Westminster Politics

It'd be infinitely more interesting if they just owned it and politely backed up what they said, I'd actually like to learn something from that side of the divide, and it's not like people (maybe except for the poster that went on the tory scum rant a few pages back :lol:) can't have a polite conversation.

All this stupid dancing around "labour crashed the economy 15 years ago" etc is so boring, at least tell us what the tories actually bring to the table.

They can’t though, unless they’re millionaires.
Is there anything more annoying in this thread than those who vote Tory but dance around it by disingenuously saying "they're all as bad as each other"? Just own it and back up what you're saying.
Fecking pisses me off. Saying they are as bad as eachother is fecking loony.
Is there anything more annoying in this thread than those who vote Tory but dance around it by disingenuously saying "they're all as bad as each other"? Just own it and back up what you're saying.
It is the tribal nature that some people adopt around politics. They cannot conceive of voting for the other side even if it is in their best interests
It is the tribal nature that some people adopt around politics. They cannot conceive of voting for the other side even if it is in their best interests
It might even be in ones best interest to vote Tory. Just bloody admit it. Stop insulting people's intelligence.
It used to just be selfish to vote Tory.

Over the last decade it's become retarded and selfish.
It might even be in ones best interest to vote Tory. Just bloody admit it. Stop insulting people's intelligence.
I don't see any positives for voting Tory. Whilst I benefit from the tax cuts, I would rather pay a bit more tax and not see kids going hungry or old people dying of hypothermia.
Lot of rumours Tory MPs want Truss to sack Kwarteng and make him the scapegoat for all this.

I mean that's what she should do but given her campaign and her Thatcher act it's a mighty come down. She wouldn't survive that so expect her to cling on and hope things stabilise.
Has anybody actually heard from pork markets? She normally can't keep herself away from a camera but seems to have gone AWOL. Not a leader amongst the lot of the them is there? Cowards.
In a cabinet that's meant to be the most diverse ever, what's the point if your policies aren't going to help diverse demographics?
i was rather sure it would be a diverse cabinet if truss won. on the other hand, if the members went for sunak i was expecting an all white cabinet. that's the sort of party the tories are. they play symbolic representational games for the sake of image. labour do it too, but the tories are blatant about it. sinister in how they do it, might be more apt. like using people from ethnic backgrounds to enforce horribly discriminatory legislation. that was pritti patel's brief. "it can't possibly be racist because".

all the people in that cabinet represent rich people. if they potentially score points for being women, or of ethnic minorities, then the tories will go for that, too. but the point is that the cabinet is not diverse in the area which matters, which is class.
So massive spending cuts it is then.

Straight out of the Chicago school.

"I am in favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it's possible. The reason I am is because I believe the big problem is not taxes, the big problem is spending. The question is, "How do you hold down government spending?" Government spending now amounts to close to 40% of national income not counting indirect spending through regulation and the like. If you include that, you get up to roughly half. The real danger we face is that number will creep up and up and up. The only effective way I think to hold it down, is to hold down the amount of income the government has. The way to do that is to cut taxes. "
I live in a Labour town, and it's fecked.

Feck Labour. Feck tories. We need a reset.
What Labour Town do you live in? I live in one too, and it's not great, but part of it is due to an aging population. Part of it is due to the change in how people shop these days and the rise of Amazon and budget supermarkets being a disaster for the high street.

The rest can be directly attributed to the Tory austerity policies and how they have systematically defunded Labour constituencies (many of which are traditionally lower income) and redirected the money to affluent Tory areas. Almost like it was a plan to get people living in the red wall to switch their votes or something.
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Can you guess which rather important political story the Mail and Express are ignoring today?


Yeah, as that will be less embarrassing or obvious than reversing or delaying the tax cuts
Can they cut enough?
De-linking pensions from inflation perhaps but that won't make a dent
Defence they have committed to increase spending
Hs2 probably axed but that will be dwarfed by the increase in servicing debts
Education probably too unpopular to touch that
Nhs... political suicide to defund or sell
Welfare will be cut but hard to see how it's cut too much with rising inflation

Genuinley not sure how they would cut to the extent needed... probably 15%?
IMF sounding the alarm about the proposed tax cuts means what exactly? Gov will u turn on last weeks annoucememt?

The IMF warning to the government is as clear and stark as anything in recent history.
In other words...reverse your stupid decision.

Out of interest, what happened to Frost? I was surprised to read recently that he was actually a remainer in 2016. In fact, he seemed to be eminently sensible. He also seems to be the kind of person the Tories tend to look down upon (ie someone who's spent almost all of their career in some kind of public service/government/foreign office role, without a 'real job'.

Yet everything he has said in the past few years is adversarial, aggressive and shite. He seems to be consistently wrong on all aspects now.
She is going to be horrific and I’d argue this looks worse on the police force.

Just me or do I recall a time where ministers didn't micromanage departments? It's not their job.

The police should have the balls to push back on this shit.
Just me or do I recall a time where ministers didn't micromanage departments? It's not their job.

The police should have the balls to push back on this shit.
This is why I think it looks worse for the police. They've just shown they'll bow down to her having a pop at them which is absolutely not the way policing should be working.
Has anybody actually heard from pork markets? She normally can't keep herself away from a camera but seems to have gone AWOL. Not a leader amongst the lot of the them is there? Cowards.

Yeah I was thinking that.

It took 7 or 8 weeks for them to choose Truss as leader, Government basically shut down all summer as they went on an X Factor style search for a new PM and now she's finally leader she's basically gone into hiding.

Only emerging momentarily to crash the economy before hiding again.
Yeah I was thinking that.

It took 7 or 8 weeks for them to choose Truss as leader, Government basically shut down all summer as they went on an X Factor style search for a new PM and now she's finally leader she's basically gone into hiding.

Only emerging momentarily to crash the economy before hiding again.
Don't forget she also managed to push the Queen over the edge too.