Westminster Politics

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Genuinely think there’s some sort of normalisation thing happening here. It’s crafted. She’s part of an effort to slowly break down BBC impartiality standards and normalise a closer relationship between them and the Tory government.
If he means that people should lead a healthier lifestyle in order to avoid hospital care, then he's right.

The health system over here in NI is more or less done, and people should be taking out private insurance.
That’s what they want and always have done, sell off the NHS and introduce an American style insurance scheme. So far the public have resisted. But if it comes to pass, there will be people who literally can’t afford to go to see the doctor never mind A&E
Genuinely think there’s some sort of normalisation thing happening here. It’s crafted. She’s part of an effort to slowly break down BBC impartiality standards and normalise a closer relationship between them and the Tory government.

It wasn't so long ago where any criticism or accusation of impartiality from her was just bullying by the left.

Remember that fun time where everyone defended her, what a time to be alive that was.
This conference; it’s like they are all trying to outdo each other with shitty statements.
they just don’t care really do they, that is abundantly clear
It wasn't so long ago where any criticism or accusation of impartiality from her was just bullying by the left.

Remember that fun time where everyone defended her, what a time to be alive that was.
That was the "hard" left questioning her impartiality and "bullying" like they always do... not trying to demand journalistic standards.
The crazy thing is every day, sometimes even multiple times a day, you learn something contemptible about these Tories - whether it's something they said, did or didn't do, and yet - there's literally no end to it. They can do whatever they like because the people in this country enable them to do so, they're not even making an attempt to hide their depravity.
Did he really? No wonder he tried to "both sides" misogyny ffs.
Worryingly, at a time when the government needs to be trying to rebuild women's trust in the justice system, one of his first things has been to downplay the appalling rape conviction rate, just so the Tories can surprise on the downside again.

Raab also downplayed statistics that show less than 1.4% of alleged rapes are prosecuted, saying most crime data is examined at the point of charge.

“The conviction rate statistics are often, I’m afraid, rather skewed,” he said. “If you look at the normal way that people measure the conviction rate – as a proportion of the number of prosecutions that are launched – actually once you get to court, there is more or less around a 70% chance of conviction.

“The challenge we’ve got is the reporting of cases … through to the preparation of the file that goes to the CPS and then the decision to prosecute… the critical thing is getting the cases to trial with the evidence to secure that conviction.”
They're disgusting sociopaths

....and terrible singers
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They don't give a f*ck any more. They know they can basically get away with whatever morally abhorrent act they like at this point. They live in a different Britain to the rest of us.
Running the country is just one big massive joke to these cnuts.

Pig cull threat not being taken seriously by PM, says vet


But come election time all they have to do is say 'immigrants' and 'forrinners' and it's party time for another 5 years.
Running the country is just one big massive joke to these cnuts.

Pig cull threat not being taken seriously by PM, says vet


But come election time all they have to do is say 'immigrants' and 'forrinners' and it's party time for another 5 years.
Well since they are apparently in charge of their own borders now there should be no using that excuse anymore!
That’s what they want and always have done, sell off the NHS and introduce an American style insurance scheme. So far the public have resisted. But if it comes to pass, there will be people who literally can’t afford to go to see the doctor never mind A&E

Given the waiting lists over here, across a whole range of complaints and specialities, the whole NHS mantra of 'free at the point of delivery' has become essentially meaningless though. I'm sure there's a number of reasons as to why that is the case, one of which is the sheer incompetency and even corrupt nature of the various regional Trusts. The influence and power these legions of managers and bureaucrats have is absolutely ridiculous. I've long thought there's also something deliberate about it...vis-a-vis the constitutional question, but that's for another time.

I also don't have an issue in principle with private medical insurance, as long as it involves reasonable sums of money of course.
I’m now officially beyond the “I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire” stage. I think I’d throw a jerry-can at them!
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