Woman accuses Cristiano Ronaldo of rape - CR7 case only

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Some of the comments here absolutely beggars belief.
Quit being so sensitive. If you know the truth do share.

Surpreme court just dimissed one the sexual assault charge against Weinstein. Woman accusing him had so many inconsistencies in her story. Just because they're "victims" doesn't mean they'd tell you what happened exactly

Don't get me wrong Weinstein is a horrible person but until I see the clearer picture, I'm not gonna side with any one. Sorry for somewhat off topic but both cases are similar
Quit being so sensitive. If you know the truth do share.

Surpreme court just dimissed one the sexual assault charge against Weinstein. Woman accusing him had so many inconsistencies in her story. Just because they're "victims" doesn't mean they'd tell you what happened exactly

Don't get me wrong Weinstein is a horrible person but until I see the clearer picture, I'm not gonna side with any one. Sorry for somewhat off topic but both cases are similar

They’re similar because someone is accusing a celebrity of sexually assaulting them, that’s it.

And you’ve already picked a side with Weinstein by calling him a horrible person haven’t you? Otherwise why would you think he was?
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Not gonna lie, seems like she ran out of the settlement money and is trying to get some more.
There is something off about this whole story. If it's fake, I hope she pays the price for trying to ruin a man's career and life to get more money.
If Ronaldo is really guilty, doesn't even matter if it was 9y ago, he should get properly punished as well.

Unless she wins the case (if there is a case), I'm pretty sure her life will be ruined anyway.

She’ll know that she’s ruining her life by going public with this so doesn’t that add creedence to her accusations? Why would she bother otherwise? Even running out of the settlement money, it wasn’t THAT much, ten years later she wouldn’t have much left anyway if it was so important that she was living off it and desperate for more, that makes hardly any sense.

There’s something off about this in your opinion due to your biases. You think she’s trying to get more money and ruin his career.

So I’ll ask you this. What’s worse, a privileged man’s life being ‘ruined’ by a false rape accusation or an innocent woman’s life being ruined by getting raped and having to live with it for her entire life?

Give your fecking head a wobble.
Dancing and kissing on a dancefloor doesn't mean consent to sex is given, and even in the event consent to sex is initially given, that consent can be relinquished at any time (by both parties) and therefore even sexual activity does not constitute consent. And that's not mentioning if the woman is in such a (drunken) state that consent cannot be reasonably be given by the time they make it to the hotel room.

Late response as I've only just seen your post...

I'm not saying she changed her mind on consenting, but just the story as she originally told it seems off now that I've seen the night club video. She makes it sound like she had no interest in him but the videos day otherwise.

I'm just wondering if she changed her story as I've not really followed this. I saw the video and then went back and read the original story and it didn't seem right. Perhaps due wasn't aware of the night club video before she released her story.

I also saw in the paper that the guy that picked her up that night said she seemed to be happy etc after she'd left the apartment where she was allegedly raped.
I also saw in the paper that the guy that picked her up that night said she seemed to be happy etc after she'd left the apartment where she was allegedly raped.
I think that was another woman that accused him in 2005.
She’ll know that she’s ruining her life by going public with this so doesn’t that add creedence to her accusations? Why would she bother otherwise? Even running out of the settlement money, it wasn’t THAT much, ten years later she wouldn’t have much left anyway if it was so important that she was living off it and desperate for more, that makes hardly any sense.

There’s something off about this in your opinion due to your biases. You think she’s trying to get more money and ruin his career.

So I’ll ask you this. What’s worse, a privileged man’s life being ‘ruined’ by a false rape accusation or an innocent woman’s life being ruined by getting raped and having to live with it for her entire life?

Give your fecking head a wobble.

You simply can’t rule out two things here:

a) All these years later she realises she settled for waaaay to little due to Ronaldo’s growth since then and has always been in it for the money. The original settlement was what? 35k a year for 10 years if thought of in salary terms?

b) He raped her, but it’s festered for all these years and she can’t let it go, she regrets taking the money and wants justice.

