Westminster Politics

Oh just feck off, what a joke. She should be sacked.
Why... for what officials "felt" was bullying or "alleged" misconduct which was "unintentional" anyway

Besides Conservative home would have a melt down without her... she's the only one who can get away with saying what most of them think

To be honest if it was a slow summer she might come under a lot of pressure but with covid, Cummings goings and brexit it will be brushed over in a couple of weeks and she will be back on with eying up a run at no10
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Why... for what officials "felt" was bullying or "alleged" misconduct which was "unintentional" anyway

Besides Conservative home would have a melt down without her... she's the only one who can get away with saying what most of them think

To be honest if it was a slow summer she might come under a lot of pressure but with covid, Cummings goings and brexit it will be brushed over in a couple of weeks and she will be back on with eying up a run at no10

It’s just a bloody joke yet the Tories have the gall to have a go at Starmer about Corbyn.
Why... for what officials "felt" was bullying or "alleged" misconduct which was "unintentional" anyway

Besides Conservative home would have a melt down without her... she's the only one who can get away with saying what most of them think

To be honest if it was a slow summer she might come under a lot of pressure but with covid, Cummings goings and brexit it will be brushed over in a couple of weeks and she will be back on with eying up a run at no10

The report has not been released. So you have no idea on the veracity if the claims. But as Johnson already decided he would cover up the outcome, it was predetermined.

"The Cabinet Office inquiry proces is conducted in secret and offers no recourse for complainants. Johnson has already been criticised for compromising the process by insisting before the inquiry had ended that he would continue to support Patel."
I don't think there is another politician that makes my blood boil as much as James Cleverly.
Nobody is really surprised are they? The Brexit cult will continue to do whatever they please until they're voted out by which time they'll have amassed enough wealth from the whole charade to slink off comfortably into the shadows and watch the whole thing burn to the ground.
She always has an evil smirk on her face.
Why waste money on an inquiry. Just admit you don’t give a shit and would dismiss it either way.
They're more than willing to pay for any tribunals is the sum of it, it's not their money.
Patel is a feckng Parody.

Immigrant descendant being a cnut to immigrants - and then this bullying shit.

The UK is nearly as bad as the USA these days. Your politicians are untouchable.

By the way where do the people like Boris live? I have spent a long time in the UK over the years and ive never seen the gentry like him out and about
Of course, she was not sacked. She is a useful asset when it comes to immigration.
Why are folk surprised that the country is being run by incompetent fools at the moment? It’s just that they are less incompetent than the alternative lot. School meals are the responsibility of local education authorities, not the Government. To serve the free meals you need staff, so they wouldn’t get a break over Christmas and someone would moan about that. This has been the situation for decades and was only headlined after Marcus got involved.
Part of any contract that I have been involved with has a clause stating that any third party should be approved by the customer. Standard practice but clearly missed by whoever signed off the PPE deal. Boris is throwing money around like confetti at a wedding and the shit will hit the fan when the bills come in. We will pay for all this stuff.
Patel is a feckng Parody.

Immigrant descendant being a cnut to immigrants - and then this bullying shit.

The UK is nearly as bad as the USA these days. Your politicians are untouchable.

By the way where do the people like Boris live? I have spent a long time in the UK over the years and ive never seen the gentry like him out and about
Id love ten minutes in a locked room with her, then she would learn what bullying is about!
She is a great example of how piss poor the quality of politician is at the very highest level of Johnson’s government. Ignoring the fact that she’s a tory with abominable views relative to other tories - yet alone normal people - she’s just had the most mediocre political career up until becoming Home Sec. She’s only ever been known for breaking the law as an MP and can now add being officially deemed a cnut by an independent inquiry.

Yet somehow she’s indispensable to Bojo. Shambles.
She is a great example of how piss poor the quality of politician is at the very highest level of Johnson’s government. Ignoring the fact that she’s a tory with abominable views relative to other tories - yet alone normal people - she’s just had the most mediocre political career up until becoming Home Sec. She’s only ever been known for breaking the law as an MP and can now add being officially deemed a cnut by an independent inquiry.

Yet somehow she’s indispensable to Bojo. Shambles.
Johnsons is very much of the Trump mould, favouring loyalty over competence, its why you have objectively poor qualified shithouses like Patel in the cabinet.
She is a great example of how piss poor the quality of politician is at the very highest level of Johnson’s government. Ignoring the fact that she’s a tory with abominable views relative to other tories - yet alone normal people - she’s just had the most mediocre political career up until becoming Home Sec. She’s only ever been known for breaking the law as an MP and can now add being officially deemed a cnut by an independent inquiry.

Yet somehow she’s indispensable to Bojo. Shambles.
The entire cabinet is a display in failing upwards. Look at Johnson's career. Brexit allowed a bunch of riff raffs to take over a party and thus the country.
Johnsons is very much of the Trump mould, favouring loyalty over competence, its why you have objectively poor qualified shithouses like Patel in the cabinet.

Indeed, with a major consequence being far more blatant corruption. Infuriating.
Johnsons is very much of the Trump mould, favouring loyalty over competence, its why you have objectively poor qualified shithouses like Patel in the cabinet.
Yep, the ironic thing is you could ask Theresa May how loyal Patel is and realise she’s just another chancer.
She makes Boris look good. Imagine how much of a cnut you'd have to be to achieve that.

And let's remember that it was Boris himself who requested this enquiry in the first place.
And the outcome is that the person who carried out and published the investigation is the person who resigned while the bullying Platel is backed by her Leader.
Yet another example of an incompetent leader of a government of zero morale standards.
Not taking actions against a bully really is the lowest of the low.
Conservatives have a fetish for nasty woman though. This isn't going to hurt her within that cohort.

Actually it's just nasty people in general, they see themeselves in them
I for one am happy that cool heads have prevailed and that Boris hasn't been bullied into submission by a bunch of whiners who only have themselves to blame for getting upset over PP's direct and focused management techniques. Haha just kidding what a bunch of cnuts.
So, assuming that no major coronavirus vaccine news from Oxford appears today, what will be the Big Distraction that the Beeb, Mail etc will use to bury this current scandal by tomorrow morning? Michael Gove falls over banana peel? Goldfish found on the moon?