Westminster Politics

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I think the nationalisation of water utilities is probably an inevitability now. Mostly excuse they’ve been saddled with £50bn in debt while they’ve neglected the infrastructure and it’s the classic “privatise profits, socialise debt” mantra of these people.
If the next (likely Labour) government don't repeal this law (and I have very low hopes) then the time will finally have come to start thinking about selling up and moving to Canada or New Zealand in the next decade.

I can't afford to have the British government snatch my only property if me and my family are no longer British even though we've been here all our lives. This is a very targeted move being made here and it will likely be a joint party one, not just Tory. Us brown folk get the message.
Just reading this makes me sick. I am a UK national by birth and I have never been more ashamed to be associated with being a Brit.
“There is too much talk that there’s going to be a recession,” she said. “I don’t believe that’s inevitable. We can unleash opportunity here in Britain.”

- Liz Truss, Political Figure Impersonator

It IS inevitable. 0.6% shrink last quarter and we're not going to bounce back this quarter. Unless your proposed "opportunities" somehow come to life immediately off of the scrap piece of paper you've scribbled them on, and not be an unbridled failure like everything you've ever done, they're not going to change that in time to fix anything. You absolute fecking idiot.
It IS inevitable. 0.6% shrink last quarter and we're not going to bounce back this quarter. Unless your proposed "opportunities" somehow come to life immediately off of the scrap piece of paper you've scribbled them on, and not be an unbridled failure like everything you've ever done, they're not going to change that in time to fix anything. You absolute fecking idiot.
Buck up your ideas, Mr negative. Youre probably a lefty snowflake. If you think positive you get all the economic benefits.



HAHAHAHA militant hacks to unleash strikes that will close right wing rag and starve gammons of their daily dose of anti-woke news and EU-bashing.
Not that the Tories give a flying feck, but...

Criminal barristers in England and Wales vote to go on all-out strike

Suspect the solution will be to go ahead regardless and make people stand trial without legal aid?

Terrible solution of course but probably popular that we don't provide legal aid to criminals (and as they will probably all be found guilty without representation they will therefore be criminals )... I expect patel is creaming herself at the chance to bully some lefty lawyers
I imagine Labour, under any leader, would wait until the new Tory leader / PM is (undemocratically) elected before rebuking talking points.

I agree they just don't have the killer instinct do they?

Now is precisely the time to attack when their leader in waiting has to be very careful in what they say in case they frighten the Tory faithful.

Starmer should be going in swinging... throwing 'left/rights /upper-cutter's' .....now whilst both would be Tory leaders are hamstrung in how they can respond.

I despair of every seeing another Labour government in my lifetime... what the feck is Starmer waiting for, in fact the whole shadow cabinet should be out there everyday, addressing everybody in the land... but the Tory faithful!
Suspect the solution will be to go ahead regardless and make people stand trial without legal aid?

Terrible solution of course but probably popular that we don't provide legal aid to criminals (and as they will probably all be found guilty without representation they will therefore be criminals )... I expect patel is creaming herself at the chance to bully some lefty lawyers
Solution is a very strong word when your suggestion is to forget the law and legal norms.
I agree they just don't have the killer instinct do they?

Now is precisely the time to attack when their leader in waiting has to be very careful in what they say in case they frighten the Tory faithful.

Starmer should be going in swinging... throwing 'left/rights /upper-cutter's' .....now whilst both would be Tory leaders are hamstrung in how they can respond.

I despair of every seeing another Labour government in my lifetime... what the feck is Starmer waiting for, in fact the whole shadow cabinet should be out there everyday, addressing everybody in the land... but the Tory faithful!
I'm not sure that would be the correct strategy right now, to be honest. And I'm always willing to stick the boot in on Starmer.

The Tory leadership comments will be there for all to see on public record. It is rather high profile.
The UK is disintegrating into a total shit show.

I would be worried if I lived there. I am worried enough living next door.
I'm not sure that would be the correct strategy right now, to be honest.

Its the only strategy, for Labour, i.e. to turn the Tory leadership election into a liability, to get ahead in the run up to the next election, get Labour's mantra into the heads of the non-politicized public.
Otherwise, its sit back and let the new Tory leader dole out money left and right, (as they will have to do) thereby stealing all Labour's clothes and nullifying the TU's.
FGS if Starmer cannot see whats happening in front of his eyes, then Labour right, left or extreme left are finished (for whats left of my lifetime) anyway
Feels like that was an honest mistake from Grant Shapps there. I'm sure if he'd known he'd made a mistake he'd be the first to own up to it and not double down on his error



fkin ell what a f-ing government and Tory party. The secretary for transport comes on a interview on national tv and he doesn’t even know the facts, incompetence.
What a government, covering up reports on the direct link between benefit cuts and health, cover up on Rwanda’s human rights record, sewer being dumped in the sea and the list it just goes on and on. One scandal after each other. And yet they’re people still voting for these incompetent & immoral liars????

I believe when Labour were ahead in 2013 Milliband's personal ratings were terrible and still worse than Cameron and even with a lead they were still behind the Tories on things like the economy, which they aren't now.

Plus the time between 2013 and 2015 seem like a blessed utopia compared to life in 2022 and what's to come this winter and beyond. Things will only get worse.

You must never discount the shy tory voter of course, but I still think the recent polls are very positive for Labour, and after an initial brief bounce with Truss she will crash and burn. She's hopeless and doesnt even have any of the buffoon like charm of Johnson which appealed to people for some reason.
Its the only strategy, for Labour, i.e. to turn the Tory leadership election into a liability, to get ahead in the run up to the next election, get Labour's mantra into the heads of the non-politicized public.
Otherwise, its sit back and let the new Tory leader dole out money left and right, (as they will have to do) thereby stealing all Labour's clothes and nullifying the TU's.
FGS if Starmer cannot see whats happening in front of his eyes, then Labour right, left or extreme left are finished (for whats left of my lifetime) anyway

Labour have nothing to gain by going full bore at the tories at the moment. Literally nothing a few points in opinion polls this far out from a GE dosent really mean anything.

I suspect they are sitting back a little and waiting, they have very little power against such a big majority to really effect anything either way.

No point going in all in when the country is on the tipping point of disaster, there is a recession coming, inflation is getting out of control and the cost of energy is about to absolutely muller people in the next 6 months. The economy if going to take a battering and we are already in trouble thanks to tory austerity and covid.

Policies and pledges that may seem sensible and achievable now may not be economically viable in 6 months and making promises only to go back on them again is a huge own goal and easy pickings for tory mud throwing come election time.

Labour are just going to have to wait until its election time, asses the wreckage that the tories will be proudly guarding and come up with viable policies to rescue the situation.
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