Westminster Politics

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In other news: Corbyn is starting his own socialist party.
Nobody told me!

That's surely going to go as THE quote that led to his eventual demise.

Nah, all makes sense - Nobody told him because he definitely didn't attend any events remember? Well apart from the events he did attend, that he didn't know about, but still attended.... and when he did attend (but he didn't) he didn't think they were against the rules, because he didn't know about the rules, despite telling everyone the rules. Pretty clear isn't it?
Nobody told me? Wow... kids in school do not get away with that response.
They are his fecking rules, how on earth can that be his defence.

Jesus, you'd think they'd at least come up with some bs or other. That's about a bad an excuse as he could say.
Is there any other way that either side addresses the other side today? I've never seen it
Only so may times I can explain that Corbyn is not a terrorist sympathiser and Starmer did not refuse to prosecute Jimmy Saville without calling someone an idiot.

Boris tells everyone what the rules are, then whinges that nobody told him what the rules were!!!

(Although at least he's wearing a mask this time)
The weakest of excuses known to man. This is the guy that was preaching to everyone during lockdown to obey the rules and yet says he didn't know the rules himself. The entire country read and the vast majority obeyed the rules for fecks sake.

What a turd of a human being.

Yep. As excuses go it's something a kid would say. I mean who the feck who was reading the rules out live every other night at that stage then? Joris Bohnson?

Boris tells everyone what the rules are, then whinges that nobody told him what the rules were!!!

(Although at least he's wearing a mask this time)

"Are you saying Dominic Cummings is lying?"
Refuses to answer and instead diverts.

Classic politics.
I could see him announcing all restrictions lifted on 26th and then using that a reason to say his work here is done and he will hold the fort till the late spring whilst they run a leadership election

something like... only G7 country with restrictions lifted ... blah blah... Got Brexit Done... waffle waffle world leading vaccinations... something something...battled through Covid himself with a churchillian will to defeat the virus ... etc etc... spend time with the family ... and doms a cnut
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Didn’t he know it was against the rules when he was lying about being there 2 weeks ago?!

He smirks and looks like he's about to laugh every time he talks about anything because he's an unserious person who doesn't care about details, principles and the concerns of anyone other than himself. I'm fully aware that bringing him down solves nothing in the grand scheme of things but his premiership going up in smoke and him being remembered as one of the very worst PMs of all-time is really going to piss him off, so I'll take my comfort where I can.
He smirks and looks like he's about to laugh every time he talks about anything because he's an unserious person who doesn't care about details, principles and the concerns of anyone other than himself. I'm fully aware that bringing him down solves nothing in the grand scheme of things but his premiership going up in smoke and him being remembered as one of the very worst PMs of all-time is really going to piss him off, so I'll take my comfort where I can.
Ideally he needs to hang on and a steady stream of crap continues to hit him. Labour stand a chance against him but not against whichever deity the Tories make their new leader as the media swoon over them. I mean, for fecks sake they managed to make May's "Strong and Stable" become a soundbite that stuck.

Get rid of Boris and they'll just stick everything bad to him, and pretend like everything is fine again.

It also wouldn't help if the Labour vote became split with another party but that's up to them to bring voters back. If they had some policies that addressed fuel poverty and an attempt to undo the shit folk have been dealing with for a decade* and don't just go with "we're not Boris" then it might help.

*I'm not just talking about United fans hurr hurr
Nobody told me? Wow... kids in school do not get away with that response.

It was a very predictable response.
This way, he can throw those advisers under the bus in the vain hope that will suffice. But it won't.
He smirks and looks like he's about to laugh every time he talks about anything because he's an unserious person who doesn't care about details, principles and the concerns of anyone other than himself. I'm fully aware that bringing him down solves nothing in the grand scheme of things but his premiership going up in smoke and him being remembered as one of the very worst PMs of all-time is really going to piss him off, so I'll take my comfort where I can.

But but. He got Brexit done.
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