Would you accept relegation to feck the Glazers off?

We'd be financially fecked if we got relegated and in serious deep shit, more so than we are now, so no i wouldnt want us to get relegated!
We are in no worse state than when we were paying large dividend payments to share holders, and hopefully some russian/chinese billionaire will come along and take us into the heavans!
Being a financial advisor gives me some insight on this and I would have to agree with all the point's Fred is making, solely because the asset that is most important to the Glazers is the shares in the club. Selling the shares will be the last thing that they would do as they would do everything they could to maintain control of the asset. The problem in this type of circumstance is thatit would cause a downward spiral, no matter what method they took.

For example, their strategy would begin by continuing to increase ticket prices in order to maintain revenue levels. The Glazers don't want to devalue their shares, so this will be the first step. Once ticket prices get too high, supporters won't be able to afford match tickets. This will lead to the second step, which would be to begin selling the smaller assets (ie - players). This would begin to put negative pressure on the club's valuation. Less talented players would lead to less success, causing a decreased potential for many revenue streams (ie - sponsorships, advertising, even ticket sales in the form of day-trippers). This would lead to a further player sell off as less revenue dollars would lead to less ability to pay player wages. If it goes too far and you face relegation, then those revenue streams would face further declines. These further declines could force the sale of larger assets (ie - Carrington and then OT). These large sales would allow for a short-term cash infusion, but would also lead to long-term expense increases (ie - facility rental costs).

All this could happen if the debt becomes unserviceable due to rising interest rates and/or a revenue slowdown.

The most prudent strategy would now be to overfund the payments towards the debt in order to decrease the principal of the loan. This of course would allow for smaller interest payments, and an upsurge in the ability for the loan to be paid off quicker, which in my mind would be a smart move because it would allow the Glazers to begin to reap the full rewards of owning the club.

If he cant afford the club and the debts then why doesnt he sell it now while the club is rated 1 billion. I mean the club had just won the EPL and generated record profits. Selling the club now would not only save Glazer's reputation but would also handle him enough profit to be happy with. Whats the point in sending one of his biggest investments ever to the bin?
If he cant afford the club and the debts then why doesnt he sell it now while the club is rated 1 billion. I mean the club had just won the EPL and generated record profits. Selling the club now would not only save Glazer's reputation but would also handle him enough profit to be happy with. Whats the point in sending one of his biggest investments ever to the bin?

I just don't understand all the doom and gloom. The logic of him wanting to hold onto the shares at all costs makes absolutely no sense.
People seem to think he would prefer to hold onto United at all costs and make his self bankrupt in the process!!
Hypothetical situation only, but I would without doubt. Obviously as a United fan it wouldn't be nice to see us come down from the top tier, but these days I feel so disenchanted with some sections of our support and the cnuts running our club that I think that it wouldn't be too bad a scenario. We'd feck off the gloryhunters only in it for trophies, get back the hardcore and with that kind of strong support the club would rise again in no time. It would also be a bit of a laugh turning up at places like Colchester with thousands of Reds (the faces of the locals could be interesting).

This is the most disgusting and stupid idea I have ever heard for a long time. It is like somebody try to kill himself in order to hurt his enermy. Please ban this guy for life
This is the most disgusting and stupid idea I have ever heard for a long time. It is like somebody try to kill himself in order to hurt his enermy. Please ban this guy for life

Well its sparked off a discussion worth 4 pages. So perhaps not...
Its not a fan club you pratt..

If you want to go join a forum where you arent allowed an opinion then go to www.manutd.com and join their forum...

You must be a fag if you are claiming yourself a united fan. If you are not, go feck yourself out of this thread because this is clearly a United thread. Only a united fan who is also a dickhead and rival fans would want the club to be relegated. Piss off, cnut!
This is the most disgusting and stupid idea I have ever heard for a long time. It is like somebody try to kill himself in order to hurt his enermy. Please ban this guy for life

Yes because United would die if we fell outside the top division. Clearly its worth a discussion due to the 5 pages in thread length and now you've given you're opinion you can feck off.
You must be a fag if you are claiming yourself a united fan. If you are not, go feck yourself out of this thread because this is clearly a United thread. Only a united fan who is also a dickhead and rival fans would want the club to be relegated. Piss off, cnut!