I personally think that anyone in situation b) should be forced to repay any monies received before going public and reinstating a rape claim. If Ronaldo raped her, he should go to prison, simples.
You simply can’t rule out two things here:

a) All these years later she realises she settled for waaaay to little due to Ronaldo’s growth since then and has always been in it for the money. The original settlement was what? 35k a year for 10 years if thought of in salary terms?

b) He raped her, but it’s festered for all these years and she can’t let it go, she regrets taking the money and wants justice.

I personally think that anyone in situation b) should be forced to repay any monies received before going public and reinstating a rape claim. If Ronaldo raped her, he should go to prison, simples.

People are forgetting that this woman did not make the first move in re-opening this case, it came about because Ronaldo's lawyers were hacked.

Let's take the sexual politics out of this scenario and imagine that 8 years ago you felt your employer had made a terrible mistake and tried to raise this with them. This caused you no end of trouble and stress as the company disagreed and fought to discredit you. Eventually the situation escalates to the point that you feel no alternative but to resign and put in a tribunal claim.

The company agrees to settle this out of court as they do not want the publicity / cost of fighting a tribunal. You each sign a settlement agreement that offers compensation in exchange for resolution of the matter on a "no fault" basis and under strict confidentiality. No-one can comment or infer on the outcome or the fact that money was exchanged, if asked you have to say the matter was resolved amicably.

Fast forward a few years and you find out that the companies lawyers have been hacked and details of your case are all over the internet. Some people are saying you are the victim of an injustice, while others agree with your ex companies view and say you are just an opportunist who was out to make money all along.

How would you feel about being encouraged to dig over this again by your "supporters" and how would you feel having your behaviour and motives attacked by those that are advocates of your ex company?

I know that rape and sexual politics add an extra personal dimension here but can we all please not rush to judge and castigate either side until the facts are established.
People are forgetting that this woman did not make the first move in re-opening this case, it came about because Ronaldo's lawyers were hacked.

Let's take the sexual politics out of this scenario and imagine that 8 years ago you felt your employer had made a terrible mistake and tried to raise this with them. This caused you no end of trouble and stress as the company disagreed and fought to discredit you. Eventually the situation escalates to the point that you feel no alternative but to resign and put in a tribunal claim.

The company agrees to settle this out of court as they do not want the publicity / cost of fighting a tribunal. You each sign a settlement agreement that offers compensation in exchange for resolution of the matter on a "no fault" basis and under strict confidentiality. No-one can comment or infer on the outcome or the fact that money was exchanged, if asked you have to say the matter was resolved amicably.

Fast forward a few years and you find out that the companies lawyers have been hacked and details of your case are all over the internet. Some people are saying you are the victim of an injustice, while others agree with your ex companies view and say you are just an opportunist who was out to make money all along.

How would you feel about being encouraged to dig over this again by your "supporters" and how would you feel having your behaviour and motives attacked by those that are advocates of your ex company?

I know that rape and sexual politics add an extra personal dimension here but can we all please not rush to judge and castigate either side until the facts are established.

I think most posters have been careful and sensible, apart from a few that have already made up their mind on each side. That said, I do feel that this thread have basically ran its course until there is some new information - it’s basically posters repeating the same things, phrased slightly different, over and over now.
And you’ve already picked a side with Weinstein by calling him a horrible person haven’t you? Otherwise why would you think he was?
Because he was exploiting women with his power and he's never denied it but the sex part was consensual (what we've learned so far).
Same as in this case, we don't know if it was consensual sex or not. I'm not saying Mayorga is lying or she wasn't raped but I don't believe her side of the story 100%, not yet.
There're some inconsistencies, for example we have footage of them went back to nightclub after visiting Ronaldo's penthouse, if I read it correctly neither Die spiegel or Mayorga ever mentioned about that part.
People are forgetting that this woman did not make the first move in re-opening this case, it came about because Ronaldo's lawyers were hacked.

Well I'm not forgetting it, hence why I believe there are two scenarios here, she either sees the leak as her chance for a) more money, or b) justice.

I'd say probably only Ronaldo and his accuser know the truth, certainly none of us have the foggiest.
Is it possible to decline the right to go to the police about something in a contract from a legal point of view?
You simply can’t rule out two things here:

a) All these years later she realises she settled for waaaay to little due to Ronaldo’s growth since then and has always been in it for the money. The original settlement was what? 35k a year for 10 years if thought of in salary terms?

b) He raped her, but it’s festered for all these years and she can’t let it go, she regrets taking the money and wants justice.

