Westminster Politics

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I will see you and raise you:

Secret House of Lords circle ‘shown to have worked with far right’


A secretive organisation accused of collaborating with far-right activists has been operating out of the House of Lords for more than a decade, a cache of leaked documents suggests.

The organisation, called the New Issues Group (NIG), includes the former Ukip leader Malcolm Pearson and the Tory former deputy speaker of the House of Lords Baroness Cox.

The cache of documents, acquired by anti-fascist group Hope not Hate, even suggests that a figure who would become one of the UK’s most notorious anti-Muslim activists drafted questions to be asked in the House of Lords by group members.

Joe Mulhall, research director at Hope not Hate, described the existence of the secretive organisation as “pretty terrifying”. He added: “Our investigation found members of the House of Lords collaborating with far-right Islamophobes.”

Confirming the group’s existence, Cox denied that the NIG was anti-Muslim, saying it could “certainly not” be described in such a way.

Instead, she said, it was a “meeting of people who support the aims of my bill”, referring to a private member’s bill, first introduced in 2011, which aims to protect Muslim women in Britain from sharia law. “I have strong support from Muslim women,” she added.

Pearson added: “It would be wrong to describe it [the NIG] as anti-Muslim. Its main purpose has been and is to support Baroness Cox’s bill.”
Can't imagine that acronym was an unhappy accident.
Oakshott helped write the book for Matt Hancock then leaked all of the text messages to the Telegraph :lol:. They deserve each other.

I know it’s Matt Hancock and so he deserves it but that’s still horrific journalism. Like getting rid of any form of integrity and throwing it all out the window.
I know it’s Matt Hancock and so he deserves it but that’s still horrific journalism. Like getting rid of any form of integrity and throwing it all out the window.

They don't have any integrity they only have influence which they use to force people into action. Without any doubt they've taken direction from No 10 to release all this now and in doing so will be owed favour.

I think No 10 are implicitly threatening it's own MPs to get on side and using Hancock as the easy target to do.
I know it’s Matt Hancock and so he deserves it but that’s still horrific journalism. Like getting rid of any form of integrity and throwing it all out the window.

She’s broken an NDA apparently. I can only hope her anti lockdown agenda impacts the Tories and affects them in the long run. She is a disgusting piece of work anyway however I’ll be grabbing the popcorn on this fight between right wing nutters.
Why release these now though? None of it is surprising, but feels like this is a convenient smoke screen/distraction for something the tories are doing or about to do.

Exactly what I was thinking. If they've reached this level it's going to be pretty shit. Probably involving Cruella or Dirty Patel.
Why release these now though? None of it is surprising, but feels like this is a convenient smoke screen/distraction for something the tories are doing or about to do.
Feels more like someone wants to torpedo Hancock's new career. This reflects horribly on the Tories, even if he is being made to carry the can for most of it.
Feels more like someone wants to torpedo Hancock's new career.

It was pretty much in the gutter already, and this isn't overtly new news. It was well known that patients were discharged from hospitals into care homes without any testing.

Oakshott & The Telegraph's timing isn't in the public interest but more just to take the headlines away from the Brexit deal.
The Telegraph leaks via that vile far-right shagger, Oakeshott, while they embarrass Hancock, they more importantly keep the new Brexit news off of the front pages - given how Sunak thinks being part of the EU single market is a marvellous thing...
Good lord, Sunak is so bad at PMQs.

Love the line about the wealthy paying more taxes than ever before (it's because their gains are so extraordinarily massive and always increasing that a lower tax rate can yield more taxes)
It was pretty much in the gutter already, and this isn't overtly new news. It was well known that patients were discharged from hospitals into care homes without any testing.

Oakshott & The Telegraph's timing isn't in the public interest but more just to take the headlines away from the Brexit deal.
The leak needed to be last week when it had blanket front page coverage for days.
All the above being said, "No one thinks testing is going well, Matt" is a cracker of a line to his obvious obliviousness :lol:
My bar is pretty low now. As I've said elsewhere my wish would be just to have a government who aren't for all intents and purposes a fascist crime syndicate.

Quite. That being said, my mum also stated she has no intention of voting in the next GE so hopefully that apathy is replicated amongst other DM readers.
Why release these now though? None of it is surprising, but feels like this is a convenient smoke screen/distraction for something the tories are doing or about to do.

Oakshott is one of this anti lockdown nutters so not sure if she thinks it would help that but I hope it further divides the tories. I hope Hancock sues her for breach of NDA.
It's the telegraph feasting on one of their own.

