Westminster Politics 2024-2029

OK, I’ll bite.

Here’s what I want in this country:
- a four day working week
- rent control and affordable housing
- childcare and parental leave that promotes having children
- schools that teach critical thinking and an NHS that is once again the envy of the world

But here’s what the ‘few billion’ (from memory) that lifting the cap would do for the immediacy; add a percentage point to the offer to striking NHS workers. This can help make a deal and stop doctors from striking. It could also mean a percent of doctors / NHS staff thinking of quitting in the next 6 months / 1 year won’t, giving the NHS a bit more time and staff.

I swear to God, some people on here, “same old shit”, “more of the same” blah blah blah are just fecking pathetic. Labour have been in power for 3 weeks but the country isn’t immediately a socialist Shangri-La so feck those Red Tories. Take a look in the mirror and grow the feck up!

We all want the same thing, but we can’t click our fingers like a fecking genie and go, “POOFT” sorted!
And I have a bridge to sell you.
I just won a bet with myself!

It’s amazing that you post Starmer’s views from Feb 2020, because nothing that’s happened since FEBRUARY 2020 has changed any economic goalposts, like, not even a little bit!

Undemocratic. The members represents their constituencies first and foremost before their parties, if it is a representative democracy.

Well yes but if you want the benefits of being in the party when they insist on discipline you stick with the line or face punishment.

Otherwise the government ends up with losing overall power to implement their agenda and you have a lame duck

If those 7 plus Corbyn, plus Abbott if she remembers how she should have voted, declared a new party tomorrow they would be the joint 4th biggest party overnight. Now would be the time to do it, when all of them would be virtually guaranteed to keep their seats for 5 years, and I would be amazed if some others would not see it that way too and join in.
People think this is the first attack on families and children by this Labour government seem to be forgetting that they have already commited to not only continuing the practice of fining parents who take their kids out of school for holidays but by being even harder on them for doing so.

And what is this cnut supposed to indicate?

The King’s speech included:
- ending no fault evictions
- giving homeowners protections against leasehold BS
- ending zero hour contracts and abusing employment practices

But no, these are EXACTLY the same as the last Tory government, give me a fecking break!
Taking the piss out of the policy. Its ridiculous and with Reeves suggesting Labours answer would be to hold more breakfast clubs it makes it even more of a joke.
Sorry, sarcasm flew right over my head.
Seriously though where is there a place for valid, nuanced debate:

“I want things to improve but acknowledge legitimate reasons for us not being able to revolutionise the country inside of a month”


OK, I’ll bite.

Here’s what I want in this country:
- a four day working week
- rent control and affordable housing
- childcare and parental leave that promotes having children
- schools that teach critical thinking and an NHS that is once again the envy of the world

But here’s what the ‘few billion’ (from memory) that lifting the cap would do for the immediacy; add a percentage point to the offer to striking NHS workers. This can help make a deal and stop doctors from striking. It could also mean a percent of doctors / NHS staff thinking of quitting in the next 6 months / 1 year won’t, giving the NHS a bit more time and staff.

I swear to God, some people on here, “same old shit”, “more of the same” blah blah blah are just fecking pathetic. Labour have been in power for 3 weeks but the country isn’t immediately a socialist Shangri-La so feck those Red Tories. Take a look in the mirror and grow the feck up!

We all want the same thing, but we can’t click our fingers like a fecking genie and go, “POOFT” sorted!
Laughable comment. We're talking about children here. I get that you're angry because your team fecked up but you should really try using some of that critical thinking you talk about.
That does come with an explicit warning to not spend a penny of it on feeding kids, in fairness
Likewise, you don’t acknowledge the existential threat posed by the war in Ukraine and what that could do to Europe?

What happens to the kids if we all withdrew support, Russia walks over, and then eyes up a NATO ally?
Laughable comment. We're talking about children here. I get that you're angry because your team fecked up but you should really try using some of that critical thinking you talk about.

Seriously, take five and come back to the grown up table.

I GET that these are kids! I GET that I want them out of poverty. I GET IT ALL FOR feckS SAKE!

But step 1 of resolving the NHS crisis is a greater priority RIGHT NOW.
Seriously though where is there a place for valid, nuanced debate:

“I want things to improve but acknowledge legitimate reasons for us not being able to revolutionise the country inside of a month”



There's a magical place, we're on our way there
Seriously, take five and come back to the grown up table.

I GET that these are kids! I GET that I want them out of poverty. I GET IT ALL FOR feckS SAKE!