I personally think that anyone in situation b) should be forced to repay any monies received before going public and reinstating a rape claim. If Ronaldo raped her, he should go to prison, simples.

Isn't her new lawyer arguing though that due to certain technicalities/complications with the NDA, relating to her trauma/PTSD etc, that she technically isn't violating the NDA by speaking out now because of how it's worded? If that is the case and is an argument that holds up then she wouldn't owe Ronaldo a penny - it'd be on Ronaldo's lawyers for engineering an agreement that doesn't stand up to scrutiny or that wasn't worded correctly to protect him fully.
Isn't her new lawyer arguing though that due to certain technicalities/complications with the NDA, relating to her trauma/PTSD etc, that she technically isn't violating the NDA by speaking out now because of how it's worded? If that is the case and is an argument that holds up then she wouldn't owe Ronaldo a penny - it'd be on Ronaldo's lawyers for engineering an agreement that doesn't stand up to scrutiny or that wasn't worded correctly to protect him fully.

Well if the argument is that her lawyer was clueless and she wasn't mentally fit to enter into an agreement then what of that is on his lawyers? Depends on the claims really.
She’ll know that she’s ruining her life by going public with this so doesn’t that add creedence to her accusations? Why would she bother otherwise? Even running out of the settlement money, it wasn’t THAT much, ten years later she wouldn’t have much left anyway if it was so important that she was living off it and desperate for more, that makes hardly any sense.

There’s something off about this in your opinion due to your biases. You think she’s trying to get more money and ruin his career.

So I’ll ask you this. What’s worse, a privileged man’s life being ‘ruined’ by a false rape accusation or an innocent woman’s life being ruined by getting raped and having to live with it for her entire life?

Give your fecking head a wobble.

Well, her lawyers are pretty much in fishing expedition atm trying to find anything that can help her case.
If you take into consideration that they showed no real proofs whatsoever and there are a lot of former lovers and ex-girlfriends of Ronaldo coming forward saying that he was always a gentleman and a good guy overall, something seems not to add up.
I could be wrong but when someone comes forward saying that someone famous raped her, usually it starts a domino effect of more people claiming the same. Instead, the people coming forward are saying exactly the opposite.

I'm not biased at all, I like Ronaldo as a player but he should be punished if he did something wrong. It's not relevant what I feel towards the person or the situation. When you claim something that can destroy a person's career or life, you better have irrefutable proofs to back it up instead of making that claim and afterwards start a quest for proofs.

The "What’s worse, a privileged man’s life being ‘ruined’ by a false rape accusation or an innocent woman’s life being ruined by getting raped and having to live with it for her entire life?" statement makes no sense at all. The "privileged man" is a guy that dedicated all his life to the sport and to help other people. As far as I know, he came from a poor family and he worked for everything he has and deserves a little of respect for that. Having that all taken away because of a false claim is just awful.
You just can't compare the 2 situations at all but both are awful.

Like I said before, if he did it, he should get properly punished without any doubt.
If she has proof of what she's saying then she should present it rather than being a dramatic twitter tease.
If she has proof of what she's saying then she should present it rather than being a dramatic twitter tease.

That sounds rather dismissive. She reached out to Mayorga and her legal team to work with them. Surely you can recognize that publishing any relevant details on Twitter before sharing it with lawyers is stupid.
That sounds rather dismissive. She reached out to Mayorga and her legal team to work with them. Surely you can recognize that publishing any relevant details on Twitter before sharing it with lawyers is stupid.
Makes sense but why cause a twitter storm randomly now.
I find it hard to believe that she has any evidence where Ronaldo “boasts” to her that he is going to get away with it. He’s no Einstein but he has some brain cells, no one would be that idiotic.
Looking over her twitter appears to be a Trump/Yaxley-Lennon nut job.
That R Kelly stuff came out months ago.

Don’t mean to insult you here, but you seem to be jumping on the “she’s talking BS” line a bit fast.

She probably watched the documentary on it recently.
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