Westminster Politics


Perfectly sums up the view of islamophobia with certain people on here. Completely ignore it and talk about the labour party and Corbyn instead.

Nice one lads.

Perfectly sums up the view of islamophobia with certain people on here. Completely ignore it and talk about the labour party and Corbyn instead.

Nice one lads.

Shouldnt you be on this bandwagon

By the way do you agree the EHRC is an independent body and its judgement on this and the labour party investigation is to be trusted.

Perfectly sums up the view of islamophobia with certain people on here. Completely ignore it and talk about the labour party and Corbyn instead.

Nice one lads.

My comment was in jest.

Though there is not much to comment on. They've said they don't deem it suitable to investigate as of yet, but will monitor closely the Tory investigation and go from there (I do believe there are issues of islamophobia in the party, whether or not it is institutional however I'm not so sure).
Shouldnt you be on this bandwagon
Mate when I accuse you of disliking black labour mp's or being an arse towards socialist women in the labour party(''Corbyn in a skirt'' such a classy line) or actually not caring about anti semitism due to the constant shit posting of ''ironic'' anti semitic jokes, I'm using you're own posts on this forum, not just some random off twitter or the lefty you've made up in you're mind(Which seems to be a common thing on here now)

By the way do you agree the EHRC is an independent body and its judgement on this and the labour party investigation is to be trusted.
Yeah I would say it's investigation is to be trusted. No offence(Although I'm about to say something offensive)I'm not like yourself, I'm not some bizarre labour right doomer who doesn't give a shit about well anything. My politics isn't based off the single goal of bemoaning anyone who even attempts to give a shit about helping people.

I'm sure you're a nice bloke but christ you're political views are rotten.

Though there is not much to comment on. They've said they don't deem it suitable to investigate as of yet, but will monitor closely the Tory investigation and go from there (I do believe there are issues of islamophobia in the party, whether or not it is institutional however I'm not so sure).
I mean just a few examples - Senior Conservatives Baroness Warsi has said the party is islamophobic, the party has suspended party members for being islamophobic, the Muslim Council of Britain has asked for an investigation into islamophobia in the tory party. Also just recently -

Shaun Bailey, the Conservative candidate for the 2020 London mayoral election, wrote a pamphlet in 2005 for the Centre for Policy Studies complaining that immigrants to the UK being allowed to "bring their culture, their country and any problems they might have with them" and observing non-Christian festivals has turned Britain into a "crime-ridden cesspool" and "robs Britain of its community".[12] In September 2018, he shared a tweet referring to Labour's incumbent Mayor of London Sadiq Khan as "mad mullah Khan of Londonistan"


Its some cheek for them to say they don't deem it suitable to investigate as of yet.
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I thought EHRC looked into it a year ago and said something similar that time. How long are the Tories allowed to kick this can down the road for?
It is highly unusual for a political party to meet the EHRC’s evidence threshold that is required for it even to begin an investigation into institutional racism. The presence of individuals with racist views in any organisation is not enough to warrant an investigation: there must be evidence that its mechanisms, culture and policies may have unlawfully discriminated against a particular group of people. The only other political party to have met this threshold was the British National Party (BNP), a neo-fascist political party, in 2010

Good article, worth a read.

Benefit claimants unlawfully short-changed, court rules

The government acted unlawfully when it refused to compensate two low-income households left up to £180 a month out of pocket when their legacy benefits were wrongly stopped and they had no choice but to move on to universal credit, the appeal court has ruled.

Although the households were significantly worse off on universal credit – and had successfully challenged the official error that ended their previous benefits – the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) argued it would be too costly and administratively complex to move them back to the old system.

The ruling holds out the prospect of redress for potentially thousands of claimants who have lost out after moving to universal credit as a result of official error. They could now be able to return to their old benefits or have their universal credit awards topped up to previous levels.

The two households – one a single mother who gave up work to care for her disabled teenage daughter, the other a woman with mobility difficulties – lost about £140 and £180 a month respectively after they were moved on to universal credit, which they subsequently discovered meant a cut in benefits.

Mate when I accuse you of disliking black labour mp's or being an arse towards socialist women in the labour party(''Corbyn in a skirt'' such a classy line) or actually not caring about anti semitism due to the constant shit posting of ''ironic'' anti semitic jokes, I'm using you're own posts on this forum, not just some random off twitter or the lefty you've made up in you're mind(Which seems to be a common thing on here now)

Yeah I would say it's investigation is to be trusted. No offence(Although I'm about to say something offensive)I'm not like yourself, I'm not some bizarre labour right doomer who doesn't give a shit about well anything. My politics isn't based off the single goal of bemoaning anyone who even attempts to give a shit about helping people.

