Westminster Politics

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Should just say feck it and go with a ex tory MP "all stars" cabinet and give Portillo the Department for Transport. I also wouldn't be surprised if William Hague was Rishi's first choice for Foreign Sec...an infinitely more impressive politician than any of the current MPs.
For those who don't realise, because Cameron had to be made a life peer to hold the position, as foreign secretary, he cannot be questioned in parliament about his work by MPs.

'accountability and democracy'
For those who don't realise, because Cameron had to be made a life peer to hold the position, as foreign secretary, he cannot be questioned in parliament about his work by MPs.

'accountability and democracy'

I read that and could not believe that, surely he should be made to go to the House of Commons and answer questions as a minister of the state.
Should just say feck it and go with a ex tory MP "all stars" cabinet and give Portillo the Department for Transport. I also wouldn't be surprised if William Hague was Rishi's first choice for Foreign Sec...an infinitely more impressive politician than any of the current MPs.

Might as well bring back Ken Clarke and Michael Heseltine.
So a Lord can't answer questions in the Commons and the Commons can't demand a Lord sits in front of committee. How can this unelected berk be held to account then?
Yes, who would protest for an armistice near Armistice day. Its just not in the spirit of things.

Yes, indeed the protesters can keep 'howling at the moon' now, especially with Braverman gone, the 'bogey-woman' has got her wish to be banished to middle England.
I read that and could not believe that, surely he should be made to go to the House of Commons and answer questions as a minister of the state.
So a Lord can't answer questions in the Commons and the Commons can't demand a Lord sits in front of committee. How can this unelected berk be held to account then?

All of this is governed by Parliamentary rules which can be changed by Parliament. But as they are Parliamentary rules they are also immune from any sort of legal challenge under the Bill of Rights.
Do you think they should have done focus groups with middle Englanders to find out which version of calling for a ceasefire was most palatable to them first? One where all elements of protest have been replaced with quietly doing nothing instead, presumably?

Don't need a focus group, 'middle england' will not be happy about the desecration of the Remembrance weekend, it does not occur that often that Armistice day and Remembrance Sunday fall as they have this year. Now Sunak has banished his 'bogey-woman' he has no one to blame and everyone to appease... what's that saying about "keeping friends close and enemies closer still". Sunak has just lost his 'get out of jail free card' and ironically, he has potentially let Starmer off the hook as well!

Westminster Politics indeed, suppose we should acknowledge the protesters part in all this, they may not have advanced their cause on a ceasefire in Gaza, but have certainly helped to open an even further rift in the Tory ranks.
Iggle Piggle back on the world stage! - That noise you can hear isn't the barrel being scraped...it's splinters from the bottom of the barrel hitting the tarmac.....another Zombie tory party parliament!
Yes, indeed the protesters can keep 'howling at the moon' now, especially with Braverman gone, the 'bogey-woman' has got her wish to be banished to middle England.

Not for long I suspect.
She will be now discussing her position with her power base. A very right wing power base no doubt.
And she will be planning her strategy.
My guess, for what it is worth, is that she may play the long game and, while agitating and making life difficult for Sunak, she may wait until he loses the next election.
And then make her play for leadership.
But as often happens I could be completely wrong.

Meanwhile, listening to the current discussion, Tory spokesmen have said that David Cameron brings credibility to the government and can hit the ground running because he is an established world leader.
Such a fantastic world leader who wanted to get much closer to China for example and told the UK that he would be able to pursued the EU to reform or else we would leave.

None of those ended well.
And he brings to the government One Nation Tories.
His idea of one nation was years of savage Austerity.
Remember his slogan....We Are All In It Together....
It sort of is - or something that stops the govt doing whatever it wants is. Doesn't have to be a load of wankers who are only in there due to the family they were born into though.
There are about 785 members of the Lords and 92 of them there due to their birth and I assume are the last ones left since the automatic right was abolished in 1999
There are about 785 members of the Lords and 92 of them there due to their birth and I assume are the last ones left since the automatic right was abolished in 1999

Yeah I suppose, but then you've got dickheads like Andrew Lloyd Webber who never goes, and Boris's daughter who is there purely because she lost the genetics lottery.

The environment's reaction:
There are about 785 members of the Lords and 92 of them there due to their birth and I assume are the last ones left since the automatic right was abolished in 1999
That would sound better if the other 693 weren't there due to services rendered to the tory coffers .
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There are about 785 members of the Lords and 92 of them there due to their birth and I assume are the last ones left since the automatic right was abolished in 1999

Don't forget the 37 the church has.

In a country where a massive 6% of the country attend church on a regular basis.
Rushi bringing out even more deckchairs.
Barkley to DEFRA and doesn't he look pleased...
Yeah I suppose, but then you've got dickheads like Andrew Lloyd Webber who never goes, and Boris's daughter who is there purely because she lost the genetics lottery.
Well if he doesn't go then he's irrelevant in political terms, TBH I'm in 2 minds about the upper chamber, I don't really like the unelected lot though they don't have that much power these days, but on the other hand the alternative could end up being like the US Senate and that would not be a good thing!
Strikes me as if he just wants to call a GE and get this all over with.

He knew he was gonna be in a spot of bother firing Cruella. But to fire her and in a roundabout way, replace her with David Cameron? Stick a fork in him, he's done. Whatever remains of the conservatives won't stand for that.
Strikes me as if he just wants to call a GE and get this all over with.

He knew he was gonna be in a spot of bother firing Cruella. But to fire her and in a roundabout way, replace her with David Cameron? Stick a fork in him, he's done. Whatever remains of the conservatives won't stand for that.

Why not, exactly? They voted for him as PM, so why not? And surely there cannot be many Tory voters mad enough to actually miss Suella.
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