Westminster Politics

Patel is one of the nastiest people we’ve had in British government for a long time. Most British south Asians consider Patel to be the worst type of ‘coconut’. She is in place purely as a racial stooge, to allow Boris to make deeply cynical immigration policy but then have her claim ‘she was called a p@ki’ so she can’t be racist at all. It’s such a blatant and shameless charade and yet the Tories lap it up.

I’m hoping Boris’s decision to stand by her makes her a lame duck. If I were her opponent I’d now troll her like crazy knowing that she will eventually explode with her innate bullying style at some point. Her enemies should make it impossible for her to lead her department without exploding, just a matter of time before she trips up again
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Absolute state of this:

Sick and tired by anyone being challenged responding with 'woke' in their response, what does that even mean? Pathetic.

I swear I have seen that word like 20 times today.
We have turned into America.
"Dared to become Home Secretary" :lol: Real tough gig when you love a bit of authoritarianism and cracking down on immigrants.
Absolute state of this:

Sick and tired by anyone being challenged responding with 'woke' in their response, what does that even mean? Pathetic.

Also sick and tired of anti immigration wankers using someone's race as a defensive tactic. These people don't care about PP's heritage, except how they can use it to their advantage.
So, assuming that no major coronavirus vaccine news from Oxford appears today, what will be the Big Distraction that the Beeb, Mail etc will use to bury this current scandal by tomorrow morning? Michael Gove falls over banana peel? Goldfish found on the moon?

My guess is that they will cover it up by getting Patel to his a poor south Asian child from the north of england over the back of the head with a hammer.
My guess is that they will cover it up by getting Patel to his a poor south Asian child from the north of england over the back of the head with a hammer.
But what's going to be the subsequent cover up for the subsequent investigation that Boris will subsequently ignore?
Patel is one of the nastiest people we’ve had in British government for a long time. Most British south Asians consider Patel to be the worst type of ‘coconut’. She is in place purely as a racial stooge, to allow Boris to make deeply cynical immigration policy but then have her claim ‘she was called a p@ki’ so she can’t be racist at all. It’s such a blatant and shameless charade and yet the Tories lap it up.

I’m hoping Boris’s decision to stand by her makes her a lame duck. If I were her opponent I’d now troll her like crazy knowing that she will eventually explode with her innate bullying style at some point. Her enemies should make it impossible for her to lead her department without exploding, just a matter of time before she trips up again

As I have mentioned, they are not know as the nasty party for nothing.
Clearly, Boris is perfectly happy to lead a government characterised by compulsive lying, bullying and rank incompetence. And that is what you get when you are stupid enough to give a government such a big majority.
How interesting that Boris wants Britain to again become Europe's number one Navy.. and the bulk of the additional billions of pounds that is being allocated to increase defence spending is to go to the Royal Navy.
Imperialism at its finest.
Don't know why he doesn't go back to pre decimalisation. Good old pounds shillings and pence.
And distances by Chains and Furlong's.
Taking back control....
I often find in times like this that the Conservatives paint her as that description in the tweet because, without any depth at all, that is how they in fact see her.

They don’t see content of character, ability in her role or behaviour as an elected official. They see her as a trump card to pull out whenever people who normally look to defend minorities attack ‘their’ minority Cabinet member.

Feel like this is a classic example of withholding this information hoping they do the right thing but knowing it will pile huge pressure if released after they choose not to. Any other government and it would be the end of Priti. As it is, it will be largely ignored by government and media alike.
The Tories are not the Nazis, though on a political mechanics level this government are a demonstration of the ease with which human atrocity and depravity flourish. The unaccountable gangsterism and cult of callousness are easily implementable and continuous. It's textbook Stanford Prison Experiment. These are not a special lot, just ordinary (many less than ordinary), simple Tory folk. And they're doing all this damage within the confines of democratic legal checks and balances. I dread to think what they would be prepared to do without them.

In this sense they're an interesting case study. Perhaps more so than a Trump. Trump was an outsider brute that gatecrashed government. These are establishment Tories born and bred to power.
The Tories are not the Nazis, though on a political mechanics level this government are a demonstration of the ease with which human atrocity and depravity flourish. The unaccountable gangsterism and cult of callousness are easily implementable and continuous. It's textbook Stanford Prison Experiment. These are not a special lot, just ordinary (many less than ordinary), simple Tory folk. And they're doing all this damage within the confines of democratic legal checks and balances. I dread to think what they would be prepared to do without them.

In this sense they're an interesting case study. Perhaps more so than a Trump. Trump was an outsider brute that gatecrashed government. These are establishment Tories born and bred to power.
The Tories focus is on individualism, primarily their own individual benefit at the expense of other individuals and at the expense of the collective nation. Rather than, extreme nationalism, looking for national benefit at the expense of other countries and ostracised groups.

Although the Tories do use nationalism as a tool to manipulate.

Many prominent Brexiters see themselves as "outsider brutes that have gatecrashed government", or at least dictated government policy. So there are some similarities. But I do get your point.
I hope that inquiry didn't cost a lot of money, if it did you may as well put whatever it cost down the drain rather than do an inquiry. His ministers are untouchable.
In all fairness, what do you expect to them to do, throw her under the bus? Colleagues support colleague shocker.

Not use race as a convenient excuse when it has nothing to do with it or maybe not ignore a report has found her to be an actual bully. The message it sends to all civil servants is that they can be treated like shit with no consequences and some comments relating to the left or woke are just pathetic.


