, and Anderson who has the capabilities to play a lot of places. Very unlikely anything comes of it, though. More likely he goes back to Brazil and has a decent career there.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
Well your memory is highly selective. At most, three or four people said he might do ok in Italy.

The rest was just the same stuff that's populated the vast majority of this thread. Agreeing he's a bit shit and a complete waste of money but a likeable bloke.

That sort of stuff...

I bet he flourishes in Italy with more space and time to play
Watch him overcome his injury problems and become a top midfielder now.

It's going to happen.
He'll score on his first match for Fiorentina........I'll put money on that 100%
With all due respect to Serie A fans, I think Ando might just do better there than in the Prem. At the end of the day the level of competition is so much lower outside of maybe juve.
A lot of posts making fun of his size in his picture and saying he was bad for us, but those who mentioned Fiorentina and Serie A suggested he'd be a success there.

Nowhere near as many as I thought I remembered, with most just focusing on the fat and not very good for us part


Feb 1, 2012
He has a fantastic opportunity here with LVG coming in. A clean slate and a manager who excels at finding a player a new position, and Anderson who has the capabilities to play a lot of places. Very unlikely anything comes of it, though. More likely he goes back to Brazil and has a decent career there.
No he doesn't and most definitely shouldn't. The club would be insane to give him another shot.

Enough is enough.


The One and Only
Nov 28, 2006
He's a waste of fecking space. I'd much prefer to see someone like Powell given a chance than him. At this point I wouldn't give a shit if we let him go on a free. Yeah, he's a nice bloke, but so's the bloke from my local shop and I don't think he should get to play for United. Though he does have a glass eye.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
Can't say I expected him to be successful. Nothing wrong with hoping, though.

Hope is gone. He's a great talent, but it isn't happening, it won't happen, for him.


Full Member
Aug 18, 2006
Heaven on earth
He has a fantastic opportunity here with LVG coming in. A clean slate and a manager who excels at finding a player a new position, and Anderson who has the capabilities to play a lot of places. Very unlikely anything comes of it, though. More likely he goes back to Brazil and has a decent career there.
He might turn Anderson into a left back, like he did with Alaba, and fulfill Scholesy's prophecy.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
I'm absolutely baffled that anyone could possibility think that he will get another chance. Awful player that never developed like his early potential had suggested he would.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2013
Doesn't support Barca
I'm absolutely baffled that anyone could possibility think that he will get another chance. Awful player that never developed like his early potential had suggested he would.
Agreed. I would find it staggering if he ever pulled the shirt on again. Get rid of him on a free if thats what it takes.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
Hopefully we can loan him out somewhere though we might have to pay a chunk of his wages to do so.

such a shame he never lived up to his potential... This could have been a world cup in his home country in his prime

Perhaps he never recovered fully from the injury or failing to find a regular position in his United days held him back but based on his last few years we need rid quickly (along with a few others)


Asked for his wife's permission before signing up
Mar 5, 2013
I was a fan of his, even in recent years I did my best to stand by him but agree it's time to move him on as it just hasn't worked out. The treatment he gets off fans though is poor. He hasn't developed into what we wanted but that's life, he wasn't the worst player. He was a victim of fans expectation and want in having the best.


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.
I dont mind him getting another chance. If he does impress van Gaal initially, at least we know as soon as he slacks off, he will be booted out the door

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
He's a waste of fecking space. I'd much prefer to see someone like Powell given a chance than him. At this point I wouldn't give a shit if we let him go on a free. Yeah, he's a nice bloke, but so's the bloke from my local shop and I don't think he should get to play for United. Though he does have a glass eye.

Agreed though. Powell should take any games from him. Just best if he goes now.


Full Member
Feb 29, 2012
If Anderson had had Darren Fletcher's attitude he'd of been arguably out best player. Biggest waste of potential in recent memory?
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