Westminster Politics 2024-2029

It’s hard isn’t it, with kids you feel immediately emotive, but they have said they won’t do anything substantial uncosted.

But I can’t help but think FFS let’s just help the kids. I am trying to reconcile my own feelings, if this is the tories I’d probably slag them right off :lol: but also Labour have literally said they wouldn’t do this so why would they 3 weeks in?

Also, the tories who voted for it taking the moral high ground should get in a hole and die!

To conclude it’s a difficult conversation to have, 3 weeks in if they bring in a huge cost imagine the amount of criticism they’d get? But also… feck that help kids!

I really am so torn on this.
I think it should be removed ASAP but it was never going to happen tonight or in the Kings Speech, that was telegraphed way in advance. It's perfectly normal for us to feel crap about it though.
I think it should be removed ASAP but it was never going to happen tonight or in the Kings Speech, that was telegraphed way in advance. It's perfectly normal for us to feel crap about it though.
If you voted for Starmer, why on earth would you feel crap about getting exactly what he said he'd do?
I imagine it was a fairly meaningful change to some of the people who were due to be on the flights, but here we are.
How many flights took off? Can you remind me?
Whataboutism? It's a photo of someone who agrees with your new and improved Starmer Party on the importance of this particular policy. It's not anybody else's fault that your interest in holding said policy's backers to account ends somewhere between that evil bastard Osborne and the nation's saviour Sir Kid Starver.

You asked what would happen to the children of Ukraine if Starmer didn't give them £3bn a year indefinitely. I merely pointed out that they'd probably starve, just like Starmer believes Israel had the right to do to the children of Gaza. At least he's consistent, I suppose. Children should be starved and not heard, whether at home or abroad.
The cornerstone of any civilised conversation, right there.
If you voted for Starmer, why on earth would you feel crap about getting exactly what he said he'd do?
It's some 4d chess move where after winning the election the politician/party will do a 180 on most of their pre election pledges.
I think it should be removed ASAP but it was never going to happen tonight or in the Kings Speech, that was telegraphed way in advance. It's perfectly normal for us to feel crap about it though.
It should be gone already. The whole thing is based on the view that the wrong sort of people shouldn't have too many kids.

Talk about costings is the wrong conversation for me. We have five year olds with stunted growth. The cost of £3bn a year has to be weighed against the wider long term costs to the country of not doing anything.
Is your argument that the Conservatives would have dropped the plan for the flights after being elected, or is it just pointless?
What I'm saying is you are setting the bar really low if scrapping the Rwanda scheme is a benchmark for making good decisions. It's the least they could do.

And yes, if you want to compare removing the 2 child cap would have brought far more benefits to the country than scrapping the Rwanda scheme.
It's like setting yourself on fire and complaining about it being hot.

You got what you voted for.

It’s incredible you manage to live in the human world with that ideological purity!

Again, no element of nuance or complexity, everything has to be binary, black or white, all or nothing.

You can vote for a Party without agreeing on them on everything.
It’s incredible you manage to live in the human world with that ideological purity!

Again, no element of nuance or complexity, everything has to be binary, black or white, all or nothing.

You can vote for a Party without agreeing on them on everything.
Damn me and my ideological purity of hating the idea of a policy so much I wouldn't vote for anyone promising to keep it in place.

Real grown ups simply hand them five years of power and then complain about them continuing the policy they said they'd do when they're powerless to stop them.
It’s incredible you manage to live in the human world with that ideological purity!

Again, no element of nuance or complexity, everything has to be binary, black or white, all or nothing.

You can vote for a Party without agreeing on them on everything.
Exactly this but according to a lot on here you have to pure and anyone they vote for don’t have any bad policies and would fix everything overnight.
Damn me and my ideological purity of hating the idea of a policy so much I wouldn't vote for anyone promising to keep it in place.

Real grown ups simply hand them five years of power and then complain about them continuing the policy they said they'd do when they're powerless to stop them.

When you buy an album do you have to love every track on it?

I guess with your purity you can keep voting for an independent, that way you get to heckle WHOEVER is in charge, always be the ‘pissed off opposition’ without ever actually having to deal with any complexities ever.

It should be gone already. The whole thing is based on the view that the wrong sort of people shouldn't have too many kids.