No one has said that they want United to be relegated, it's a hypothetical discussion over whether you would accept it to have the Glazers out and better owners in. If you can't discuss it in a reasonable manner like everyone else don't bother posting in the thread.
This is the most disgusting and stupid idea I have ever heard for a long time. It is like somebody try to kill himself in order to hurt his enermy. Please ban this guy for life

I dont. Even a mod should ban himself if he post such thing in this fan club

You must be a fag if you are claiming yourself a united fan. If you are not, go feck yourself out of this thread because this is clearly a United thread. Only a united fan who is also a dickhead and rival fans would want the club to be relegated. Piss off, cnut!

Right back at you, crap head

I thought the mods were meant to be weeding these kind of spastics out of the football forums?
No one has said that they want United to be relegated, it's a hypothetical discussion over whether you would accept it to have the Glazers out and better owners in. If you can't discuss it in a reasonable manner like everyone else don't bother posting in the thread.

Nice try, again
I thought the mods were meant to be weeding these kind of spastics out of the football forums?

Talk back to me if you have enough reasoning. Very poor try

For your own good, I think making over 3 thousand posts within 4 months is not very healthy for a person's life
Nah mate I'm not interested in a spastic internet slagging match, why don't you grow up a bit instead of acting like a cock?

Do me a favor. Look at how you are contradicting your own comment. FYI: I am not your "mate"
If he cant afford the club and the debts then why doesnt he sell it now while the club is rated 1 billion. I mean the club had just won the EPL and generated record profits. Selling the club now would not only save Glazer's reputation but would also handle him enough profit to be happy with. Whats the point in sending one of his biggest investments ever to the bin?

You're completely right, if he was smart he would absolutely sell know, as the return on investment would be quite good. 300 Million in just over 2 years is a pretty good return.

What I had outlined was the most logical outcome of the high debt becoming unserviceable. It's the same method that the majority of people going bankrupt use. Sell the smaller assets and then the larger in order to try to pay your debts. He wouldn't want to devalue his shares, but if he wanted to retain ownership of the club, he would be forced to sell the assets in order to keep the club.

This is not an option anyone would like to be forced to take

Trust me on this one, people are forced to do many things they don't want to do when they are going bankrupt. He wouldn't want to do it, but if he wanted to maintain ownership of the club, he would be forced to if things went the wrong way.

exactly so I would go with this option - reduce the principal thus decreasing the interest payments...Its always better to pay if off in large amounts rather than let it drag on for years

Absolutely the best course of action. It would increase the value of his shares, since the balance sheets would be much more favourable. It would also improve his profits, since the spread between revenues and expenses would widen. It's the best option, hands down.
Talk back to me if you have enough reasoning. Very poor try

For your own good, I think making over 3 thousand posts within 4 months is not very healthy for a person's life

Do me a favor. Look at how you are contradicting your own comment. FYI: I am not your "mate"

It is not the first time when a loser come up with this in this forum. See some other threads for reference

Lol. Look what we have here.

I sir, personally thinks, that you are a certified Grade - C WUM.

PS: 3k post in 4 months is nothing in here.
This is the most disgusting and stupid idea I have ever heard for a long time. It is like somebody try to kill himself in order to hurt his enermy. Please ban this guy for life

It was only a hypothetical and this is just a discussion. We don't ban people for that.

We do however eventually get sick of people with anger management problems.
Can I point out that I actually remained calm, and didnt go into one..

Am I going soft ?

Defeat shouldn't be accepted or welcomed by the club for any reason. Defeat has no upside that I can see. Be careful what you wish for.
Neither should Glazer...

Indeed. But United is hardly unique in having a hugely popular team fronted by an owner who puts profits far above other considerations. I've yet to see any of them deposed by mounting losses on the playing field. Fans are so loyal to their teams that they can't bear not support it in some shape or fashion. To rid the team of vermin would require a vast majority of those who love the team the most to just walk away completely until the parasite is as dead as its host. Who can do that? It would be cutting off the nose to spite the face at any rate.