Not use race as a convenient excuse when it has nothing to do with it or maybe not ignore a report has found her to be an actual bully. The message it sends to all civil servants is that they can be treated like shit with no consequences and some comments relating to the left or woke are just pathetic.


looks like your the one whose brought race into in. Didnt See that in any of the tweets posted above.
Honestly I don't know what people expected with this government. The show has been run by Boris and until recently Cummings, two people who we know pretty clearly a) aren't very smart people, and b) are also very ignorant and obnoxious people.

The outline from day one has been brassness and childish defence mechanisms, which unfortunately plays up to a certain, rather large group of people in this country...the kind who can't see the irony in not wanting wealthy people to be taxed more but then getting angry when Marcus Rashford buys a house. Thick people, basically.

Stupidity and ignorance is what creates division and eventually it becomes a mechanism to claim or cling to power and that's all that's going on here. As soon as the illusion of them being master minds over brexit dicipated and covid kicked in, all it's been about is clinging to positions of authority and abusing it as much as possible while they have it. Patel wont resign or be sacked unless the pressure becomes overwhelming and sustained. She'll be backstabbed out a few months further down the line instead probably.

It's been an eye opener in the sense that as much as I find I dislike all politicians, there is definitely a difference between those who have a semblance of integrity, empathy and intelliegence and those who don't.

looks like your the one whose brought race into in. Didnt See that in any of the tweets posted above.
Didn’t read every tweet above but this guy did:

Ive seen many others using the same language which is nothing to do with the report.

i only read the tweet that showed circa 20 MPs supporting her, none of those mentioned race.
Whether you read it or not doesn't mean that you're correct. Just like knowing whether you're bullying people or not doesn't make it ok.

Tories accusing the left of racial prejudice by bringing up the race of the person being targeted isn't new. Whenever the left have something negative to say about Patel, Sunak or Javid there is always one Tory MP who plays the race card. Which, for a party strongly against immigration, is fecking rich.
Patel is one of the nastiest people we’ve had in British government for a long time. Most British south Asians consider Patel to be the worst type of ‘coconut’. She is in place purely as a racial stooge, to allow Boris to make deeply cynical immigration policy but then have her claim ‘she was called a p@ki’ so she can’t be racist at all. It’s such a blatant and shameless charade and yet the Tories lap it up.

I’m hoping Boris’s decision to stand by her makes her a lame duck. If I were her opponent I’d now troll her like crazy knowing that she will eventually explode with her innate bullying style at some point. Her enemies should make it impossible for her to lead her department without exploding, just a matter of time before she trips up again

Patel's reputation is getting destroyed online right now.
Desperately want to get this witch to get humiliated and sacked.

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Whether you read it or not doesn't mean that you're correct. Just like knowing whether you're bullying people or not doesn't make it ok.

Tories accusing the left of racial prejudice by bringing up the race of the person being targeted isn't new. Whenever the left have something negative to say about Patel, Sunak or Javid there is always one Tory MP who plays the race card. Which, for a party strongly against immigration, is fecking rich.

Jesus. That’s outrageous.

I quoted a post that didn’t mention race at all. I’m not going to going searching Twitter for every tweet. Get over yourself.

conflating that with the bullying is utterly ridiculous, and I would expect better.
Jesus. That’s outrageous.

I quoted a post that didn’t mention race at all. I’m not going to going searching Twitter for every tweet. Get over yourself.

conflating that with the bullying is utterly ridiculous, and I would expect better.
:lol: oh dear, all because you can't admit you were wrong to say @TheGame was bringing race into the discussion.

Unless you think the second paragraph was related to you, which is wasn't and I'm sorry if I made it confusing with sloppy writing.
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:lol: oh dear, all because you can't admit you were wrong to say @TheGame was bringing race into the discussion.

Unless you think the second paragraph was related to you, which is wasn't and I'm sorry if I made it confusing with sloppy writing.

I already stated I was replying to the one post with the collection of MPs posting about her.

you then go on to suggest I should be seeking out all opinions/ tweets - and as I didn’t that’s the same as not knowing about bullying. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a very misguided accusation you make.
I already stated I was replying to the one post with the collection of MPs posting about her.

you then go on to suggest I should be seeking out all opinions/ tweets - and as I didn’t that’s the same as not knowing about bullying. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a very misguided accusation you make.
You accused @TheGame of being the one who brought race into the discussion. He corrected you, and instead of saying "oh, fair enough" you said "well, I didn't see that" and avoided being culpable for the error. You're now trying to cry foul and feign insult over my comments to divert the discussion from the core matter. Just like Patel. And, no, that's not a misguided accusation because it's exactly what is happening.
You accused @TheGame of being the one who brought race into the discussion. He corrected you, and instead of saying "oh, fair enough" you said "well, I didn't see that" and avoided being culpable for the error. You're now trying to cry foul and feign insult over my comments to divert the discussion from the core matter. Just like Patel. And, no, that's not a misguided accusation because it's exactly what is happening.

shocking. It’s a forum, not PMQs. You’ve taken this far too far. I don’t come on here to get accused of being like Patel, who had been accused of bullying. I won’t be replying to you, you are on ignore.
Nothing happens unless I seened it myself. I can then defend my team. Tory solipsism.
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Nothing happens unless I seened it myself. I can then defend my team. Tory solipsism.
Did you just accuse me of eating babies? How dare you. I'm taking my ball and going home. You've gone too far. You're on ignore now.