Westminster Politics

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Of course not, and stopping trying doesn't help at all, but blaming it as a consequence of Brexit is nonsense because it isn't
Maybe not when you’re applying it to counterfeiting but when you apply it to food standards, electrical standards etc then it is a direct consequence
sunak complaining about personal attacks and starmer using prepared scripts. the bloody hypocrite.
The difference is that UK Customs were always awful but the government were answerable to the EU and EU Industry bodies for allowing goods that should have not entered the country and thus into the Single Market. Underdeclaring of VAT and fines for allowing illegal goods into the Single Market were common.

Now outside the Single Market, good luck.
Maybe not when you’re applying it to counterfeiting but when you apply it to food standards, electrical standards etc then it is a direct consequence
I would argue that's a direct consequence of electing a Trory Government, they are the ones that have chosen a path that they didn't have to
I would argue that's a direct consequence of electing a Trory Government, they are the ones that have chosen a path that they didn't have to

Without Brexit they wouldn't be able to. They haven't changed the standards yet. Wonder if Starmer announces in his manifesto whether he's going to keep alignment to EU standards and drop the new UKCA standards due to be introduced at some point.
Without Brexit they wouldn't be able to. They haven't changed the standards yet. Wonder if Starmer announces in his manifesto whether he's going to keep alignment to EU standards and drop the new UKCA standards due to be introduced at some point.
He won't say that. He'll say that if you're approved to the appropriate EU standard you've got an automatic pass - he'll describe it as minimising red tape for hard working UK exporters. The UKCA thing will quietly die of disuse and abuse.
He won't say that. He'll say that if you're approved to the appropriate EU standard you've got an automatic pass - he'll describe it as minimising red tape for hard working UK exporters. The UKCA thing will quietly die of disuse and abuse.

The UKCA will only apply to imports or for products produced in the UK for use only in GB.

For exports the manufacturers will have to be certified by the countries they're exporting to.

It's going to get highly complicated for UK producers, importers and exporters.

PS The UK government have extended the deadline for acceptance of the EU CE mark on imported goods as follows:

The deadline for when businesses need to use the UKCA mark has been extended.

You can continue to use the CE marking and reversed epsilon marking on the GB market until 31 December 2024.

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This government makes me want to rip up my economics degree, make it into a rope and hang my rational self.
What is the rational answer to the current situation?
2 different answers for BOE and the government really. The BOE only has the interest rate to do anything meaningful, and it's going to go up.

The government should look at the drivers of inflation, many of which are homemade by it's predecessors (or themselves depending on your point of view really).

In all fairness, anyone with an economics degree should do the same, regardless of the govt....

Let me guess: You do real work?
Don’t MP’s have calendars that are public?
Andrew Bailey under the bus.

The government is perfectly happy to hide behind the anger against the BoE and Andrew Bailey in particular.
But what is our government actually doing to help with this grave situation.
Answer.... nothing.
The BoE has 1 primary lever. Interest rates. Apart from QE or Quantative Tightening.
The government has a wide range of options, one of which is doing nothing.
And they are letting the BoE take all the flack at the moment because that suits them nicely.
You're welcome.

This is like austerity on steroids.
The BoE is now responsible for the biggest attack on living standards in decades. And not just for those buying or renting a house. All of us are being affected. And I say this as someone who lived through the significantly higher inflation of the 1970s.
And the BoE has chosen to become the prime cause of the inflation they are supposed to be curbing.
But it is not all the fault of the BoE.
The government has chosen to hide behind the BoE instead of taking the lead and being proactive on the cost of living crisis and especially inflation, instead of doing absolutely F All as they have been.
What is the chancellor doing, besides F All.
I almost find it odd to think that this is a democratically elected government. I don't understand who they're supposed to represent and what they are supposedly doing for their voters. Since Brexit, have the tories done anytything at all of note to make life better for, well, anyone in the UK?

I'm just looking from the outside so I'd be happy to be told that things are actually wonderful over there.
I almost find it odd to think that this is a democratically elected government. I don't understand who they're supposed to represent and what they are supposedly doing for their voters. Since Brexit, have the tories done anytything at all of note to make life better for, well, anyone in the UK?

I'm just looking from the outside so I'd be happy to be told that things are actually wonderful over there.

They helped their mates steal billions
This is like austerity on steroids.
The BoE is now responsible for the biggest attack on living standards in decades. And not just for those buying or renting a house. All of us are being affected. And I say this as someone who lived through the significantly higher inflation of the 1970s.
And the BoE has chosen to become the prime cause of the inflation they are supposed to be curbing.
But it is not all the fault of the BoE.
The government has chosen to hide behind the BoE instead of taking the lead and being proactive on the cost of living crisis and especially inflation, instead of doing absolutely F All as they have been.
What is the chancellor doing, besides F All.
Your post suggests the BoE carry most of the blame. Almost every advanced economy was behind the curve when it came to rate hikes. The only difference is that this government have chosen to do feck all with the vast array of fiscal tools it has.
Note: Real Wages are at pre financial crisis levels. I’m talking 2005/6
Your post suggests the BoE carry most of the blame. Almost every advanced economy was behind the curve when it came to rate hikes. The only difference is that this government have chosen to do feck all with the vast array of fiscal tools it has.

No. Not at all.
I have previously mentioned that the government is hiding behind the BoE and is doing absolutely nothing at all to help.
So I completely agree with you.
They have experience with this "we" business.

This once great institution is in the gutter.

They explained that the didn't think it was agood idea for him to be on HIGNFY making jokes and than on the news later for serious subjects. It makes sense and I hate the BBC
Your post suggests the BoE carry most of the blame. Almost every advanced economy was behind the curve when it came to rate hikes. The only difference is that this government have chosen to do feck all with the vast array of fiscal tools it has.

The BoE did nonetheless choose to increase base rates by very much the top end of expectation. Thereby greatly increasing the misery on millions who are already on the floor.
But the government could have temporarily increased their target of 2% inflation to a higher level so allowing the BoE to either hold or increase the rate by a smaller amount.
But what do I know.
Note: Real Wages are at pre financial crisis levels. I’m talking 2005/6

Oh really.
So how are people supposed to both pay their mortgages or rents while at the same time dealing with near 20% food inflation.
Any advice Mr Bailey, while you are drawing your £600,000 salary.
Oh really.
So how are people supposed to both pay their mortgages or rents while at the same time dealing with near 20% food inflation.
Any advice Mr Bailey, while you are drawing your £600,000 salary.

Wages aren’t even going up. It’s a feckin myth.
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