Westminster Politics

I thought you could only catch it once?. Not buying this for a second.
To be fair it doesn’t say he has it, just that he has been in contact with someone who has and the current guidelines make no concessions for people who have had the virus and recovered already because we don’t know enough about how immunity is achieved and how long it lasts.

I agree the timing is more than convenient though.

Hopefully yes.
If you look at how he has led this country, albeit through a difficult period, is there anything that he has done even remotely well in?
And we must remember who appointed his team. Him.
And he is totally responsible for the highly aggressive behaviour of his government.
And he is totally responsible for the complete lack of respect shown by his government for even basic things like - truth, honesty, morales and international law.
All in all a terrible PM.
To be fair it doesn’t say he has it, just that he has been in contact with someone who has and the current guidelines make no concessions for people who have had the virus and recovered already because we don’t know enough about how immunity is achieved and how long it lasts.

I agree the timing is more than convenient though.

Also not clear whether people who recover could still carry it and infect others later. Isolating him is probably the right move. He's still a cnut though.

The government failed to follow its own transparency guidelines over 200 times on contracts for personal protective equipment (PPE) worth nearly £6bn of public money in total
It’s the kind of thing claimants of British exceptionalism accuse tinpot dictatorships of profiting from.

blatant nepotistic corruption, which I’m sure is also allied to back handers in fat brown envelopes stuffed with £50 notes.
Um. I'm not touching this one with a fifty foot pole. Nope. Not gonna do it.
Why ? The UN have said Israel imposes an apartheid regime against the Palestinian people.

A U.N. agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an “apartheid regime” of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

The report concluded "Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole." The accusation - often directed at Israel by its critics - is fiercely rejected by Israel. U.N. Under-Secretary General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf said the report was the “first of its type” from a U.N. body that “clearly and frankly concludes that Israel is a racist state that has established an apartheid system that persecutes the Palestinian people”.


It's a more a statement of fact than anything else.
Why ? The UN have said Israel imposes an apartheid regime against the Palestinian people.

It's a more a statement of fact than anything else.
You know this is where it's going. Being pro BDS will be an instant suspension in the Labout party by Easter and the worst part is that it won't matter because the press know Starmer shared the same stages with the same people as Corbyn and, if it suits them which it likely will, they'll feck him too. The pattern is established.
You know this is where it's going. Being pro BDS will be an instant suspension in the Labout party by Easter and the worst part is that it won't matter because the press know Starmer shared the same stages with the same people as Corbyn and, if it suits them which it likely will, they'll feck him too. The pattern is established.
Pretty much

Following Boris shedding weight when he had the virus and declaring himself a changed man who was working on his health... he doesn’t half look fat again. Has he made a u-turn on his fitness pledge?
Following Boris shedding weight when he had the virus and declaring himself a changed man who was working on his health... he doesn’t half look fat again. Has he made a u-turn on his fitness pledge?
Probably only lasted a day for the photo op. Similar to the pictures of Putin riding shirtless on a horse. After those photos he went back to his basic routine of covering himself in butter and wrestling bears.
Probably only lasted a day for the photo op. Similar to the pictures of Putin riding shirtless on a horse. After those photos he went back to his basic routine of covering himself in butter and wrestling bears.

It says Boycott Israel on the banner behind him.
Wanted to give him a chance but he's got to go really. Can't have people singling out one particular country to boycott when so many others violate human rights, it is obvious anti-semitism.
Even the beeb are starting to wake up to this now

cnut is probably living it up somewhere on a yacht bought with our taxes
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If it wasn't so fecking blatantly corrupt, and knowing that everyone involved will get off, and millions of taxpayers money has gone missing, and people are dying every day.....it'd be funny.
There isn't a more lucrative and safe business in the world, than defrauding the taxpayer. And the easiest way to do that is either by being in government or by having mates who are in government.
boris lying about TFL financing at PMQ'S then defends dodgy PPE contracts
It was the main headline on the Beeb this morning for about three seconds and now it's nowhere to be seen. It's a massive scandal and now it's been replaced with this headline about half way down;

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson 'proud' of PPE contracts.

If you hadn't seen the news this morning you wouldn't know that he was responding to allegations of corruption. Fecking unreal but apparently tEH BeEbEESeE iz Soashlist!

Like every other scandal under this lot is been swept under the rug in seconds. I'm just picturing Kuenssberg running into the offices in a panic this morning shouting "Woah, Woah, Woah! What are you doing?! Shut it down! Shut it down now!!!"
Waiting for the hard-centrist clown brigade to ride in and tell us BBC News annoys both sides and therefore is doing a good job.
It was the main headline on the Beeb this morning for about three seconds and now it's nowhere to be seen. It's a massive scandal and now it's been replaced with this headline about half way down;

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson 'proud' of PPE contracts.

If you hadn't seen the news this morning you wouldn't know that he was responding to allegations of corruption. Fecking unreal but apparently tEH BeEbEESeE iz Soashlist!

Like every other scandal under this lot is been swept under the rug in seconds. I'm just picturing Kuenssberg running into the offices in a panic this morning shouting "Woah, Woah, Woah! What are you doing?! Shut it down! Shut it down now!!!"
boris lying about TFL financing at PMQ'S then defends dodgy PPE contracts

And he has the cheek to call Keir Starter Captain Hindsight.
Ok. Quite funny. Maybe.
But it is Boris who is using hindsight when he looks back on Scottish Devolution saying it has been a huge mistake.
Don't know why Starmer didn't say this to him.

So about 10% mainly into national cyber security and setting up a national artificial intelligence agency
Suspect the military would sooner have had the money for equipment given the cost of new systems and the age of some of the existing and aging assets
As is often the case the headline figures don't necessarily mean what people think

She's not even getting a written warning now. Utterly pathetic and utterly predictable.