Fully Fledged
Would risk it all for the Colonel
When I first saw it I thought what the feck are Islamic Ray Cams?
Yes... He became an MP again firstMaybe. Is that how BJ did it? Can’t remember.
I like Khan and think he's well suited to the capital. Interesting suggestion about him being a future Labour leader. Again, I think he'd be very good.
With regards to the police service, austerity and government funding I could talk all night about it from my perspective. You're right; it's nothing to do with Khan himself and from what I can gather he's been very supportive of the Met which is positive.
Essentially the service is struggling due to decisions made when May was the home secretary. Freezing recruitment and allowing police numbers to dwindle through natural wastage was a very short sighted and costly decision. Now the Tory's want to increase police numbers yet the infrastructure and experience is no longer in place within the service, simply saying you'll increase numbers is great but you have to have the means to make it happen. It takes two years for an officer to pass their probationary period and be no longer deemed a student officer. You can't just create experience, hence why you always need a steady supply of recruits to continually allow the service to develop in the long run. In addition cuts on the front line have impacted throughout. Lower numbers of specialist resources and a national shortage of detectives severely impact on detection rates of violent and serious crime. The government response? Fast track. Fast track detectives, fast track Superintendents.. people with zero policing experience taking roles within the service others have worked towards for years. Further damaging morale in attempts to make up for the massive neglect of the service and the realisation we are literally at crisis point.
From the article it's self... So pretty standard stuff but new data laws mean people can request the data.This kind of scoring system is commonly used by political parties in the UK and the US, but new data transparency laws which allow anyone to ask for their data give an unprecedented glimpse into how a major party operates.
Ellman and Hodge?I think most would fall into line, except maybe Hoey.
Even MPs from leave constituencies like Nandy have spoken out against no deal so I don't see why they wouldn't.
Ellman and Hodge?
2 jewis MP's both facing motions from their local party on the eve of Yom Kippur
Depending how that plays out I can see both of those abstaining or even crossing over to a non antisemitic party
Ellman and Hodge?
2 jewis MP's both facing motions from their local party on the eve of Yom Kippur
Depending how that plays out I can see both of those abstaining or even crossing over to a non antisemitic party
so coincidentally they scheduled 2 actions against jewish MP's on the Eve of Yom Kipur so that the Mp's cant go to defend themselves... yeah that sounds totally normal rightAre local parties only allowed to get rid of non-jewish candidates now?
I've already given you the numbers of actual anti-semtisim in the party and yet you insist on throwing around anti-semtism like some childish insult because you don't like Corbyn. Its pathetic stuff.
so coincidentally they scheduled 2 actions against jewish MP's on the Eve of Yom Kipur so that the Mp's cant go to defend themselves... yeah that sounds totally normal right
I mean what are the odds ?
picking 2 jewish MP's out of 244 Mps
then picking the eve of yom kipur... twice
probably something like
or one in 7 billion 8 hundred and nintey nine million one hundred and seventy six thousand seven hundred
I mean 100% the sort of thing that the EHRC are giing to look at and think yeah this is a perty totally welcoming to jews
either that or it wasnt a coincidence at all and infact it was something much more deep routed and deliberate - and the fact that both are arranged for that date - and no rescheduling / apologies have taken place does seem to suggest that it wasn't a coincidenceYeah arranging it for that date was totally ridiculous. Even if they hadn't realized the significance the moment they found out it should have been immediately changed with fulsome apologies.
either that or it wasnt a coincidence at all and infact it was something much more deep routed and deliberate - and the fact that both are arranged for that date - and no rescheduling / apologies have taken place does seem to suggest that it wasn't a coincidence
Are local parties only allowed to get rid of non-jewish candidates now?
I've already given you the numbers of actual anti-semtisim in the party and yet you insist on throwing around anti-semtism like some childish insult because you don't like Corbyn. Its pathetic stuff.
so coincidentally they scheduled 2 actions against jewish MP's on the Eve of Yom Kipur so that the Mp's cant go to defend themselves... yeah that sounds totally normal right
I mean what are the odds ?
picking 2 jewish MP's out of 244 Mps
then picking the eve of yom kipur... twice
probably something like
or one in 7 billion 8 hundred and nintey nine million one hundred and seventy six thousand seven hundred
I mean 100% the sort of thing that the EHRC are giing to look at and think yeah this is a perty totally welcoming to jews
Do the EHRC not like Corbyn? They saw enough to warrant a formal investigation into the party. You and other disciples of Corbyn continuing to dismiss the issue of antisemitism within the party is what is pathetic. What does the man have to do for some people to realise he is a cancer to the Labour Party?
