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Both Barca and RM need a striker and would pay good money. Cant see him being sold to an English side
Both Barca and RM need a striker and would pay good money. Cant see him being sold to an English side
Fool me once....shame on you.
Fool me twice....shame on me.
Rooney did this in 2010. He was welcomed back but the relationship with club and fans was never the same.
He wants away in 2013.
Let him go.
He is not the player he was anyway.
So you think David Moyes first action as Manchester United manager should be to grovel at the feet of a player who doesnt want to be here and has tried to leave twice in three years.
Start as you mean to go on and show him who's boss. Let him leave and be successful without him
Here's a wild guess, maybe Rooney doesn't want to play under Moyes?
Here's a wild guess, maybe Rooney doesn't want to play under Moyes?
Keep him until he expires. Don't play him at any level for the entire 2 years. Whose going to want a big fat unfit 30 year old Rooney? Ruin the cnut. All this "asking to leave was the biggest regret of my life" shite that he waffled on about in his book. Get it up ye!
I don't really want that to happen. I hope he goes abroad. It's just a kick in the teeth. It makes everything he's said about United after the first ordeal a whole load of lies. Get rid. Send him far away. Hope he opts for some ridiculous payday in Russia or Qatar or something.
Barcelona have a striker called Messi and the whole club revolves around him. Doubt Rooney wants to be his backup on the bench
No. But that's what I think will happen. Moyes knows how good Rooney is, and will know that if he can keep him happy and get him playing well he'll be a great asset to have in his first season in charge. Letting Rooney go represents a far greater risk, as there's no guarantee an adequate replacement can a) be found, b) be acquired or c) settle in and do well immediately.
Not really. I'd say the majority are well aware that Rooney's burnt his bridges, just a few still with their head in the sand. We already have good options in his position, in fact if we sign a very good central midfielder and didnt replace Rooney we'd be in a stronger position than this season. Its more than likely we'll replace him anyway
Keeping him around til he dies sounds a bit much.
Barcelona have a striker called Messi and the whole club revolves around him. Doubt Rooney wants to be his backup on the bench
Got Chelsea written all over it.
Considering he asked for a transfer, clearly he's got an idea of where he wants to be. He's close mates with Cole and Terry and knows Chelski are looking for a striker (probably hence the timing, to let them know he'd be interested to listen).
Moyes will keep him for another year by telling him he's central, even if it's a lie. It would be silly for an incoming manager to allow the heart of the side to leave at a time of massive upheaval. He'll keep Rooney for a year while he works out whether or not he still wants him around.
It's Madrid , according to this reliable source.
Only 33m?