Film Which well known Movie have you never seen?

Only seen the first LOTR and the idea of watching any more makes me want to gouge my own eyes out.

Same for Star Wars.
Most films over 2h long. I just can't. Well I have done before, but I either fell asleep or I got so bored I started to leave the room in my mind.

That has ruled out The Godfather. Maybe one day I will watch it in two sittings.
Titanic, Avatar (both of course), Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Prestige, only saw the first Matrix movie, Gladiator, A beautiful mind, Toy Story & Nemo, only the first Potter movie
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Most films over 2h long. I just can't. Well I have done before, but I either fell asleep or I got so bored I started to leave the room in my mind.

That has ruled out The Godfather. Maybe one day I will watch it in two sittings.
Some of the Marvel stuff was decent ages ago, but their insane idea that you need to watch absolutely everything or understand nothing can feck all the way off. Especially now there’s TV shows involved.

Oh you want to watch the third movie in this particular series? Well you’re not gonna understand 80% of it unless you want all 12 hours of this season of another TV series we made.

feck off.
Until recently, Godfather Pt I & II.

Still remaining:

Apocalypse Now
Back to the Future

If you also include major shows, The Wire and Band of Brothers.
I've never seen any of the (insert popular movies series here) and I never will.

Still haven’t seen Star Wars. Had a tag line about it for years. Pretty sure I’m the only ComSci graduate software developer in the entire world that hasn’t seen any of them.
Yeah another one for star wars here, it's always just looked stupidly cheesy shite.

I haven't seen Debbie Does Dallas either.

Not interested either, it sounds too creepy.
How come? It is quite a good flick.
Not a Stone fan and I just can't take Sheen or Berenger seriously as dramatic actors.

There's far better films out there depicting the physical and emotional toll of war while offering varied perspectives and interesting stories with stronger performances, imo.
Thin Red Line, Apocalypse Now, Come and See, Ivans Childhood, Full Metal Jacket, Grave of the Fireflies, Dead Presidents, all stronger films.
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Not a Stone fan and I just can't take Sheen or Berenger seriously as dramatic actors.

There's far better films out there depicting the physical and emotional toll of war while offering varied perspectives and interesting stories with stronger performances, imo.
Thin Red Line, Apocalypse Now, Come and See, Ivans Childhood, Full Metal Jacket, Grave of the Fireflies, Dead Presidents, all stronger films.
Fair enough.
Gladiator is one of the worst films I've ever seen
Baffles me people like it.

I haven't watched Harry Potter because one minute of the nonsense annoys me. Never seen Shrek. Similar to another poster, watched Goodfellas and not The Godfather.

Dead Poet's Society couldn't watch more than 5 mins.

I'd be a big fan of Robocop, Terminator, Casino, Shawshank, 1917, In the Name of the Father just to balance out my crankiness

This is just silly.

I don’t like Radiohead but I can fully understand why they’re incredible. Same for The National. And so many other bands.

Gladiator is a perfect movie. By all means don’t like it (I appreciate it more than I love it). But it’s clearly a great movie.