Westminster Politics

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This is nonsense, it’s got nothing to do with expertise. It has everything to do with:

  • Tories have zero shame and zero respect for any democratic convention that does not suit their own self interests.
  • Tories have the billionaire elites normalising and hiding their corruption in plain sight through the media they own.
Put simply they are a party run for and run by the ultra wealthy. The ultra wealthy ensure the Tories do everything they can to protect that wealth to the detriment of the rest of the population and in return the ultra wealthy do everything they can to protect the Tories.

Labour have no such luxury, anything they attempt to do which is in the interest of the public rather than the ultra wealthy is hit with a smear campaign and destroyed before it can be understood.

You’re a prime example of this sort of coercion.

Partially agree.
But don't underestimate the wannabe Tories. Those who think that by voting Tory, they are going to be much better off.
And of course, nowadays, many people are only interested in a celebrity type culture. They saw Boris as something different from the traditional politician and loved him for the way he behaved; warts and all.
But fashions change so quickly, especially when you are seen as a useless lying bastard.

This is absolutely priceless. Yvette Cooper setting a pretty obvious trap in the houses of parliament. And Priti Patel walks straight into it.
While it is rather amusing, you have to wonder how dumb is the Home Secretary for not even trying to evade being made to look like a twat.
I think you're confusing being an entitled cnut and being dumb.
Johnson lies to Parliament all the time, even before all this party stuff (party stuff that no one knew for a whole year and a half)
Did they just session throughout the whole of lockdown?

The open disdain for the British public is insane. What a group of cretins.

He's clearly not going to resign either is he?
BoJo is Mr Teflon. He's laughing at the British public
Dom is stating he and other advisers will under oath say that Johnson mislead Parliament...

It's going to be death by a thousand cuts and I suspect that at some point soon its clear he does not have the votes in the Conservative party to survive a leadership challenge (remember that her won just not by enough and her authority was gone)

As soon as the conservative hq election calculas says he's more of a liability than a benefit for a 20203 or 2024 election they will persuade him to step down and spend more time with his family or face the inevitable challenge that he would probably loose

I think if this continues for a few more days he's finished and I'm sure dom has blogs photos and revelations ready to drip feed in
Thanks to you I now know the standard expected. Appreciate it :rolleyes:

You thought I meant "Tory voters" when I said "british electorate" - yeah, that's a pretty ridiculous assumption to make, and the funny thing is i've been criticising Labour probably harder than I have the Tories because they've shown themselves to be useless.

So in fact, thanks to you - my original point still remains as clear as ever - the british electorate are stupid.
You thought I meant "Tory voters" when I said "british electorate" - yeah, that's a pretty ridiculous assumption to make, and the funny thing is i've been criticising Labour probably harder than I have the Tories because they've shown themselves to be useless.

So in fact, thanks to you - my original point still remains as clear as ever - the british electorate are stupid.
Thank you for the clarification, today really is a day to learn.

Personality I find myself disengaged from politics recently. The options available offer little hope for the future.
The more galling thing is that the cronies are defending him. Spineless cnuts.

I have no doubt he will survive this. He is in no danger whatsoever in my opinion.
Thank you for the clarification, today really is a day to learn.

Personality I find myself disengaged from politics recently. The options available offer little hope for the future.

There are no options, the media and spin doctors will ruin the credibility of any viable opposition - and the british electorate - in their stupidity - will fall for it, in the same way they believe that boris johnson is somehow different to the "typical Eton-educated Tory", just because his hair is a mess.
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