To be honest these days I just assume anything the telegraph reports is made up on whim. Probably a cocaine and buttplug fueled whim. Used to be a respected newspaper. RIP.
All the above being said, "No one thinks testing is going well, Matt" is a cracker of a line to his obvious obliviousness :lol:
:lol:It's so brutal but matter of fact it did make me laugh.
Oakshott is one of this anti lockdown nutters so not sure if she thinks it would help that but I hope it further divides the tories. I hope Hancock sues her for breach of NDA.

All she’s doing it for is to take the Brexit news off the front page, and some fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Sad reality is that she’s not releasing anything of significance or anything which doesn’t confirm what we know already about him; that he’s a bellend.

If this isn't conservatism in a nutshell. A whole group of people that only got to their positions through brown-nosing, outright bribery, or sleeping with the right people, and they believe the "plebs" organising for better pay and protections to do their jobs is "hating work".

These are the people either coked up, piss-fart drunk in westminster or watching porn in the commons. When you allow politics to become so detached from the population they believe they get into the system through nothing but merit and everyone else is a leech on society. They are never held to electoral account and then just reinforce that belief structure.
If this isn't conservatism in a nutshell. A whole group of people that only got to their positions through brown-nosing, outright bribery, or sleeping with the right people, and they believe the "plebs" organising for better pay and protections to do their jobs is "hating work".

These are the people either coked up, piss-fart drunk in westminster or watching porn in the commons. When you allow politics to become so detached from the population they believe they get into the system through nothing but merit and everyone else is a leech on society. They are never held to electoral account and then just reinforce that belief structure.

Spot on.
The Nasty Party in a nutshell. Full of egotistical self interest wankers.
If this isn't conservatism in a nutshell. A whole group of people that only got to their positions through brown-nosing, outright bribery, or sleeping with the right people, and they believe the "plebs" organising for better pay and protections to do their jobs is "hating work".

These are the people either coked up, piss-fart drunk in westminster or watching porn in the commons. When you allow politics to become so detached from the population they believe they get into the system through nothing but merit and everyone else is a leech on society. They are never held to electoral account and then just reinforce that belief structure.
Well said. The term 'new low' has worked fecking hard over the last few years.

He's already been caught out on outright lies before, absolutely no one except moronic gammons will believe a word he says.

Has anybody, in their life, ever seen the same family 2 or 3 times a week in any fast food chain?
I just can't understand how stupid Hancock must be to hand over all his whatsapp to someone like her. It's staggering.

He deserves all the abuse he's going to get, if for no other reason than thinking he could become a celebrity after the things he did.
He's already been caught out on outright lies before, absolutely no one except moronic gammons will believe a word he says.

Has anybody, in their life, ever seen the same family 2 or 3 times a week in any fast food chain?

But don’t you know he’s a proper working class politician!!! He’s looking out for the little man! He’s one of the only ones there who knows what it’s like to be poor and work in t’pit!

He speaks for the millions of working class!!!

Or some bullshit like that
He's already been caught out on outright lies before, absolutely no one except moronic gammons will believe a word he says.

Has anybody, in their life, ever seen the same family 2 or 3 times a week in any fast food chain?
Begs the question, why is he in there 2 or 3 times a week.
I just can't understand how stupid Hancock must be to hand over all his whatsapp to someone like her. It's staggering.

He deserves all the abuse he's going to get, if for no other reason than thinking he could become a celebrity after the things he did.

Yes exactly.
And he thought that all he needed to do was appear on that stupid celebrity in the jungle programme and that would be him forgiven.
So Matt. You have just learnt that you can fool some of the people some of the time. And the rest of the people the rest of the time. But you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Even the most gullible people in the UK.
Keir Starmer poised to hire Sue Gray as Labour chief of staff
The Cabinet Office has confirmed that Sue Gray has left the civil service. A spokesperson also said they would be “reviewing the circumstances under which she resigned”, which suggests some concern about how she might have been negotiating a move to Labour (to work as chief of staff for Keir Starmer) while working for the government as a civil servant.

A Cabinet Office spokesperson said:

We can confirm that Sue Gray has resigned from the post of second permanent secretary in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. This was accepted by the department permanent secretary and cabinet secretary with immediate effect. We will not be commenting further on individual personnel matters. We are reviewing the circumstances under which she resigned.

The Labour party has not officially commented. It is understood that it wants to wait until the appointment has been cleared with the advisory committee on business appointments, which issues guidance on ministers and senior officials taking jobs outside government when they leave. But Labour sources say Starmer is set to appoint her as his chief of staff.


Well the Government is finally clamping down on all those conflicts of interest which exist.
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