Westminster Politics

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354 vote for and 7 vote against. Appears Sunak did not vote. Can anyone confirm?

Interesting how much his remaining acolytes barked and barked, only to show that his actual remaining support even in this extreme parliamentary party is crap.
Confirmed, Sunak was not there. Even I am surprised with how angry and disgusted I am at this PM. He’s the weakest PM I’ve ever seen.
Confirmed, Sunak was not there. Even I am surprised with how angry and disgusted I am at this PM. He’s the weakest PM I’ve ever seen.
Not being there won't be forgotten, he's made a rod for his own back in interviews and PMQs. Would have been better fighting it out and taking control of his party, would have lost some MPs but at least have gained some respect at the end of it.

He's visibly wilted in the last few weeks, I can sense he doesn't feel he's up to it any more.
Not being there won't be forgotten, he's made a rod for his own back in interviews and PMQs. Would have been better fighting it out and taking control of his party, would have lost some MPs but at least have gained some respect at the end of it.

He's visibly wilted in the last few weeks, I can sense he doesn't feel he's up to it any more.

Yes he has.
All you are going to get from Sunak is to say exactly as he has been told to. Blah blah blah.
He is not even entertaining. And people say that Starmer is boring, which he is by the way.

Safety checks run down and boom time for criminals: this is why the UK is becoming the ‘dustbin of Europe’

This is the real, scariest consequence of Brexit. People who know and care devised this type of "red tape" to protect us and now it's in the hands of thick, ideological vandals. "We can do better than that" was always going to give way to "well does it matter anyway?" by people proffering the Pareto principle without understanding its meaning while taking large consulting fees so they can buy their goods from Paris.
This is the real, scariest consequence of Brexit. People who know and care devised this type of "red tape" to protect us and now it's in the hands of thick, ideological vandals. "We can do better than that" was always going to give way to "well does it matter anyway?" by people proffering the Pareto principle without understanding its meaning while taking large consulting fees so they can buy their goods from Paris.

Yeah I agree. People will die from this and nobody will trace the dots. A gigantic backward step with very serious consequences.
Longest serving MP. It’s usually a male so it’s usually Father of the House.
Slightly incorrect, the current longest serving MP Is Peter Bottomley who is Father of the House, Harriet Harman is the longest serving female MP and as such is Mother of the House
This is the real, scariest consequence of Brexit. People who know and care devised this type of "red tape" to protect us and now it's in the hands of thick, ideological vandals. "We can do better than that" was always going to give way to "well does it matter anyway?" by people proffering the Pareto principle without understanding its meaning while taking large consulting fees so they can buy their goods from Paris.
Bit late for that, UK has been the dustbin for a long time and has nothing to do with Brexit, anyone who's been down the Strangeways area of Manchester could have told you this any time in the last 20 years
Bit late for that, UK has been the dustbin for a long time and has nothing to do with Brexit, anyone who's been down the Strangeways area of Manchester could have told you this any time in the last 20 years

You're never going to stop all counterfeiting, illegal business practices, fraud, etc, but it isn't an excuse to stop trying altogether which is effectively what you're doing if you trash the already underfunded Trading Standards and waive border checks.
You're never going to stop all counterfeiting, illegal business practices, fraud, etc, but it isn't an excuse to stop trying altogether which is effectively what you're doing if you trash the already underfunded Trading Standards and waive border checks.
Of course not, and stopping trying doesn't help at all, but blaming it as a consequence of Brexit is nonsense because it isn't
Of course not, and stopping trying doesn't help at all, but blaming it as a consequence of Brexit is nonsense because it isn't

