Westminster Politics

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The Lib Dems love a good sing along

Altogether now...

"Tony Blair can feck off and die"

No one seemed to mind when Bang, Bang the witch is dead went to the top of the charts when Maggie passed away and the person they were trying to offend could not defend herself. Think how the family must have felt?

No need to get all holier than though over Blair.
If Blair wanted to join the Lib Dems, Swinson would snap hm up like a shot.
She's already tried to sign Neymar.
If anyone under the age of 100 votes for the LibDems then they’re traitors to their fellow men/women.
How safe is swinsons seat... If I recall she lost it in 2015 to the SNP...

I might stick a bet on her loosing it again as I expect the SNP will do well next election

Then I guess she has to step down as leader and then who... Chukka?
How safe is swinsons seat... If I recall she lost it in 2015 to the SNP...

I might stick a bet on her loosing it again as I expect the SNP will do well next election

Then I guess she has to step down as leader and then who... Chukka?
10% majority or so if I recall.
How safe is swinsons seat... If I recall she lost it in 2015 to the SNP...

I might stick a bet on her loosing it again as I expect the SNP will do well next election

Then I guess she has to step down as leader and then who... Chukka?

Her majority is around 6,000. East Dunbartonshire was 72/28 in favour of remain.
No one seemed to mind when Bang, Bang the witch is dead went to the top of the charts when Maggie passed away and the person they were trying to offend could not defend herself. Think how the family must have felt?

No need to get all holier than though over Blair.

Most of the people who were signing that about Thatcher generally weren't trying to promote themselves as rational moderates who despise politics of division and hatred. Which is basically the entire Lib Dem platform in a nutshell.
How safe is swinsons seat... If I recall she lost it in 2015 to the SNP...

I might stick a bet on her loosing it again as I expect the SNP will do well next election

Then I guess she has to step down as leader and then who... Chukka?

It's not as safe as she'd like it to be, but I'd say it's one of the safest non-SNP seats in the country. It was one of the closest run SNP seats in 2015, and the Lib Dems managed to take it back comfortably without much of a national improvement in 2017.

I'd suspect the SNP would have to be hitting 45%+ nationally to be in with a chance, and that seems unlikely. And even then, they took it barely with 50% in 2015 with a Lib Dem party performing more poorly than they will nationally this time. Swinson being leader now should also give a boost, even if she is really, really bad at leading.

So yeah, only seat safer for the Lib Dems is Orkney and Shetland I'd imagine.
So when did the LibDems become so overtly tory? Was it all Clegg's doing?

You're collapsing parties into a single dimension with your analogy, that of economic policies. Anyhow, a short history for those who don't know (not meaning you) of how Lib Dems got here...

- In 1981 the SDP (Social Democratic Party) split from Labour in pursuit of more centrist than left wing economic policies based on European (German mostly) models.
- In 1988 they joined forces with the Liberal Party (old party, since the 1850s) to form the Liberal Democrats
- In 1994 Tony Blair won the Labour leadership contest and launched the New Labour era, lasting until 2010

In the two-decade spanning period of Blair's reign, the "Social Democratic" vote slowly but surely returned to Labour. The remaining core of the Lib Dems, the ones not drawn to Labour, were in essence neoliberals. Believing in a small state, free market, internationalism and deregulation. Economic policy wise, they are not that different from the Tories. But obviously not the party of "law and order" and conservatism, since they are believers in more freedom for the citizens and internationalism.

So to answer your question, it wasn't Nick Clegg. It was a process that started with Blair and New Labour, which affected the Lib Dems, the result of which was Clegg. He was the product of this transition rather than the cause.

With Labour veering to the left under Corbyn there's scope for Lib Dems to become more like Social Democrats and less Neoliberals. But that process takes years and requires new candidates to come through the party ranks. It was a 20-year transition to get here and we're only 4 years into the vacated centrist ground.

EDIT: In an ideal world there would be a genuine Social Democratic party in the UK. Like there is in most European nations. But the FTPT system and the make up of the UK, with the existence of nation-specific parties (SNP, Plaid Cymru, DUP, Sinn Fein) barely allows for 3 national parties. Never mind 4.
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His mistake is being associated openly with a political party, rather than doing so through an opaquely funded think tank.

That way the BBC would be forced to repeatedly have him on their shows to express these opinions as facts completely unchallenged by anything resembling a presenter.
Kuenessberg doxxing a man she knows will now face the wrath of the twitter far right.

So what? Are Labour activists not allowed to complain to PM about the NHS?

