Sweet Square
Thanks for the answer, eventually. The point you originally made, which was that a vote for the Liberals was a vote for a Tory/Liberal coalition seemed like it might have some validity, so I wondered how far Labour would be prepared to move themselves to achieve a coalition, and you've answered that well, ditch Corbyn for a start. It does mean that your original point was incorrect though, and you now think voting Liberal could mean a Lib/Lab coalition as well as a Lib/Con coalition, which is what I was trying to determine really. Obviously someone could win outright, but I can't see that at the moment.
I was talking about a Labour majority. The lib Dems would never go into a coalition with a Labour Party which has a left manifesto. As the tweet I posted pretty much shows.As for your question well yeah if getting someone like Clive Lewis in meant Labour would win a general election and put forward a left wing manifesto
Also you still haven't answered this
So are you just dropping the whole the lib Dems are only not supporting Corbyn because of Brexit then ?
Again even if this happened(I mentioned countless times why Corbyn isn't going on these awful marches)it doesn't change the numbers in the House of Commons. Corbyn painting his face with the colours of the Eu won't convince tories to vote against their party or labour leave MPs to with the party. Even the lib Dems first goal is to stop Corbyn being PM above all else.We've been over this about 4 times - you must do better.
If Corbyn 's not a Brexiter let's see a vigorous campaign from Labour now to stop the insanity and prevent the UK crashing out with no deal in 4 months time. Perhaps by being the opposition for a change and not proposing ridiculous alternative ways of leaving (which by the way is not remaining) - any form of Brexit will be a disaster - just a question of degree, very bad to catastrophic, surely a true Remainer would fight.