Westminster Politics 2024-2029

In the United Kingdom, D-Notices, officially known since 2015 as DSMA-Notices (Defence and Security Media Advisory Notices),are official requests to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security.

(From wiki)

Let's leave the sue gray chatter, and talk about things that are less likely to get special branch kicking the admins doors in.

So, that Lady Charlotte Owen, what's the score with her...
If there was anything in place the times would surely have taken it into account!?
In the United Kingdom, D-Notices, officially known since 2015 as DSMA-Notices (Defence and Security Media Advisory Notices),are official requests to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security.

(From wiki)

Let's leave the sue gray chatter, and talk about things that are less likely to get special branch kicking the admins doors in.

So, that Lady Charlotte Owen, what's the score with her...
Ahh well you see with her, she's his daughter.
Someone needs to inject some urgency into that stadium anyway, there is no way it will be built in time for the Euros now unless there is a huge push. Won't happen though.

The amount of heel dragging that has been done over that project is appalling.
Someone needs to inject some urgency into that stadium anyway, there is no way it will be built in time for the Euros now unless there is a huge push. Won't happen though.

The amount of heel dragging that has been done over that project is appalling.
is this code for leave Sue Gray or leave Charlotte Owen alone?
is this code for leave Sue Gray or leave Charlotte Owen alone?
More than happy for either/both to be got after. Especially if one has had the sheer audacity to try subverting cabinet ministers. Could you imagine?

Casement Park just another depressing case of a stagnant NI.
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McFadden questioning whether the two child benefit cap causes harm , on scottish radio today - Angela Rayner had described the cap as obscene and inhumane.

'After repeatedly declining to answer and repeatedly being pushed, McFadden said: “Look, whether it causes harm will be open to a debate.'

Now we can understand why he has no issue with his mates (he is/was vice chair of Labour Friends of Israel), starving the gazans.
There is a good reason why we only use oil and gas for about 10% of UK fuel. Because it is much more expensive.
Onshore and offshore wind is by far the cheapest and is getting cheaper.
It is simple economics.

Huh? North Sea Oil costs about £15 a barrel to extract. It's no cheaper or more expensive than other similar oil so as about 75% of our primary energy comes from fossil fuels it's going to be decades before we transition away from it. All we'd be doing here is committing ourselves to buying from foreign sources long term and passing on the investment income, jobs and gdp growth it would provide. A fecking stupid idea all round if it does go ahead.
Huh? North Sea Oil costs about £15 a barrel to extract. It's no cheaper or more expensive than other similar oil so as about 75% of our primary energy comes from fossil fuels it's going to be decades before we transition away from it. All we'd be doing here is committing ourselves to buying from foreign sources long term and passing on the investment income, jobs and gdp growth it would provide. A fecking stupid idea all round if it does go ahead.
So what difference does it make where oil is bought from? We don't own any of the north sea oil - it was all sold off years ago, and all oil worldwide is produced by a handful of global conglomerates.

Not drilling for more just means we spare ourselves the cleanup costs of the inevitable environmental damage it causes.
So what difference does it make where oil is bought from? We don't own any of the north sea oil - it was all sold off years ago, and all oil worldwide is produced by a handful of global conglomerates.

Not drilling for more just means we spare ourselves the cleanup costs of the inevitable environmental damage it causes.

Of course we own it. We own the continental shelf it's in and we choose to grant others licences to drill it, and here we are talking about new licences. Those licences are not given away for free and the oil companies pay tax on the oil they extract. Last year North Sea Oil brought in about £10bn.
Of course we own it. We own the continental shelf it's in and we choose to grant others licences to drill it, and here we are talking about new licences. Those licences are not given away for free and the oil companies pay tax on the oil they extract. Last year North Sea Oil brought in about £10bn.
Chicken feed, as BoJo would say. Especially once you factor in government subsidies for exploration and decommissioning.
Chicken feed, as BoJo would say. Especially once you factor in government subsidies for exploration and decommissioning.


Pays for about 5 years of tax avoidance by Amazon and Co. Something tells me you're not so relaxed about that though.
It only brought in 10 billion because of the windfall tax (which I'm sure 11101 will have moaned about). The actual forecast is around 2 billion and by the time these licenses run out it'll be a tenth of that.

Meanwhile the economy will be reaping the rewards of renewables.
It only brought in 10 billion because of the windfall tax (which I'm sure 11101 will have moaned about). The actual forecast is around 2 billion and by the time these licenses run out it'll be a tenth of that.

Meanwhile the economy will be reaping the rewards of renewables.

Yeah, it only brought in 10 billion because of a tax that was introduced to tax them. Income tax only brought in 250 billion because it was there too.

Bringing up renewables just shows you don't understand where our energy comes from. We are decades away from being fully reliant on renewable energy and it's not an either/or situation. We can continue to develop renewables whilst also profiting from the UKCS.
Huh? North Sea Oil costs about £15 a barrel to extract. It's no cheaper or more expensive than other similar oil so as about 75% of our primary energy comes from fossil fuels it's going to be decades before we transition away from it. All we'd be doing here is committing ourselves to buying from foreign sources long term and passing on the investment income, jobs and gdp growth it would provide. A fecking stupid idea all round if it does go ahead.


Conservatives introduced a new law so this kind of thing could happen. The crime isn't appearing on a Zoom call. It's conspiracy to cause public nuisance.

They caused havoc on the M25 for 5 days, 51,000 hours of driver delays, missed flights, missed medical appointments and exams, two lorries collided, police motorcyclist came off his bike trying to stop traffic and everything had an estimated economic impact of £765,000 and a further cost to the Metropolitan Police at more than £1.1m.

So yeah stop posting bullshit.
Conservatives introduced a new law so this kind of thing could happen. The crime isn't appearing on a Zoom call. It's conspiracy to cause public nuisance.

They caused havoc on the M25 for 5 days, 51,000 hours of driver delays, missed flights, missed medical appointments and exams, two lorries collided, police motorcyclist came off his bike trying to stop traffic and everything had an estimated economic impact of £765,000 and a further cost to the Metropolitan Police at more than £1.1m.

So yeah stop posting bullshit.

The Tories have always exploited conspiracy laws to smash their opponents. Doesn't surprise me at all
The Tories have always exploited conspiracy laws to smash their opponents. Doesn't surprise me at all

They created the law. The courts are not controlled by the state.

They can take their own view and interpret the law how they please.

It is up to the judges to decide and my money is on the activists wanting to become martyrs therefore proposing a weak argument to have this publicity effect.

They will smash it on appeal.
They created the law. The courts are not controlled by the state.

They can take their own view and interpret the law how they please.

It is up to the judges to decide and my money is on the activists wanting to become martyrs therefore proposing a weak argument to have this publicity effect.

They will smash it on appeal.

Conspiracy laws are written in a way that can be exploited, and the police are complicit in the strategy to break up left wing groups using any means necessary, including using the broad definition of criminal conspiracy to feck people over at the direction of the Tories.
Conspiracy laws are written in a way that can be exploited, and the police are complicit in the strategy to break up left wing groups using any means necessary, including using the broad definition of criminal conspiracy to feck people over at the direction of the Tories.

The defence lawyer and the prosecutor play out their match in front of a judge who is open to being convinced either way a lot of the time.