Would you accept relegation to feck the Glazers off?

OK Now add this up

Hargreaves wages estimated @ £70k per week = £3.5 million per annum
Nani wages estimated @ £50k per week = £2.5 million
Anderson wages estimated @ £34k per week = £1.7 million
Ronaldo wage increase estimated @ £50k per week = £2.5 million
Rooney wage increase estimated @ £50k per week = £2.5 million
Carrick wages @ £50k per week = £2.5 million ( these are increases as they were not included in the last set of accounts.
Transfer fee for Hargreaves = £10 million paid up front
Tranfer fee for Nani = £7 million
Transfer fee for Anderson = £7 million
Transfer fee for Kuzscak = £4 million

Add all that lot up and see what you come up with ?

Obviously you have to offset things like fees received for Smith, Rossi etc and their wages, but being generous we'll call that £20 million.

So they have increased the outgoings this season by £43 million whilst bringing in say £20 million. ( if you compare them against the last set of accounts ) Thats £23 million extra they have committed themselves to.

So from your £42 million they've committed themselves to £23 million of it.

Add £19 million to the £42 million they took in profits last season, and what do you have ? £61 million.. £29 million short of the £90 million you claim United will make...

Yes income has risen, but so have the outgoings.. And that doesnt include things like bonus payments due to Everton for Rooneys success and for Spurs for the trophy Carrick won...

Success brings in money.. But it also means you have a fecking damn sight more to pay out as well in bonuses and extra wages.

I was only going on the figure given in MUST article if we can't believe the profit figure given then why should be accept their figures on the debts.

Right, so lets get this correct. as you said

"They will then sell these shares to another investor and recover as much as they can from them."

Right, so the banks are owed £660 million for United, and they need to get their money back.. They come in and they reposess United. Currently that means as long as they get that £660 million back then they are happy. ie They can afford to sell United at £660 million. Anything over that is GLazers.

WHos going to buy 10% of United for £100 million knowing that the banks are going to be giving away 10% of United for £66 million if they dont invest their money ?

Buying that 10% stake could actually cost them 34% more than they need to.

Any clever businessman would tell Glazer to get fecked and wait till the banks have reposessed the club, then they'd come in and offer as much as is needed to keep the banks happy, and they get United for far less than they'd have to pay Glazer for it.. And they'd still end up with 10% of a club actually valued at £1 billion...

Heres an example. I used to know a bloke who owned a Hotel company. The owner of another hotel wanted to sell up. The bloke walked up and said "I'll give you £2 million for it". THe owner laughed and told him to feck off, replying that it was worth £4 million..

My mate told him that he was a mug, and that he'd still get the hotel off him for £2 million in the end.

A year later the owner went bankrupt. My mate went up to the bank who who possessed the hotel and offered them £2 million for it. They snapped his hand off because all they were owed was £1.8 million so they got their money back..

My mate still got the hotel for £2 million even though it was worth £4 million. THe banks were happy. The only person to lose out was the fool who tried to be greedy.

So it will be with Glazer. No one will actually invest in United, because they know that in a few years, Glazer will go tits up and then they can get United for a damn sight less than what GLazer wants for it now..

But how does any of this affect the club? Glazers lose all their money and the club has a new owner.