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Spanish daily AS reported on Monday that a €30m bid has been tabled, while the Daily Mirror reports from United's pre-season tour in Australia that club sources have confirmed an offer has been made.
Couldn't find where the source of this "bid" came from until now. This implies United have confirmed it. Still can't see Cesc leaving Barca and coming to us...... but we can certainly guarantee him lots of game time.
That makes no sense at all.

So Sanchez, Lucas and Thiago were all high profile signings while Kagawa, a guy that was arguably the best player in Bundesliga the season before, wasn't?

Sensational logic from you as per usual.

So Kagawa was a high profile signing if you want. It's still a rubbish record. Fans here just can't accept players reject us.
The denials are to be expected. This didn't come from someone who occasionally noshes off one of the ball boys. But when approached for official confirmation we'll see "We've nothing to say/We don't know what you're talking about" on the record from both clubs, if we hear anything.
Well, I mean these sources probably have as much reliability as the ones claiming we made a bid in the first place.
Nobody of any worth or note reported anything concrete from us for Thiago. It was all based around speculation.

Everyone who's worth anything in English journalism has reported that we've made a bid. I'll choose to believe that rather than some dodgy Spanish radio station saying they've heard from 'sources', especially given Spain and their recent day-after-day-after-day balls-ups on transfers.
This will never happen. On what planet would Barca sell him after just selling Thiago? And on top of that, 25 million? That seems a little low in my opinion. I'd love to be wrong and he does come here but I just cannot see why Barca would sell.
This will never happen. On what planet would Barca sell him after just selling Thiago? And on top of that, 25 million? That seems a little low in my opinion. I'd love to be wrong and he does come here but I just cannot see why Barca would sell.
I don't think we'd get him either, but if this isn't at least a real bid someone's pulled the biggest WUM of all time.
If United were really interested in signing Cesc why didn't they make an move early?
So Kagawa was a high profile signing if you want. It's still a rubbish record. Fans here just can't accept players reject us.

Maybe so, but yeah, what you originally said was wrong, potentially on all of the cases actually. People like De Gea weren't really any different to say a Lucas.

Quite a few can accept players reject us. It happens. Sometimes they reject us, sometimes we can't work out terms suitable for all parties and so on. That's football/business.
This will never happen. On what planet would Barca sell him after just selling Thiago? And on top of that, 25 million? That seems a little low in my opinion. I'd love to be wrong and he does come here but I just cannot see why Barca would sell.

Since when has losing a fringe player suddenly turned into something worthy of the expression "just after selling Thiago" ?
If United were really interested in signing Cesc why didn't they make an move early?

For what it's worth, Moyes said a lot of transfer dealings this summer would be done later than usual. One of the reasons being the level of new managers starting this summer.
I think Shaggy's point is we haven't signed a high profile player since last summer and before that it was the previous year, so it's definitely unlikely to happen this time.
If United were really interested in signing Cesc why didn't they make an move early?

I don't get this logic. You could ask the same question about every transfer that hasn't yet been completed - which will be the vast majority of them.
Since when has losing a fringe player suddenly turned into something worthy of the expression "just after selling Thiago" ?

Thiago I'm sure was someone Barca didn't really want to see but had no choice in the end. It also limits their cover for an ageing Xavi or injury to anyone else in midfield.
I can't believe that so many people are buying this speculation. Are you all still drunk after the Thiago affair?
Get real guys!

Which "speculation"...1) that United have made a bid for Fabregas or 2) that there's a good chance that Fabregas will be on the United roster in 13/14?

I don't think we can simply dismiss the possibility as pure "speculation" that United have put in a bid for Fabregas. Reputable sources have run the story, our interest in him is logical and it's not the first time we've read or heard of our interest in him.

But will Fabgreas actually end up a United man? I'd put the chances at under 5% for all the reasons that have already been discussed here.
:wenger: You seriously think we'd bid £25.9m on a player just to keep fans happy? And what happens if Barca accepted? It's not roulette, you know.

That's the point.. they are not going to accept. It's like Arsenal bidding for Suarez or Rooney when they know they won't get them. If for some reason Barca accept AND Cesc wants to leave then great, but its very unlikely.
I think Shaggy's point is we haven't signed a high profile player since last summer and before that it was the previous year, so it's definitely unlikely to happen this time.

If that's his actual point then that's even worst logic than what I was originally addressing.
If United were really interested in signing Cesc why didn't they make an move early?
We were probably more positive about the possibility of signing Thiago at first given the fact that he was unhappy at Barcelona and had the clause. It's no coincidence that the official bid for Fabregas was made a day after Thiago's agreed terms with Bayern, we probably clinged on to the hope of signing him until the very last day.
Thiago I'm sure was someone Barca didn't really want to see but had no choice in the end. It also limits their cover for an ageing Xavi or injury to anyone else in midfield.

I really don't buy their reluctance to sell. He was a fringe player before the spunked a load of money on Neymar. They'll have needed to do the "we want him to stay" thing in public maybe for their fans but €25m for a squad player who already this summer fell down the pecking order isn't anything they'd be privately too bothered about. The opposite may be true, I suspect.
Maybe so, but yeah, what you originally said was wrong, potentially on all of the cases actually. People like De Gea weren't really any different to say a Lucas.