Talk about costings is the wrong conversation for me. We have five year olds with stunted growth. The cost of £3bn a year has to be weighed against the wider long term costs to the country of not doing anything.
It would be better to introduce a means tested scheme for people who are greatest in need and have more than 2 kids. The earnings threshold on the current scheme I believe is £80k. If rolling out to more than 2 kids, a means tested scheme aimed at the greatest in need would cost less and have more impact.
It would be better to introduce a means tested scheme for people who are greatest in need and have more than 2 kids. The earnings threshold on the current scheme I believe is £80k. If rolling out to more than 2 kids, a means tested scheme aimed at the greatest in need would cost less and have more impact.
The threshold is 60k now, the Tories recently upped it from 50k.

But the child tax credit is the means tested benefit.
Equating child poverty to songs you might not like as much as others is an impressive low.

Sorry, in this scenario is child poverty being compared to a shit album filler track?

Someone should let the kids know they can just press the skip hunger button until food comes along.


Are you guys doing this deliberately in a disingenuous manner, or just ignorant? I’m comparing the album analogy to binary support / opposition to a Party.

Are you guys doing this deliberately in a disingenuous manner, or just ignorant? I’m comparing the album analogy to binary support / opposition to a Party.
How many tracks do you need to dislike to not buy the album?
It would be better to introduce a means tested scheme for people who are greatest in need and have more than 2 kids. The earnings threshold on the current scheme I believe is £80k. If rolling out to more than 2 kids, a means tested scheme aimed at the greatest in need would cost less and have more impact.
Means testing may not be the answer all the time. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation did some research into how a proportion of the poorest household don't claim means tested benefits.

I mean the poster isn’t doing that but using an example to argue that it’s similar to not agreeing to all a party’s policies. Anyone can see that from the discussion.
It might just be me because I'm really struggling with the idea that a policy can bother you this much a fortnight into a new government, but the leader of a party telling you they'll be doing it doesn't bother you enough to not vote for them at the one opportunity you had for five years.
Means testing may not be the answer all the time. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation did some research into how a proportion of the poorest household don't claim means tested benefits.

Yes the case still needs to be made to publicise the benefits people can claim and help them claim them. Some work will need to make sure that happens but if the Government want to introduce a more affordable policy, that may well be the way to go.
Ah my mistake. It tapers after £60k and stops at £80k. Still believe in my view a means benefit scheme is the way to go for people with more than 2 kids.
I mean the benefits of scrapping the 2 child cap has been looked into by many economists and it would bring in long term net benefits to the country . It's a perverse and inhumane ideological position to keep it, something that is expected of the Tories, but looks like Labour are following suit, this is why it's rubbing people the wrong way.
It might just be me because I'm really struggling with the idea that a policy can bother you this much a fortnight into a new government, but the leader of a party telling you they'll be doing it doesn't bother you enough to not vote for them at the one opportunity you had for five years.
Because people can still be disappointed in the Government and hope the economic situation changes with their policy improvements that they could introduce such a measure in the future.
How does your purity view SureStart?
A half arsed policy, following in the footsteps of New Labour rushing to cut benefits to single mothers before their arses had warmed up the government benches in the Commons.

Because people can still be disappointed in the Government and hope the economic situation changes with their policy improvements that they could introduce such a measure in the future.
I'll stick to not voting for the guy who says he wants the policy to continue.
I mean the benefits of scrapping the 2 child cap has been looked into by many economists and it would bring in long term net benefits to the country . It's a perverse and inhumane ideological position to keep it, something that is expected of the Tories, but looks like Labour are following suit, this is why it's rubbing people the wrong way.

Obviously they would have looked at the cost implications and thought it’s not affordable and they don’t wanted to be accused of being economically unstable straight after coming into office. My belief is a means tested policy would help the people greatest at need.
A half arsed policy, following in the footsteps of New Labour rushing to cut benefits to single mothers before their arses had warmed up the government benches in the Commons.

I'll stick to not voting for the guy who says he wants the policy to continue.
We obviously have different opinions on this and will agree to disagree. Labour have shown other positive improvements they are going to make.
A half arsed policy, following in the footsteps of New Labour rushing to cut benefits to single mothers before their arses had warmed up the government benches in the Commons.

I'll stick to not voting for the guy who says he wants the policy to continue.
So improving education and health outcomes of some of the poorest kids, and helping their parents with employment was ‘half-arsed’…