Westminster Politics

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How do we get rid of this government, now? Genuinely asking. Its a truly frightening time to be trapped on this dreary fecking island.

Ukraine's President Zelenskiy and British Prime Minister Johnson open a plate with his name on the Alley of Bravery in Kyiv. Photograph: Gleb Garanich/Reuters

How will the world survive without such a brave man? Wave a flag and be fooled for one last time before the Village Idiot takes over.

There's been so many different lines attempted from Tory MPs in the last month to spin any blame towards Putin and away from themselves.

Feck it least you're not dying is certainly a bold strategy from a leader to his citizens.

he can get fecked. this has been their line from the beginning. completely dishonest and completely disrespecting the basic intelligence of the average person.

we're still buying gas from russia. this isn't some ideological distinction. it's a method of trying to propagandize a people to accept a disastrously managed economic transition which will make paupers of the relatively comfortable and render the worst off completely destitute.

or a novel idea. all the richest must vacate their houses, beyond the first two, and allow the public to take ownership of them. afterall, we're all in it together, right? and they can also donate any sum of their salary which moves above the living wage. again, we're in it together. yeah, didn't think so.

millionaires and billionaires telling poor people to accept poverty under false pretenses. what a bunch of cnuts.

Boris can go feck himself...and he's obsessed with the Ukrainian leader.

I don't see for one second why the British people have to pay for this with their bills...war machine is making billions, energy companies making billions, British people getting financially fecked, and Ukraine getting blown up (as if the Government give a flying feck about them...its more hatred towards Russia)

Oh, hi Boris! Didn't know you were still around because you've been on holiday for ages. It's good to know that you actually have a statement about the cost of living other than "no comment" as long as you're miles away from the country.

Edit: answer me dammit. Why isn't Boris replying to me?!
Boris can go feck himself...and he's obsessed with the Ukrainian leader.

I don't see for one second why the British people have to pay for this with their bills...war machine is making billions, energy companies making billions, British people getting financially fecked, and Ukraine getting blown up (as if the Government give a flying feck about them...its more hatred towards Russia)
it must be galling for the public and businesses who have being fecked over by covid and austerity, only for Boris Johnson who has gone missing this past month to turn around and say "yeah that cost of living crisis, just suck it up and endure it"
Boris can go feck himself...and he's obsessed with the Ukrainian leader.

I don't see for one second why the British people have to pay for this with their bills...war machine is making billions, energy companies making billions, British people getting financially fecked, and Ukraine getting blown up (as if the Government give a flying feck about them...its more hatred towards Russia)
More hatred towards Russia? What do you mean?
More hatred towards Russia? What do you mean?
the russian invasion of ukraine is not the reason for this current state of affairs but it has been used as an excuse and is, by some, still being used as an excuse. macron in his "end of the age of abundance" speech has come close to telling the truth. that the market is essentially fecked, something which won't catch many people by surprise, and that this is the result of a longterm series of issues that were in play prior to february. which would be in play if russia and ukraine made peace tomorrow.

any politician or public servant using war rhetoric as cover for the cost of living crisis is telling you lies and doing it knowingly. the measures coming into effect in france are not for one winter. it will be marketed as that for now, but the transition will take longer than a year. moreover, the general effect of all this is "accept poverty without complaint because other people are dying in a somewhat related but not in any way causal event". and so that's where "russian hatred" is used rhetorically to sell something that has nothing innately to do with russia.

What an absolute race to the bottom this contest has been, and Sunak really just comes off terribly every time he opens his mouth.

Firstly, this screams of captain hindsight, I’d be willing to bet that his story of events didn’t happen. Secondly, all it’s saying to me is that he can’t negotiate or influence anyone - hardly a quality you want in a PM.
The whole leadership debate has been crazy. It's essentially become a 6 week campaign where each candidates just parrots the worse of the Daily Mail propoganda.

That alone should prevent the tories winning the next general election but you just know instead it'll have shifted public views right.

With cost of living crisis they're going to ramp up the war rhetoric, the attacks on costly refugees, and push an anti-green agenda. This country is going to get a lot worse over the next year.

Once again it's the 'let's blame those pesky scientists' game. Them with their decades of built-up knowledge and experience in the sector where knowledge and experience was needed! What we really needed to lead our response to the biggest international health crisis in a century was a bunch of bankers (admittedly that's 90% what happened anyway).

Once again it's the 'let's blame those pesky scientists' game. Them with their decades of built-up knowledge and experience in the sector where knowledge and experience was needed! What we really needed to lead our response to the biggest international health crisis in a century was a bunch of bankers (admittedly that's 90% what happened anyway).

What’s even more hypocritical is that the Johnson government (of which Sunak was the second most important figure) religiosly repeated the slogan of “following the science” as a CYA exercise to avoid future scrutiny as the bodies piled up and the economy tanked,
But it’s surely not surprising to anyone.

Of course not but May and Cameron would never talk about a French President that way. I’m not even sure Boris would to be honest. The general tone that they are getting away with now is completely, openly, in the gutter, in a way that it definitely wasn’t even through Brexit for serious MPs (I’m not counting Farage).
Not at all, he was always one to serve with Boris and be part of the shambles however he seems to have gone even more deplorable in trying to be leader. Need someone to call the twat out to his face.
The reek of desperation as he switched from being Mr prudent on tax to promising crazy cuts, then coming out with all that shite about 'woke leftie lawyers', then his obvious lack of empathy with ordinary people when he can't even use contactless.
His voting record was awful -standard Tory- but he'd somehow seemed vaguely more palatable before going into this campaign or maybe just the least worst cabinet member and not a total half-wit - maybe him distancing himself from Johnson a lot helped too. He's been totally unmasked as a repellant cryptofascist though.
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So Lord Cruddas' campaign to get 10,000 Tory party members to sign a petition for the party to veto Johnson's resignation is at 8,700. If they reach 10k it seems the party will be forced to look at it and maybe have a ballot on it, likely just after the leadership election results are announced a week on Monday and potentially massively undermining the winner's position.

Boris Johnson supporters tantalisingly close to their dream of a veto on PM’s ousting

It means that if a further 1,300 validated members sign the petition, the party will have to look at changing its constitution and allow a ballot on whether to accept Mr Johnson's resignation.

This would potentially throw the existing leadership election into chaos, as any ballot will almost certainly take place after the winner has been announced a week on Monday.
The reek of desperation as he switched from being Mr prudent on tax to promising crazy cuts, then coming out with all that shite about 'woke leftie lawyers', then his obvious lack of empathy with ordinary people when he can't even use contactless.
His voting record was awful -standard Tory- but he'd somehow seemed vaguely more palatable before going into this campaign or maybe just the least worst cabinet member and not a total half-wit - maybe him distancing himself from Johnson a lot helped too. He's been totally unmasked as a repellant cryptofascist though.

Exactly this. Both of them have been pandering to their supporters during these hustings with idiotic comments to appease them. Whoever wins, they will be taken apart by proper questioning.
This is scandalous. I dread to see the impact this will have on people in the winter. These hikes were already planned in so decisive action could have been taken to support people but nothing has been done. The Tories are truly the scum of the earth.

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The sweet taste of shite...

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