It is though. Because it's now entirely down to our vandals rather than the EU. And the regulations are harder to keep track of because we're on our own, and the border agents can't check things like they would have done before because otherwise the goods will never get through. We've swapped the previous good red tape for worthless red tape essentially. And then left a bunch of dim witted foxes in charge of the enforcement chicken coop.
What is the 'Mother of the House?'
She's the one who tries to keep a straight face when you walk back into the house after smoking, thinking that a long spray of Lynx Africa and two mint imperials have covered up the smell.
It is though. Because it's now entirely down to our vandals rather than the EU. And the regulations are harder to keep track of because we're on our own, and the border agents can't check things like they would have done before because otherwise the goods will never get through. We've swapped the previous good red tape for worthless red tape essentially. And then left a bunch of dim witted foxes in charge of the enforcement chicken coop.
So every decision made by the powers that be is due to Brexit? They could have chosen to keep the same regulations, this is more to do with the current Government than anything else, and before you ask or suggest it, I was not in favor of it, I think it's one of the worst decisions the country has ever made, but it shouldn't be blamed for everything that happens going forward
So every decision made by the powers that be is due to Brexit? They could have chosen to keep the same regulations, this is more to do with the current Government than anything else, and before you ask or suggest it, I was not in favor of it, I think it's one of the worst decisions the country has ever made, but it shouldn't be blamed for everything that happens going forward

My biggest issue with Brexit was that taking back our "sovereignty" was actually "putting power in the hands of people who both despise the majority of the populus and couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery".

So yes, the government are responsible for Brexit, they're responsible for fecking up the Brexit deal, they're responsible for fecking up what they're fecking up now. But if they hadn't have done Brexit it would have been much harder or in some cases even impossible to feck everything up in such a colossal way. You might be bored of hearing about but it doesn't mean it's not true.
Of course not, and stopping trying doesn't help at all, but blaming it as a consequence of Brexit is nonsense because it isn't
That's just wrong.

Even if the presumption that the state failed it's role before brexit was correct goods still came in through european ports where they were checked before brexit (because ironically enough Britain hasn't had a world class port in half a century).
Bit late for that, UK has been the dustbin for a long time and has nothing to do with Brexit, anyone who's been down the Strangeways area of Manchester could have told you this any time in the last 20 years
Oh, you thought we were already the dustbin, strap up, it'll get worse.
The fact that raising interest rates through the roof has barely touched inflation surely demonstrates this isn’t a case of tempering discretionary spending, the cause is rampant corporate opportunism. It’s going to come to the point where a large section of the population cannot afford basics. I’m not sure how this is going to end, it’s very worrying.
When are we going to talk about Brexit?

Probably never. There's always another excuse they will latch on to. First it was the pandemic, now the war in Ukraine. Next one will be some other geopolitical event or climate change.
Hearing comments from senior tories and bankers that we 'need' a recession to bring down inflation. like its just going to be an inconvenience for a while. same mentality that led to a decade of austerity which caused untold suffering to millions of the least well off. when none of the posh twits who caused the banking crisis in the first place have ever been held accountable, and they were happy to leave their free market ideology to one side when taking hundreds of billions of taxpayers money to bail them out.

they really dont give a feck about millions of people in this country who suffer as a consequence. no mention of corporate greed and artificial consumer price hikes, or energy costs being controlled by proper taxation and proper subsidy for bill payers. its always the poorest who suffer. feck the red wall and their obsession with coloured people being the cause of their woes, the forelock tugging racist twits.
Hearing comments from senior tories and bankers that we 'need' a recession to bring down inflation. like its just going to be an inconvenience for a while. same mentality that led to a decade of austerity which caused untold suffering to millions of the least well off. when none of the posh twits who caused the banking crisis in the first place have ever been held accountable, and they were happy to leave their free market ideology to one side when taking hundreds of billions of taxpayers money to bail them out.

they really dont give a feck about millions of people in this country who suffer as a consequence. no mention of corporate greed and artificial consumer price hikes, or energy costs being controlled by proper taxation and proper subsidy for bill payers. its always the poorest who suffer. feck the red wall and their obsession with coloured people being the cause of their woes, the forelock tugging racist twits.

One of them is now the Prime Minister.
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