Westminster Politics 2024-2029

Jenrick or Badenoch. Its going to be fun watching them trying to out batshit crazy each other to appeal to the tory members.
wonder if the one nation tories will finally split, especially now as they are in opposition (nulling the argument of better being in the tent than outside whilst in power) and neither of these 2 increases their electoral chances.
Jenrick is a fake right-wing politician. He used to be centrist and switched to try and worm his way back to relevancy. Hilarious that he’s already been caught taking ‘donations’ from people for political favours. The kind of thing that used to end careers. Here he is again four years later.

Surely it’s just going to split the reform vote anyway. I don’t see either of them being big enough personalities to win any sections of voters over. Like @Superden says, they will try to out-crazy each other and say things like maternity has gone too far :lol:
God, the prospect of another four and a half years of this dreadful Labour government while the Tories spend all that time stoking immigrant hatred and culture wars, aided and abetted by the press, is going to be fun.

God, the prospect of another four and a half years of this dreadful Labour government while the Tories spend all that time stoking immigrant hatred and culture wars, aided and abetted by the press, is going to be fun.
I look forward to the next election having 20% turnout!
Jenrick is a fake right-wing politician. He used to be centrist and switched to try and worm his way back to relevancy. Hilarious that he’s already been caught taking ‘donations’ from people for political favours. The kind of thing that used to end careers. Here he is again four years later.

Surely it’s just going to split the reform vote anyway. I don’t see either of them being big enough personalities to win any sections of voters over. Like @Superden says, they will try to out-crazy each other and say things like maternity has gone too far :lol:

It's why I expect Kemi to win. Everyone knows Jenrick isn't what he's claiming to be and he does a bad job selling it.

From a Labour standpoint I think she'd be the easiest to beat at the next election. I always thought Cleverly would be a decent Tory leader even if I didn't agree with his policies so I'm glad he's lost out.
It's why I expect Kemi to win. Everyone knows Jenrick isn't what he's claiming to be and he does a bad job selling it.

From a Labour standpoint I think she'd be the easiest to beat at the next election. I always thought Cleverly would be a decent Tory leader even if I didn't agree with his policies so I'm glad he's lost out.

Kemi is going to be as bad as Truss. I expect serious gaffes and she being totally out of her depth.
Kemi is going to be as bad as Truss. I expect serious gaffes and she being totally out of her depth.
I hope the electorate see it there. I'm not entirely convinced that a Reform chasing Tory party can't win an election with a low turnout and a fractured non Tory vote.
Before 2029 the conservatives and reform will be a single party, and farage will be leading it.

Taking current polls, during the supposed labour honeymoon period, they are about 18 points ahead of labour combined, and that will go higher. Farage Pm in 2029.
Before 2029 the conservatives and reform will be a single party, and farage will be leading it.

Taking current polls, during the supposed labour honeymoon period, they are about 18 points ahead of labour combined, and that will go higher. Farage Pm in 2029.
I’m not sure if it will be Farage but yeah overall I think this will happen. Whoever the current Tory leader will be won’t make it to the next election.
It's why I expect Kemi to win. Everyone knows Jenrick isn't what he's claiming to be and he does a bad job selling it.

From a Labour standpoint I think she'd be the easiest to beat at the next election. I always thought Cleverly would be a decent Tory leader even if I didn't agree with his policies so I'm glad he's lost out.

We’ll have to see what happens. Labour are already widely unpopular , even amongst a lot of their own supporters. They look to be mulling another round of austerity.

If the economy doesn't pick up, austerity continues, the boat crossings continue and the tory leader makes a deal with Farage......
Kemi is going to be as bad as Truss. I expect serious gaffes and she being totally out of her depth.
Neh isn’t Kemi just super combative? Can’t see her winning surely?!

Saying that isn’t it the party voting now? So maybe they’ll like it.
Farage enjoys the show of it all. Can’t see him being remotely interested in the detail of being anywhere near the cabinet let alone the hot seat

Farage goes where the money is, he always has done. Being a trumpist on the right wing show scene in the US pays more than being an MP, hence hes out there now.