But step 1 of resolving the NHS crisis is a greater priority RIGHT NOW.
Are you drunk? :lol:
- ending zero hour contracts and abusing employment practices
Nope it’s “exploitative” zero hour contracts. Which means -
Next, in perhaps the most controversial development, the party has also rolled back on its pledge to outlaw zero-hours contracts — a Labour policy even under Ed Miliband’s milquetoast leadership. Labour now only pledges to ban ‘exploitative’ zero-hour contracts, suggesting that non-exploitative zero-hour contracts will continue, despite the fact that their one-sided flexibility for bosses and insecurity for workers are exploitative by their very nature.- https://tribunemag.co.uk/2023/12/starmers-worst-u-turn

But anyways this is all pointless. Your fully on board the Socialism with Starmer characteristics train. Enjoy the ride!
Children and their parents are and have always been an easy target for government. They don't strike, any attempt to fight back can be out down by financial punishment or the threat of breaking families up. Don't step in line and punishments get harsher, people risk having marks on their DBS reports which can risk their careers.
Yep, more of the same. Especially if we ignore the stuff that's already been positively changed in the last couple of weeks.

If only they had said they had no immediate plans to lift the 2 child cap during the run up to the election...
If only they had warned MPs this afternoon that any rebellions would be dealt with harshly.

Let's put aside the scrapping of the Rwanda policy and Bibby Stockholm, more positive relations between the Union and our allies, the steps to begin nationalisation of railways and invest in energy.

This has happened and it shows I was right to say nothing would change.
Nope it’s “exploitative” zero hour contracts. Which means -

But anyways this is all pointless. Your fully on board the Socialism with Starmer characteristics train. Enjoy the ride!

You don’t know a thing about me and what I’m ‘on board’ with, so you can go feck yourself!
Yep, more of the same. Especially if we ignore the stuff that's already been positively changed in the last couple of weeks.
Reversing loony policies like Rwanda isn't anything to write home about. Today's vote was a chance to show signs of meaningful change, but here we are.
If only they had said they had no immediate plans to lift the 2 child cap during the run up to the election...
If only they had warned MPs this afternoon that any rebellions would be dealt with harshly.

Let's put aside the scrapping of the Rwanda policy and Bibby Stockholm, more positive relations between the Union and our allies, the steps to begin nationalisation of railways and invest in energy.

This has happened and it shows I was right to say nothing would change.
It’s hard isn’t it, with kids you feel immediately emotive, but they have said they won’t do anything substantial uncosted.

But I can’t help but think FFS let’s just help the kids. I am trying to reconcile my own feelings, if this is the tories I’d probably slag them right off :lol: but also Labour have literally said they wouldn’t do this so why would they 3 weeks in?

Also, the tories who voted for it taking the moral high ground should get in a hole and die!

To conclude it’s a difficult conversation to have, 3 weeks in if they bring in a huge cost imagine the amount of criticism they’d get? But also… feck that help kids!

I really am so torn on this.
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Seriously though where is there a place for valid, nuanced debate:

“I want things to improve but acknowledge legitimate reasons for us not being able to revolutionise the country inside of a month”


You don’t know a thing about me and what I’m ‘on board’ with, so you can go feck yourself!
It's a mystery.
It's a mystery.

Yeah, trying to converse with children who post pics of George Osbourne, thinking it has value in a debate about a new Labour government, or those who play whataboutism and conflate the war in Ukraine with Israel.

It is THE SINGLE MOST INFURIATING THING to have a balanced conversation and I lose my shit when constantly faced with people who think there are easy answers to difficult, nuanced issues.
Reversing loony policies like Rwanda isn't anything to write home about. Today's vote was a chance to show signs of meaningful change, but here we are.
I imagine it was a fairly meaningful change to some of the people who were due to be on the flights, but here we are.
Yeah, trying to converse with children who post pics of George Osbourne, thinking it has value in a debate about a new Labour government, or those who play whataboutism and conflate the war in Ukraine with Israel.

It is THE SINGLE MOST INFURIATING THING to have a balanced conversation and I lose my shit when constantly faced with people who think there are easy answers to difficult, nuanced issues.
Whataboutism? It's a photo of someone who agrees with your new and improved Starmer Party on the importance of this particular policy. It's not anybody else's fault that your interest in holding said policy's backers to account ends somewhere between that evil bastard Osborne and the nation's saviour Sir Kid Starver.

You asked what would happen to the children of Ukraine if Starmer didn't give them £3bn a year indefinitely. I merely pointed out that they'd probably starve, just like Starmer believes Israel had the right to do to the children of Gaza. At least he's consistent, I suppose. Children should be starved and not heard, whether at home or abroad.