Oh put your panties back in place.
A reasoned discussion of the issues at hand within the party is fine but you and less so Sun Tzu are far less interested in that than just throwing insults around.
The disciplinary process was inadequate prior to Corbyn and this was heightened with the influx of hard left into momentum. Yet it's still 0.1% so you can stick claims of institutionalised anti-semtisim where the sun don't shine.
I image it doesn't all. AlsoI've no idea about Ellman i can't place the name but Hodge is a secular jew so why this prohibits her from attending I've no idea.
In 1987 the West London Synagogue approached Islington Council with a startling proposal: to sell its original cemetery to property developers, destroying the gravestones and digging-up and reburying the bodies lying under them. This cemetery (dating from 1840) was not merely of great historic and architectural interest – in the view of orthodox Jews, the deliberate destruction of a cemetery is sacrilegious. So when Islington Council granted the planning application, a Jewish-led and ultimately successful campaign was launched to have the decision reversed. I was part of that campaign. So was Jeremy Corbyn. Meanwhile, the then-leader of Islington Council (1982-92), whose decision to permit the destruction of the cemetery was eventually overturned, was none other than Margaret Hodge (though it is unclear whether she personally was in favour of the proposal)
Oh put your panties back in place.
A reasoned discussion of the issues at hand within the party is fine but you and less so Sun Tzu are far less interested in that than just throwing insults around.
The disciplinary process was inadequate prior to Corbyn and this was heightened with the influx of hard left into momentum. Yet it's still 0.1% so you can stick claims of institutionalised anti-semtisim where the sun don't shine.
Based on no evidence whatsoever @esmufc07 thought(And still goes I guess ?)that members wanted to get rid of Hodge because she is jewish. It turns they just want a local candidate instead.
Er what ? You do know the rule change last year was a compromise by the leader office, NEC, members and unions. The reason we didn't get open primaries was because the union leaders were worried about losing influencing in the party. Its been a long view of the labour left for many years to have a member lead/democratic labour party with open primaries(The americans have open primaries for feck sake). If you can't democratise your own party, how the hell are you doing to democratise the British economy.Why do you think the rules were changed last year to make it easier to trigger reselection? Do you think it was out of some democratic principle, or do you think it was so 'activists' could begin to remove those candidates who don't align with the leaders views?
And the MPs who have been removed by I guess Corbyn style androids are ? Most standing MPs who have faced re selection have won. The example we are talking about has nothing to do with Corbyn but members wanting a local candidate.or do you think it was so 'activists' could begin to remove those candidates who don't align with the leaders views?
Dame Louise Ellman?... made a dame last year for her services to parliament and politicsI've no idea about Ellman i can't place the name .
Edit -
Arrest them all.
It looked like there was room for emergency vehicles.On a serious note isnt Lambeth Bridge one of the two major access routes to st Thomas hospital (and they are also blocking the other at westminister bridge as well)... and it has a pretty big A&E unit so i hope they have something in place for maintaining access for emergency vehicles and if not then yeah arrest them / disburse them.
On a serious note isnt Lambeth Bridge one of the two major access routes to st Thomas hospital (and they are also blocking the other at westminister bridge as well)... and it has a pretty big A&E unit so i hope they have something in place for maintaining access for emergency vehicles and if not then yeah arrest them / disburse them.
So it was just Fake Jews all along?I've no idea about Ellman i can't place the name but Hodge is a secular jew so why this prohibits her from attending I've no idea.
'Uncooperative crusties': Boris Johnson attacks Extinction Rebellion activists ~According to an account of his comments briefed out by No 10 on Monday evening, Boris Johnson said: “I hope that when we go out from this place tonight and we are waylaid by importunate nose-ringed climate change protesters we remind them that Mrs Thatcher was also right about greenhouse gases.
“And she took it seriously long before Greta Thunberg. And the best thing possible for the education of the denizens of the heaving hemp-smelling bivouacs that now litter Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park, the best thing would be for them to stop blocking the traffic and buy a copy of Charles Moore’s magnificent book so that they can learn about a true feminist, green and revolutionary who changed the world for the better.”
They are a odd lot for sure.
They remind of the repent protesters from the film Children Of Men
Although I guess its something at least
It looked like there was room for emergency vehicles.
So it was just Fake Jews all along?
Its been behind a paywall but yes we are in a crisis
Much to the displeasure of the FT, I'm guessing.Better off minimally in fiscal terms but then there are also all the other laws and policies that will help the lesser-off.