Westminster Politics

They are going to cut spending to services in that Nov update.
"Due to the Ukraine war and the after effects of Covid (which we somehow didn't take into account) our policies of filling Kwasi's former company's pockets with more money, and cutting tax whilst increasing spending, somehow didn't work out. But this government are committed to continuing the great work we've acieved over the last seventeen centuries. I'll now hand over to MechaGove, Leader of the Moon Base Parliament, to light the prole sacrifice fires."

I thought about fixing my mortgate for 5 years but decided against it to have more flexibility with family planning. Always expected rates to go up but looking crazy right now. I still fixed for 3 years so have until the end of 2024 but that 3 years fixed is looking like a short amount of time.
Nah, if he was white and called ‘Richard’ she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere NEAR the job.
More like if he hadn’t given away public money to the public during covid. That money should have gone to rich Tories and they haven’t forgiven him for it.
I thought about fixing my mortgate for 5 years but decided against it to have more flexibility with family planning. Always expected rates to go up but looking crazy right now. I still fixed for 3 years so have until the end of 2024 but that 3 years fixed is looking like a short amount of time.
I'm in the process of remortgaging now and hoping Chelsea BS are not going to try and shaft us on the rate agreed a couple of weeks ago.

This helps give me a better idea of the scale of insanity Truss and Kwarteng have pulled off.

LeVeLiNg uP!

I'm sure that the US and UK want to tank the economy. Unemployment is a price worth paying.
I mean, I knew she was going to be hilariously disastrous, what I didn't anticipate was how hilariously disastrous, and how quickly.

We can only hope…

More issues with the pound, Labour suggesting Renationalising rail and PR, this could increase further still.
Umm…Isn’t this exactly what she ran on to win their vote? Were they just not listening because the other guy wasn’t white?
Tory members are a small subset of Tory voters and a very specific demographic in themselves.
Tory members are a small subset of Tory voters and a very specific demographic in themselves.
Whilst that is true the entire Tory leadership campaign was a race driven by who could be the most neoliberal - tax cuts dominated the agenda. If that isn’t their bag I’d suggest these Tory voters stop voting Tory. Rishi was only the more moderate of them all because the time to cut tax wasn’t right - not because ideologically he’s against it.
Umm…Isn’t this exactly what she ran on to win their vote? Were they just not listening because the other guy wasn’t white?


Also, isn't what's happening now exactly what Rishi said would happen with Truss' plans? Stupid bitch.

So, how do we move forward from here? Do the top 1% of Tory cnuts get to fleece the country and destroy it in the same process, or, does the Chancellor go back and change his proposals?
I saw a homeless person today and decided to help them so I went to the richest part of town and pushed a few hundred quid through the letterbox of the most expensive house I could find so that some of that would 'trickle down ' to the homeless person. This is Tory policy.