I'm sure you're a nice bloke but christ you're political views are rotten.

I mean just a few examples - Senior Conservatives Baroness Warsi has said the party is islamophobic, the party has suspended party members for being islamophobic, the Muslim Council of Britain has asked for an investigation into islamophobia in the tory party. Also just recently -

Its some cheek for them to say they don't deem it suitable to investigate as of yet.

Or its a very high bar to instigate action which is suggested by how infrequently action is taken. Corbyn's Labour party cleared that bar. You can't see what that means about the Labour Party because you are a supporter of Corbyn's labour party and the independent metric is pointing out that you are in fact "the nice bloke but christ your political views are rotten".

So not so much cheek , as you insinuating bias because you don't like the verdict. Its a bit Trump like if I'm honest. If this organisation had pulled the conservatives you would have defended its impartial nature to the bitter end and questioned the state of the party and called any mention of wrong doing in labour as whataboutism.
After all that noise, did the report about the Labour establishment even make it to ECHR?

Testing the water for a return to austerity, surprised it’s taken this long

Or its a very high bar to instigate action which is suggested by how infrequently action is taken. Corbyn's Labour party cleared that bar. You can't see what that means about the Labour Party because you are a supporter of Corbyn's labour party and the independent metric is pointing out that you are in fact "the nice bloke but christ your political views are rotten".

So not so much cheek , as you insinuating bias because you don't like the verdict. Its a bit Trump like if I'm honest. If this organisation had pulled the conservatives you would have defended its impartial nature to the bitter end and questioned the state of the party and called any mention of wrong doing in labour as whataboutism.
God I hope you didn't spend all night coming up with this.

Anyways at least you're not recommending me god awful youtube videos this time, so our conversations are somewhat improving!

After all that noise, did the report about the Labour establishment even make it to ECHR?
no i don't think so.
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Testing the water for a return to austerity, surprised it’s taken this long

I think a lot of people in the private sector would take a 2 year pay freeze right now if it meant they kept their job - I actually would expect overall wage deflation in the Uk for the next few years rather than a pay rise

Pension Tripple lock seems to be a good starting point though in truth thats been on the cards for a while
Chancellor Philip Hammond hinted the State Pension would no longer be ring-fenced from spending cuts after 2020 – raising for the first time the prospect of pensioners' benefits being cut as part of the government's austerity measures.[citation needed] Benefits for the elderly had been exempt from reductions and the chancellor confirmed during the Autumn Statement 2016 that the state pension would continue to rise until at least 2020.

Income tax yes Id expect that to rise as well as VAT, NI, Stamp Duty, Corporation tax and I fully expect the self employed to be put on taxes closer to PAYE... basically if its a tax its going to rise but this will probably happen in most countries anyway.

Id also expect inflation and ultimately interest rates to rise and we may see mortgages / rent prices massively increasing over the next 5 years.

So Austerity - not sure it will be comparable to the last few years as I think there will be big government injections of cash into infrastructure projects and probably some business sectors (eg exports and tech)
Starmer: "You've been publishing comparison data with other countries for a solid 7 weeks, why did you suddenly stop yesterday"
Borris: "We are in an epidemic and keeping trying to keep it down. It's premature to compare"

At least Starmer got a reply in saying "well it's obvious you compared until UK became number 1 for deaths, then you dropped it"


Testing the water for a return to austerity, surprised it’s taken this long

Is that austerity? Isn't this the opposite - increasing public spending (furlough scheme, infrastructure stimulus etc), combine with tax rises? Seems that the current strategy is more Keynes than Osborne.

And I think most on here agree that getting rid of the pension triple lock is long overdue, given the intergenerational inequalities that have built up since the GFC.
Is that austerity? Isn't this the opposite - increasing public spending (furlough scheme, infrastructure stimulus etc), combine with tax rises? Seems that the current strategy is more Keynes than Osborne.

And I think most on here agree that getting rid of the pension triple lock is long overdue, given the intergenerational inequalities that have built up since the GFC.

