Westminster Politics

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Sadly this is likely symbolic.

No debate or vote in either House of Parliament is required prior to a treaty being ratified. The House of Commons has the power to delay ratification for 21 days—repeatedly, if desired—but only if the government makes time for debates and votes. The House of Lords can vote against ratification, but the government can still proceed by making a statement setting out why it believes the treaty should be ratified.

Oddly neither the BBC or Daily Mail have a story on it that I can see. Must be waiting for instruction from Tory HQ.
Labour are going to get outspent massively at the next election.

Apparently there was one cnut who left a shit tonne in his will to the Tories too
Can use it to their advantage with clever marketing and spending the money they have intelligently.
Labour are going to get outspent massively at the next election.

Apparently there was one cnut who left a shit tonne in his will to the Tories too

There's no polish that can make this one not look like a turd this time.
Like rats. They are all fecking pathetic.

This is what he said before.

To be totally fair, while I do not think anything these lot do are with any sort of good intentions, I do believe that someone should be able to change their view on a person and their competency in a role after seeing them in that role. I find it more worrying when someone sticks to their initial thoughts no matter what, regardless of what has transpired since then.
To be totally fair, while I do not think anything these lot do are with any sort of good intentions, I do believe that someone should be able to change their view on a person and their competency in a role after seeing them in that role. I find it more worrying when someone sticks to their initial thoughts no matter what, regardless of what has transpired since then.

They are just rats in a barrel. They know the gig is up so they're scrambling to save their own seats or future speaking gigs. Truss is just paid to prattle economic right wing lunacy she neither understands nor cares to understand. The few tory mps with career prospects have already said they're quitting, the ones panicking now are the real loons, especially in the red wall, who know that if they weren't an MP they'd be at best a used car salesman! It's rumoured that there's at least 30 to 40 more Tory MP's that have been reselected, but haven't publicly confirmed that they will stand at the next election. The likes of Jeremy Hunt might not stand. They are Fecked and they know it!
The likes of Jeremy Hunt might not stand. They are Fecked and they know it!

Discretion being the better part of valor, or "he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day."

The great Tory party 'churn' is about to begin, but don't let them fool you, they are only off to do some personal bloodletting off camera, then they re-arm, re-train and re-appear at the next GE.

Starmer needs a good majority and to hit the ground running the day the Labour Party wins. Every minister in the new cabinet needs to have been chosen (beforehand) and know what they have to do and the time frame for doing it.
"Stiffen the sinews and summon up the blood..." etc.
Can Cameron do PM again?
He'd need to stand as an MP again, according to this today in the Tel. They're getting excited about which next leader will drive Britain into outright fascism.


:lol: at the 'shitshow' comment and Sunak saying things are improving.

Sunak looks destroyed. :lol:

They are most certainly not improving and someone needs to ask Sunak on what basis does he say that.
How can they improve when the government funding to child care providers is significantly below their cost rate.
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