Quite a few can accept players reject us. It happens. Sometimes they reject us, sometimes we can't work out terms suitable for all parties and so on. That's football/business.

Nah, it's people not using their logic and jumping on a poorly worded post as per usual. I've stated in this thread I'm very happy with our transfers. De Gea was a great transfer but you'll most likely find the Sanchez, Ozil, Sneijder threads and muppetry was far bigger, which is what I mean.
I don't get this logic. You could ask the same question about every transfer that hasn't yet been completed - which will be the vast majority of them.

I was just wondering if he is an after thought - plan B?
We were probably more positive about the possibility of signing Thiago at first given the fact that he was unhappy at Barcelona and had the clause. It's no coincidence that the official bid for Fabregas was made a day after Thiago's agreed terms with Bayern, we probably clinged on to the hope of signing him until the very last day.

Well according to our boy Ballague.. Moyes pulled the plug on Thiago.
I was just wondering if he is an after thought - plan B?

I don't believe clubs have an 'a' or 'b' target. I think they have a number of players they would have identified and then they prioritise them later when availability/price become an issue. I've no doubt we sounded out and looked into Strootman but either he rejected us or he fell down the pecking order once we started getting (if we have been) positive signals from Fabregas.
Will never happen after they've just sold Thiago, it wouldn't make sense, we need to move on.
High profile signings for in the last few years: RvP

High profiles signings against in the last few years: Sanchez, Lucas, Thiago, Nasri, Ozil, Sneijder. Probably more I've forgotten.

As good as De Gea, Kagawa, Hernandez and other signings have been, they are not high profile are they?

Kagawa was if you actually pay attention to football outside of the PL. Dortmund's best player over two years in which they won the Bundesliga twice. De Gea was the most sought-after young keeper in the world. Still is, in a way, given the way Barca are lusting after him.

You're putting players that we didn't get on a pedestal simply because we didn't get them. How Lucas can be considered high profile but Kagawa not is beyond me. He's done nothing special outside of Brazil yet. And when we were rumoured to be in for Sneijder (we weren't), he was an expensive, past-it crock. How's Nasri done at City, by the way?
They've had all day as it being one of the leading sporting stories around by the biggest news agencies and all they can do so far is pretend they don't know anything about it.
That's the point.. they are not going to accept. It's like Arsenal bidding for Suarez or Rooney when they know they won't get them. If for some reason Barca accept AND Cesc wants to leave then great, but its very unlikely.

a couple of my mates (Scousers) were saying the same thing. Almost like its a cover up over the thiago situation to make sure the fans know that there is backing for Moyes and co. An indication to fans that we can bid for players. But who bids for players just to let other people know we're still here...

The £25m bid for me is just a starting point. With that Arsenal have to react about this clause in they put in his sale contract and we can go from there. If we are to sign him i think realistically we will be needing to spend £35 at least.

I think the Arsenal bids for the likes of Suarez are part of some gameplan to ignite other clubs to sell players. I think we all know ideally they want Higuain before any other striker..
I always thought United never bid for a player, unless they are sure they have a good chance of getting him. Surely United would have made inquiries beforehand at the availability of Cesc and also spoke with the players agent about the possibility of playing for United?
Spanish daily AS reported on Monday that a €30m bid has been tabled, while the Daily Mirrorreports from United's pre-season tour in Australia that club sources have confirmed an offer has been made.
Couldn't find where the source of this "bid" came from until now. This implies United have confirmed it. Still can't see Cesc leaving Barca and coming to us...... but we can certainly guarantee him lots of game time.

The AS report is from Balague. The other Spanish reports quote "English press sources" or The Independent (who ran it first). In other words, basically all the "sources" are UK based or temporarily Oz based.

Radio Cope - "Barca deny... " - is the first independent Spanish source. I will check which Cope journalist said it though. Muppet mode enabled. :smirk:
I still don't buy the Glazer's wanting to prove they 'back' the manager. They've given him a 6 year deal and told to go after who he wants. I don't think beyond that they give much of a shit much less care about the concept of it being a 'marquee' player, much, much, much less covering up for not landing a player we were only spuriously linked to in the first place.
There's no way we'll get him at those prices.

Surely Barca won't sell? What are their midfield options without him? Xavi isn't getting any younger.

You do have to wonder, however, whether there's a price that might get Barcelona interested in accepting.

Like most other posters here, I have no experience whatsoever with football transfers. But I do negotiate for a living and I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that one doesn't make idle offers. You just don't waste people's time with offers you know are going nowhere.

Football is different in that there's some value in stirring the pot, either to unsettle the fans of a rival club, subject the club ridicule, unsettle the player himself and so on. A good example is Mourinho courting Rooney. I have not read that Chelsea have put in an official offer for Roo, but I can see the value of messing with United with a cheeky bid in light of Roo's current situation.

But in this case -- and let's assume the bid is real -- it really makes no sense to have put in a bid for Fabregas if there weren't something factual United were aware of that suggested Barcelona would look at the bid with some interest.

It cannot be that we have put in a purely pointless bid simply to appease restless fans.
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