Westminster Politics

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A lot of people asking why Boris taking holidays now while he's still PM when he'll be free to do what he wants come September...

Because no doubt he has plans come September, probably in a media role. Tories will need him bullshitting loudly and often from the sidelines to give them a chance next GE. He'll likely be doing it with a view of returning to power.
Care homes decimated, 200k dead, herd immunity, millions facing the worst cost of living crisis in living memory, NHS understaffed, underfunded and at breaking point, teachers having to feed hungry schoolkids out of their own pockets while private schools funding goes up.

Got to give credit where credit is due: he got the big culls right.
Also over those 12 years civil servants have been suffering from 1% annual pay rises, well below inflation at the best of times, and an erosion of their pensions and other in work benefits. With the reason given that it was all done for the common good.
you mean the gold plated final salary pensions... boo fekin hoo
That's weird, I can't seem to find that news on the BBC website. Maybe the editor is still asleep after plastering the Sunak gaffe across every headline page?
You’re such a Sunak fanboi
I think Sunak pronounces it fanbo!
That's brilliant. She doesn't actually say the referendum was won on lies explicitly, mind. It's vague enough that she can talk her way out of it.

The thing is, this wont offend the British public. Because the British public will agree with her and think “she’s talking about them, not me“. Patriotism stretches as far as flags or statues, it doesn’t extend to people.

Finally a politician telling truth and it could be said about most Western countries. Let’s be honest, how many in here are currently posting whilst at work? We’re all guilty of it. It’s the reason why communism doesn’t work.
Well I'm at the doctors and they have the radio on. Loads of callers agree with her. We have too much immigration and too many job vacancies and too many workshy people on benefits too seems to be the theme.
Well I'm at the doctors and they have the radio on. Loads of callers agree with her. We have too much immigration and too many job vacancies and too many workshy people on benefits too seems to be the theme.

That’s not what she meant though…
Does it matter? I expected it to be a lead balloon and everyone calling in (admittedly during working hours so that may be slightly problematic) agrees. Ten in a row so far. Everyone is making the same connections too.
Top comments in the DM were all blasting her, saying they work 12 hour shifts already etc..., the Tories hate workers, people need to work harder so the rich stay richer and so on.
Does it matter? I expected it to be a lead balloon and everyone calling in (admittedly during working hours so that may be slightly problematic) agrees. Ten in a row so far. Everyone is making the same connections too.

The irony :lol:


I was worried the Tories might find a way of avoiding the consequences of having BJ as PM, get a new face in and all that fresh start bullshit but no they are going to put Lizzy Dripping in and like Brown she will doom them.

I especially like the bit about how productive London is because that is definitely the way to keep the Northern seats.
So as I've said, they are softening up to bring back some immigrants or those who are retiring into the labor market
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