Westminster Politics

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As a Labour supporter, I'm kind of hoping he does. The longer he stays in power, the bigger the Tory sh1t-show seems to become. It's guaranteed that tons more stuff will come out over time - which should be enough to sink his whole rancid party in time for the next GE.
Not really though. The country doesn't want a Labour party in power. Blair is the only Labour leader to win an election in modern times. The 'opposition' needs a total reset and that takes time
How can you in good conscience stand up and offer these non-questions? They must have been scraping the barrel to get people to ask them
It may come out next week but yeah - he's expecting it to be old news by then
Yep, they'll save the people from high energy bills or petrol costs and if that doesn't work then only then will he resign.

Loved Starmer smashing into him but there was a bit of a South Park Hilary moment when he just sticking to the rehearsed lines instead of adapting. When Boris tried to wiggle away and say that he knew Starmer was paid to try and get him the sack he should've responded that he was paid to be held accountable for his action and serve the people, or something.
Who the feck asks a question about green spaces during all of this ??

Edit: Christ now a question about washing machines !!
I don’t want whoever replaces Boris from the Tory party - they’ll either be on the right, a slime ball like Gove or popular like Sunak. If Sunak replaced Boris they’ll do another makeover on this sleaze like they have on austerity convincing everyone that the people now in charge weren’t involved and he’ll walk the next election. Keep Boris at Westminster!
This is the only way Johnson’s PMship was ever going to end. Shame and embarrassment.
The washing machine question was absolutely hilarious and infuriating at the same time

Also even if Boris is hoping for another distraction by the time the report is released, he seems very wedded to it. Makes me slightly suspicious they'll conveniently find nothing wrong
You can tell what party a person represents from their voice alone. if they have a strong English accent it’s Labour, strong Scottish accent it’s SNP and if they sound like an arrogant nonce it’s Tory.
People were getting fined for going for a coffee at the time this happened. I can’t believe he is trying to defend himself.
Anyone else find it hilarious when Tory MP's sit there saying something like "decades of neglect"

Have they forgot they were mostly in charge?
Boris Johnson: 'I wish to apologise' over Downing Street party

That should do it, and you know what it just might
There has been a conservative majority for 4 of the last 25 years would be their argument I would guess?
Of the last 50 years, Labour have been in power for 13 years. The last time they were in government was 11 years ago.
He’s finished as PM

no way he can stay in his position now.

his position has been compromised for a while, but now he’s finished, I’m delighted!!!!!
just pointing out its an incredibly easy question to bat away and thats why MPs feel no issue in using the decades of neglect line
It’s still highly disingenuous when they’ve been in government since 2011.
aka its politics... yup thats what politicians do

Who's this magnificent response for then, an audience that knows it for the easily recognisable bullshit it is? Not much of a response then, more like you thought you'd been bowled a dolly and managed to hit your own wicket.
So does he resign/walk or will he carry on as PM?

His only personal or political conviction is being pro-Boris sitting in the big chair. Can't see him going against his principles. :lol:
So does he resign/walk or will he carry on as PM?
Probably hangs around till the report then is told to to consider his options... at which point Im sure that having put his own life in mortal danger contracting covid whilst working diligently to take this country forward with world beating vaccine programmes to defeat the pandemic... all whilst doing what he was elected for which was to "get brexit done" he might decide its time to spend some extra quality time with his wife and new child...

And if he chooses not to fall on his own sword at that point they will knife him in the back and chuck him under a boris bus
Opposition need to be targeting the Tories as a whole, not just Boris. They went along with his every move. They are no different. The sad thing would be he is sacked and replaced by another Cnut who the public think is different.
It's worked since 2010. People never learn.
So does he resign/walk or will he carry on as PM?

I think he goes when the report comes out. He knows he won't make the next election. Better to go out because of 'silly rules over a party', than for being responsible for thousands of deaths.
Wish I knew work events were permitted around about the time of Christmas 2020. Could have arranged a business meeting with about 30 people and a karaoke machine.
This still won’t cut through IMO. The British (English) public are thick af.
This still won’t cut through IMO. The British (English) public are thick af.

You mean people would still vote for him and his government??

I genuinely don’t think so this time

there will still be people preferring this Tory lot over the current labour group, but I just can’t see how the majority of the British public can vote for a party so glaring separated from the public anymore, regardless to how poor Starmer lead Labour Party are right now, I think the public have had enough of the Tory Kronies

I hope so atleast
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