They really had no choice but to spend a huge amount of money with the lockdown. The promised extra infrastructure spending may still be on the cards but could easily still be dropped in favour of more austerity. They have a ready made excuse, after all.

To assume they have seen the light, is to give them credit which they have done little to earn.
In fairness it's just a 800+ page report about how the internal workings of the labour party stopped it from investigating anti semitism and also included cases of targeted attacks of black labour mp's.

I'm not sure why The Equality and Human Rights Commission would find any of this useful.

Testing the water for a return to austerity, surprised it’s taken this long

I'm not sure that's what is happening here. I'd say that's just a scenario paper and it's been intentionally leaked to make their actual position going forward seem reasonable in comparison.

It seems a common tactic both here and in the US to leak or announce something that will get negative coverage and then actually do a lesser version. It's those bullshit negotiation tricks you learn when you go on training conferences.
They really had no choice but to spend a huge amount of money with the lockdown. The promised extra infrastructure spending may still be on the cards but could easily still be dropped in favour of more austerity. They have a ready made excuse, after all.

To assume they have seen the light, is to give them credit which they have done little to earn.
Agree. I just think it's an important distinction that the response to this hasn't been austerity. If the next response of the government is to switch towards greater austerity to pay down a ballooned deficit, I think that would be a dreadful error. Though I also think it seems unlikely, given the response so far, and messaging from the Conservatives.
If the Conservatives want to go down the 'austerity' route following this... I just hope this time Labour aren't stupid enough to follow their lead because there will be little appetite for it, even following this downturn..
Well it's not surprising is it, the money has to be filled from somewhere

Testing the water for a return to austerity, surprised it’s taken this long

Oh feck off, not this fecking shit again. Since the year I fecking graduated it's been "feck you, feck them, feck everyone" and yet the rich keep getting richer and I get jumped up twats saying "at least you have a secure job". As if the only alternative to demanding fair pay that isn't 12% lower than those who did my job 15 years ago in real terms is to have no job at all. Feck. Off.
Well it's not surprising is it, the money has to be filled from somewhere

@Pogue Mahone posted an article (which I can’t find now) suggesting it can be covered by 100 year bonds and I saw someone mention that we’re still slowly paying off a £20m bond from around the war time which is absolutely trivial now but made a huge difference back then.

Austerity is a political choice, it’s not the only choice.
QE could be messy we are already so low on interest rates

We don't even need that although i would support QE. I don't think raising money is the issue that's rarely an issue given the tit for tat nature of debt between nations.

The concern is keeping debt at a serviceable level that avoids the negative impacts, it certainly isn't paying this back.
If the Conservatives want to go down the 'austerity' route following this... I just hope this time Labour aren't stupid enough to follow their lead because there will be little appetite for it, even following this downturn..
Sir Keir won't be opposing it. We're a few days removed from him calling for the furlough scheme to be eased.
If the Conservatives want to go down the 'austerity' route following this... I just hope this time Labour aren't stupid enough to follow their lead because there will be little appetite for it, even following this downturn..
Yeah this my biggest worry, we've already seen something similar with furloughing, Labour mostly agreed with the tories(Offering a slightly less shit plan as an alternative)to then only be outdone by the tories u turning yesterday(Due to union pressure and the awful state of the economy).

Thankfully no one noticed but it's not a great sign for the future.
It's clear there's no real plan and they're just making it up as they go along. That's why a lot of people have had enough now and keeping breaking the rules/flouting. Changing the advice to "Stay alert" is a nothing remark, it's almost like they've given up and they're pretty much saying "Do you what you like" or "Do what you think is best" without actually saying it.

It's not even subtle. The narrative around drugs and crime has to be about young black lads, even when facts to the contrary are at the heart of the article. And I bet that MPs as a percentage are more likely to be involved with cocaine than the typical black male is.
It's not even subtle. The narrative around drugs and crime has to be about young black lads, even when facts to the contrary are at the heart of the article. And I bet that MPs as a percentage are more likely to be involved with cocaine than the typical black male is.
On a vaguely related note - my local newspaper insists on using photos of Asian people to accompany UK-based articles about the virus, time and time again.
On a vaguely related note - my local newspaper insists on using photos of Asian people to accompany UK-based articles about the virus, time and time again.

Stuff like that always makes me wonder how much is it accidental/subconscious and how much of it is calculated. Seems a bit conspiratorial to be saying it’s deliberately pressing an association but sadly on reflection it doesn’t sound too outlandish.