Kuenessberg pro BJ agenda is getting out of control. Someone needs to reign her in before she loses all credibility.
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You're collapsing parties into a single dimension with your analogy, that of economic policies. Anyhow, a short history for those who don't know (not meaning you) of how Lib Dems got here...

- In 1981 the SDP (Social Democratic Party) split from Labour in pursuit of more centrist than left wing economic policies based on European (German mostly) models.
- In 1988 they joined forces with the Liberal Party (old party, since the 1850s) to form the Liberal Democrats
- In 1994 Tony Blair won the Labour leadership contest and launched the New Labour era, lasting until 2010

In the two-decade spanning period of Blair's reign, the "Social Democratic" vote slowly but surely returned to Labour. The remaining core of the Lib Dems, the ones not drawn to Labour, were in essence neoliberals. Believing in a small state, free market, internationalism and deregulation. Economic policy wise, they are not that different from the Tories. But obviously not the party of "law and order" and conservatism, since they are believers in more freedom for the citizens and internationalism.

So to answer your question, it wasn't Nick Clegg. It was a process that started with Blair and New Labour, which affected the Lib Dems, the result of which was Clegg. He was the product of this transition rather than the cause.

With Labour veering to the left under Corbyn there's scope for Lib Dems to become more like Social Democrats and less Neoliberals. But that process takes years and requires new candidates to come through the party ranks. It was a 20-year transition to get here and we're only 4 years into the vacated centrist ground.

EDIT: In an ideal world there would be a genuine Social Democratic party in the UK. Like there is in most European nations. But the FTPT system and the make up of the UK, with the existence of nation-specific parties (SNP, Plaid Cymru, DUP, Sinn Fein) barely allows for 3 national parties. Never mind 4.

Ok very interesting. I remember the original Gang of Four and always thought David Owen was a good bloke. Then we had John Cleese lecturing us on PR, Paddy Pantsdown but after I left the country didn't really follow them until reading about Clegg. This Swinson woman seems suspect to me.
So what? Are Labour activists not allowed to complain to PM about the NHS?

Kuenessberg pro BJ agenda is getting out of control. Someone needs to reign her in before she loses all credibility.

Turns out the journo is a Tory apologist.

Shit, Whipps Cross. Right round the corner from my Mum's house. Wish I was there so I could have done the same.
Kuenessberg doxxing a man she knows will now face the wrath of the twitter far right:

So what? Are Labour activists not allowed to complain to PM about the NHS?

Kuenessberg pro BJ agenda is getting out of control. Someone needs to reign her in before she loses all credibility.

I’m sorry but that’s actually shocking and she needs to be reprimanded for that.

That’s exactly what I would expect from Aaron Banks or Nigel Farage, not the political editor of the BBC.

He’s a private citizen who has every right to an opinion. He’s not a carefully placed shill, his daughter is getting treatment in the very ward Johnson decided to visit.

The idea she can “out him” and attempt invalidate his grievances is absolutely beyond the pale for a supposedly apolitical journalist whose salary comes from licence payers which I would bet confidently include this man.

It’s as if she is suggesting that the opinion of Labour members holds no weight and should be ignored with absolute contempt.
I’m sorry but that’s actually shocking and she needs to be reprimanded for that.

That’s exactly what I would expect from Aaron Banks or Nigel Farage, not the political editor of the BBC.

He’s a private citizen who has every right to an opinion. He’s not a carefully placed shill, his daughter is getting treatment in the very ward Johnson decided to visit.

The idea she can “out him” and attempt invalidate his grievances is absolutely beyond the pale for a supposedly apolitical journalist whose salary comes from licence payers which I would bet confidently include this man.

It’s as if she is suggesting that the opinion of Labour members holds no weight and should be ignored with absolute contempt.
I'm writing an official complaint to BBC on this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/complain-online/

Normally you dont need too many for some form of recognition or action be be taken. If all who sympathise on this thread send a complaint, will probably make a difference
I'm writing an official complaint to BBC on this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/complain-online/

Normally you dont need too many for some form of recognition or action be be taken. If all who sympathise on this thread send a complaint, will probably make a difference
They didn't even do anything with the BBC Trust found she'd breached accuracy rules. You've got no chance.

"There's no press here!"
I used some of your excellent text from your post :D:drool:

This was my favourite bit of my complaint:

Just this week the BBC has been reporting on the effects of online trolling and how damaging they can be to the individual. Either Kuenssberg knew very well that her announcing his account to her 1m+ followers would result in vicious dogpiling from right wing trolls or she is so out of touch with the modern world and political environment that she naively thought it would simply highlight who he was to the public with no further repercussions. If it's the former she is an absolute disgrace and should not be in her position. If it's the latter she is an absolute embarrassment and should not be in her position.
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