Being Pm is a license to print money, as johnson and now starmer show us. He'll want a piece of that.
We’ll have to see what happens. Labour are already widely unpopular , even amongst a lot of their own supporters. They look to be mulling another round of austerity.

If the economy doesn't pick up, austerity continues, the boat crossings continue and the tory leader makes a deal with Farage......
We're only a few months in, interest rates are on a downwards slope, we haven't even had their first budget yet, the messaging gaps have been identified yet everyone thinks it's game over. The doom and gloom is being massively over done.
Cleverly was obviously their best candidate, I'm amused he lost.

I think Tugenhat was tbf. Ex-soldier, can pass for normal in a crowd, mild by conservative standards but still has reasonably repulsive views going by the population at large, talks passably well. The members vote will drive them off a cliff I think, it's only a question of whether the Labour folks can chase their cart off after it really.
I think Tugenhat was tbf. Ex-soldier, can pass for normal in a crowd, mild by conservative standards but still has reasonably repulsive views going by the population at large, talks passably well. The members vote will drive them off a cliff I think, it's only a question of whether the Labour folks can chase their cart off after it really.
Right on both counts about the cliff. I haven't seen much of Tugenhat I admit but the two 'winners' are complete shitheads. I see good laughs on the way :)
Whilst I thought Cleverly's "we need to be normal" speech was the sanity moment they needed to hear, it seems quite obvious that it went down like a sack of spuds with the room.
Such a non-story!

Various so-called journalists (I expect better from Sam Coates) trying to link the two, conveniently forgetting that, a week prior, concerts were cancelled because of a terrorist threat!

Its absolutely right that blue light security was offered.

In response to the free £300 ticket (not normally one to quote Collymore but he’s bang on the money here)

It is ridiculous. The Singapore government paid Swift millions for exclusivity in SE Asia and her visit led to a jump in inflation in Sweden, so hardly surprising people are getting involved and she needed loads of security.
Wait, why was this granted? Has something dramatic happened recently?

Just the usual university free speech issues that happen most years but heightened now due to Israel's ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

There seems to be questions on Labour implementing the Free Speech Act and the right wing media trolls kicking up a fuss.
Just the usual university free speech issues that happen most years but heightened now due to Israel's ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

There seems to be questions on Labour implementing the Free Speech Act and the right wing media trolls kicking up a fuss.
Once again showing that Lindsay Hoyle is useless. Urgent questions should be, shockingly enough, urgent.
Mind boggling decision from the Tories.

I think they had two clear choices: choose a "centrist" and pursue the centre/ the left of the Tory party who were sick of the Truss/Boris/Sunak shitshow and abstained/went to the Lib Dems, or continue more of the same culture wars and go for a rabid right winger and try win back the Reform exiles.

The Reform voters have been lied to by successive Tory governments - there's little chance they are going to win these voters back when Farage is promising them the world (but unlike the Tories, doesn't need to deliver). Moreover, I don't see Reform falling away like UKIP - their purpose is much more ambigious and will be much more immune to scandal because their voter base a) isn't engaged enough to care or b) enjoys inflicting pain on others.

It won't be good for the country to have Badenoch or Jenrick continuing the same manufactured culture wars, but for Labour, they will be easier to defeat at an election than a unifying Tory centrist.
Major employment reforms promised by Labour will not become law for at least two years, as the government seeks compromise between unions and businesses on measures intended to strengthen workers rights without hindering economic growth.

The Employment Rights Bill, introduced into parliament on Thursday, includes 28 measures, many of which will be subject to extended consultation, while more than 30 other pledges have no clear timetable for delivery.

The major package of reforms includes granting workers protection from unfair dismissal from the first day of their employment, ending the existing two-year qualifying period.

The measure will be accompanied by a statutory probation period of up to nine months for new hires, during which staff can be dismissed under a "lighter touch" process.

The consultation required means officials do not expect the measures to reach the statute book until autumn 2026 at the earliest.
