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So we offer an amount that is too low, Barca say no and say that Arsenal have first refusal on him. Barca then say to Arsenal that United want him, and they have rejected a bid on the basis that Arsenal have first refusal, and they are looking to sell him. Arsenal say they cannot accomodate him into their plans/wages right now, so have to say no. Barca then tell us that Arsenal no longer have first refusal, and its open season. We offer £35m and he's ours

Its on!!
He'd be a better option than Thiago for sure, but I can't see Barça selling.

And how dumb would he look going back to England after throwing the toys out of the pram to leave Arsenal, only to end up getting minutes against Gijon
Kagawa was if you actually pay attention to football outside of the PL. Dortmund's best player over two years in which they won the Bundesliga twice. De Gea was the most sought-after young keeper in the world. Still is, in a way, given the way Barca are lusting after him.

You're putting players that we didn't get on a pedestal simply because we didn't get them. How Lucas can be considered high profile but Kagawa not is beyond me. He's done nothing special outside of Brazil yet. And when we were rumoured to be in for Sneijder (we weren't), he was an expensive, past-it crock. How's Nasri done at City, by the way?

Shite, I couldn't care less about not signing Nasri. Thankfully we were the only club interested in buying De Gea at the time. By most accounts Kagawa apparently only wanted to join us, so there was little room for us to feck that one up. I'm sorry but I stand by my original point, our recent record in closing foreign deals out has been rubbish. Sometimes there's perhaps not much we can do such as the Thiago case and others we perhaps get priced out of a move (Hazard) if reports are to be believed but still, it keeps happening. It all coincides with the sugar daddy era where these clubs offer the players big contracts. These days if you want a world class talent you have to pay the money or another club will gobble them up, considering our wealth in the global game that shouldn't be a huge issue.
He'd be a better option than Thiago for sure, but I can't see Barça selling.

And how dumb would he look going back to England after throwing the toys out of the pram to leave Arsenal, only to end up getting minutes against Gijon

Not dumb at all if he ends up with a couple of premier league medals and potentially a European cup as the main man in midfield.
He left Arsenal a team going nowhere to sign for the best team in Spain to win shitloads of trophies and then sign for the best team in England to win shitload of trophies. Don't think he'd look dumb in the slightest. No more than Andy Murray must feel a bit silly about going to those Spanish training camps when he was in his teens to improve his game now he's won Wimbledon.
Nah, it's people not using their logic and jumping on a poorly worded post as per usual. I've stated in this thread I'm very happy with our transfers. De Gea was a great transfer but you'll most likely find the Sanchez, Ozil, Sneijder threads and muppetry was far bigger, which is what I mean.

No other top club wanted a goalkeeper when we signed De Gea. Rumour was that RvP expected Barca to come in for him, and, when they didn't, we were his second choice. I don't know how much competition there was for Kagawa. Other than Shinji (if he is an exception) we've failed in our pursuit of a long list of top young players for many years. If they're not born within a hundred miles of Old Trafford, or declare their unequivocal determination to come to us and no one else, we don't sign them.

As far as the Thiago/Fabregas thing is concerned, my interpretation is that we were very interested in both. Let's hope it ends 1-1. 0-2 would be hard for a muppet to bear.
He left Arsenal a team going nowhere to sign for the best team in Spain to win shitloads of trophies and then sign for the best team in England to win shitload of trophies. Don't think he'd look dumb in the slightest. No more than Andy Murray must feel a bit silly about going to those Spanish training camps when he was in his teens to improve his game now he's won Wimbledon.

Incredibly arrogant to assume he'd instantly reject Arsenal for us.
am i the only perosn who is sure that this leak was done deliberately by club's PR brigade (i miss the Berbatov vs Tevez mega thread where this phrase was used so often...) to make us look bit better in the light of Thiago fiasco?

How would a hopeless bid for another Barca player make the club look better, exactly?
Shite, I couldn't care less about not signing Nasri.

