Westminster Politics 2024-2029

Solid oxide fuel cells can actually crack ammonia directly, it's coming. And the Norwegians don't seem to have got your memo about small planes yet: https://www.ch-aviation.com/news/139465-norways-scandinavian-seaplanes-to-electrify-its-fleet

There's a bunch of startups and small projects there and the power trains and batteries only get lighter every year...

It won't be quick for the big planes that's for sure, but they'll start chipping away at it soon enough. I don't know how old you are but I'd get your shares out of any of the oil companies that aren't taking renewables seriously within the next 5 years personally.

OK, but Cessna seaplanes are such a miniscule piece of aviation emissions and fuel usage. When Rolls Royce or GE get anything beyond a concept phase then it's worth taking notice, but right now Rolls Royce are trying to get rid of their electric business.
OK, but Cessna seaplanes are such a miniscule piece of aviation emissions and fuel usage. When Rolls Royce or GE get anything beyond a concept phase then it's worth taking notice, but right now Rolls Royce are trying to get rid of their electric business.

That's how it starts. But you've seen with solar and wind as well as battery storage, once they get their foot in the door things start to accelerate.
Think of all the weight saved by not having to have turn indicators and lights :lol:
Good idea.... lets add it to the 'further work required' index in the flat-pack manual ;)
You've just invented a railway...
You know it did sound like something I've heard of before.... but of course I am in the Trump/Biden age group, so memory is not a strong point :lol:

Bibby Stockholm migrant barge to be closed​

The contract for the Bibby Stockholm barge, which houses asylum seekers off the coast of Dorset, will not be renewed past January, the Home Office has announced.

Extending the use of the barge, which is moored off Portland, would have cost more than £20 million next year.

The three-storey vessel has capacity for up to 500 men, aged 18-65.

Now run under a Labour government, the Home Office said the move was part of a commitment to “clear the backlog and fix the asylum system”.


Bibby Stockholm migrant barge to be closed​

The contract for the Bibby Stockholm barge, which houses asylum seekers off the coast of Dorset, will not be renewed past January, the Home Office has announced.

Extending the use of the barge, which is moored off Portland, would have cost more than £20 million next year.

The three-storey vessel has capacity for up to 500 men, aged 18-65.

Now run under a Labour government, the Home Office said the move was part of a commitment to “clear the backlog and fix the asylum system”.

40K per person for those conditions. Someone was having a laugh.
Here's one example: Just Stop Oil activist jailed for six months for taking part in slow march

Absolute insanity.

The human rights organisation Liberty criticised Gingell’s sentencing. Katy Watts, a lawyer at Liberty, said: “It is shocking to see such harsh sentences handed down to protesters. This is yet another unnecessary and draconian law introduced by a government that is hell-bent on discouraging people from standing up for what they believe in. It is a clear attempt to silence people and for the government to hide from all accountability.

“Protest is a fundamental right, not a gift from the state. Government should be protecting our right to protest, not criminalising it.”

His first Kings Speech (39 Bills) Starmer is not standing for any nonsense.
I suppose if there are one or two new Labour MP's who fancy ruining their parliamentary careers, first time out, he will oblige.
There is a lot of work to do PM, keep their noses to the grindstone.
Just listened to the Newsagents podcast, they had someone from Ofcom on there.

Jesus Christ how awful are Ofcom?! Absolutely terrible to hear.
Party politics over starving kids.

Early days and all, but give him a chance isn't looking such a great plan.
I'm amazed the Government didn't vote to alter its own legislative agenda.
I'm amazed the Government didn't vote to alter its own legislative agenda.

Also the SNP are a bit rich, they've had ample opportunity to address the issue in Scotland. I'm not sure why they haven't considered a means benefit type introduction where the people who need it most are able to get more than the 2 child limit. Surely that would cost less.
So more of the same, like most predicted.
Let the spineless cowards reveal themselves.

The same old faces on here will have all the excuses prepared for them.

OK, I’ll bite.

Here’s what I want in this country:
- a four day working week
- rent control and affordable housing
- childcare and parental leave that promotes having children
- schools that teach critical thinking and an NHS that is once again the envy of the world

But here’s what the ‘few billion’ (from memory) that lifting the cap would do for the immediacy; add a percentage point to the offer to striking NHS workers. This can help make a deal and stop doctors from striking. It could also mean a percent of doctors / NHS staff thinking of quitting in the next 6 months / 1 year won’t, giving the NHS a bit more time and staff.

I swear to God, some people on here, “same old shit”, “more of the same” blah blah blah are just fecking pathetic. Labour have been in power for 3 weeks but the country isn’t immediately a socialist Shangri-La so feck those Red Tories. Take a look in the mirror and grow the feck up!

We all want the same thing, but we can’t click our fingers like a fecking genie and go, “POOFT” sorted!
Threatening members for practicing their democratic right is all time anti democratic. Disgrace to suspend members of the party for having an opinion.