Yet you'll use us not signing him as an example to prove your point?

High profile signings for in the last few years: RvP

High profiles signings against in the last few years: Sanchez, Lucas, Thiago, Nasri, Ozil, Sneijder. Probably more I've forgotten.

As good as De Gea, Kagawa, Hernandez and other signings have been, they are not high profile are they?
am i the only perosn who is sure that this leak was done deliberately by club's PR brigade (i miss the Berbatov vs Tevez mega thread where this phrase was used so often...) to make us look bit better in the light of Thiago fiasco?

Would only serve to make us look bad if we fail to get him, but no, you're not the only one.
am i the only perosn who is sure that this leak was done deliberately by club's PR brigade (i miss the Berbatov vs Tevez mega thread where this phrase was used so often...) to make us look bit better in the light of Thiago fiasco?

Well they're extremely shortsighted then. Trying to make us look better after a failed bid by going public with another bid that'd fail.
He'd be a better option than Thiago for sure, but I can't see Barça selling.

And how dumb would he look going back to England after throwing the toys out of the pram to leave Arsenal, only to end up getting minutes against Gijon

When you think back to the effort they put in to get him to leave Arsenal, I doubt they'd be keen to see the back of him at this point, unless things have gone radically wrong there. But Barca could put the word out and there would be no end of top midfielders (or their agents at least) beating a path to Camp Nou. They'd replace him in short order.

Personally, I'd test Madrid's resolve to hang on to Ozil before Jose makes a bid.
He'd be a better option than Thiago for sure, but I can't see Barça selling.

And how dumb would he look going back to England after throwing the toys out of the pram to leave Arsenal, only to end up getting minutes against Gijon

He wouldn't look dumb in the slightest. He's won trophies at Barca, something he was unable to achieve at Arsenal.
Has anyone wondered how they come up with these random amounts as bids? 25.9? What is the completely arbitrary 900k doing there? Make it 26, for crying out loud
It's gonna be a long summer, if it's not Cesc then i can see us repeating the process with Ronaldo, Bale, Modric, failing on all and then settling for Felliani or worse Osman.
Has anyone wondered how they come up with these random amounts as bids? 25.9? What is the completely arbitrary 900k doing there? Make it 26, for crying out loud
Its not. We bid 30m euros which just happens to be 25.9 m gbp.
So we offer an amount that is too low, Barca say no and say that Arsenal have first refusal on him. Barca then say to Arsenal that United want him, and they have rejected a bid on the basis that Arsenal have first refusal, and they are looking to sell him. Arsenal say they cannot accomodate him into their plans/wages right now, so have to say no. Barca then tell us that Arsenal no longer have first refusal, and its open season. We offer £35m and he's ours

Its on!!

But do we have any reason to believe Fabregas wants to leave Barcelona and/or that Barcelona are looking to sell Fabregas?

And do we know whether Arsenal's "right of refusal" clause operates only once, as you suggest, or does it operate in any bid that is tentaively "accepted" by Barcelona? I'd be very surprised if the clause in Arsenal's contract with Barcelona providing for the sale of Fabregas self-terminates after Barcelona rejects a third party's bid for Fabregas. The way I would expect it to work is that if Barcelona expresses an interest in accepting a bid for Fabregas that Arsenal would have a right to meet the offer from that third party. But then again, we're dealing with English and Spanish law so I have no idea what contract clauses are permissible there. Such a "third-party right to match" clause would likely run afoul of California law governing entertainment performance contracts -- at the very least, they are completely unheard of here.

But if the clause does operate as you suggest, and you may well be right about that, it would be a brilliant piece of business by United to effectively negate Arsenal's rights to Fabregas. I'm not sure how Arsenal's lawyers would have overlooked that possibility, but then again there's so much we don't know about what really goes on anything is possible.
Rising to 35m depending on appearances I thought?
Not sure but actually I thought it was Rising to 30m euros. And that is also dependant on 3 la liga titles, so If we do get him, arse will lose money.
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