Westminster Politics 2024-2029

I just absolutely despair at the progress that’s halted by snake-oil merchants hocking distrust as a commodity for their own gains.

I think it was Jim Jeffreys who said during a special, about society being like a train:
- all of the scientists, honest leaders and technology marvels at the front, powering progress and innovation across the board
- most of the remaining cars are us as society, going along for the ride
- and then at the back we have the last few cars full of GBNews, FOX, Murdochian media, religious zealots etc, who have their weight pressed on the brakes
- all we need to do is uncouple ourselves from them, and the train would go flying forwards, at speeds we couldn’t previously have imagined
- unfortunately those last few cars start infecting the car in front, then the next one, and the next one

Take the prisons issue as an example - entirely of the Tory creation, but this dishonest, complicit media base going to town on Labour for ‘being soft on criminals’ or using ‘scaremongering tactics’ when talking about a dire situation.

Now I’m not saying wipe out the media. That’s fascism, and I’m all in favour of scrutiny and healthy, honest debate. But what they do is not that! And I just don’t see how progress can be made without some major ‘Levison 2.0’ type action.
No, I agree. They are an insidious element of modern society. But how do you deal with them without imposing some sort of distopian totalitarianism policy? As soon as any action is taken, they'll resist with 'Ministry of Truth' style accusations, and they will sadly have a good point.

We need to free the media of oligarch rule, but that's easier said than done.

As for Labour's plan with the prisons, I think the trouble is the amount of people like my parents, who will read no more than the headlines and leap to the conclusion that they're releasing murderers and rapists because of 'PC going mad', etc.

A great move would be to stop sending people to jail for white collar crimes, and to increase the amount of community service work they have to do instead. There was a story on the BBC about a guy given four years for stealing from a council he worked for last week. Now it seems like compounding the problem by spending another £50000 a year on a prison cell for them, doesn't it?

Would that money not be spent better on keeping the public safe from someone who'd committed a violent crime? Or locking up those blokes who put those embossed reg plates and exhaust mods on their cars?
No, I agree. They are an insidious element of modern society. But how do you deal with them without imposing some sort of distopian totalitarianism policy? As soon as any action is taken, they'll resist with 'Ministry of Truth' style accusations, and they will sadly have a good point.

We need to free the media of oligarch rule, but that's easier said than done.

As for Labour's plan with the prisons, I think the trouble is the amount of people like my parents, who will read no more than the headlines and leap to the conclusion that they're releasing murderers and rapists because of 'PC going mad', etc.

A great move would be to stop sending people to jail for white collar crimes, and to increase the amount of community service work they have to do instead. There was a story on the BBC about a guy given four years for stealing from a council he worked for last week. Now it seems like compounding the problem by spending another £50000 a year on a prison cell for them, doesn't it?

Would that money not be spent better on keeping the public safe from someone who'd committed a violent crime? Or locking up those blokes who put those embossed reg plates and exhaust mods on their cars?

Don’t forget Deliveroo riders on eBikes on pavements.
Grimes and Corcoran are grifters being brainwashed by some nefarious individual training them to spout some right wing messianic bollocks on the hour every hour.

Its like they have signed up to join some pound shop Jonestown, except there isn't enough money left for the Cool Aid and we are stuck with them
Grimes and Corcoran are grifters being brainwashed by some nefarious individual training them to spout some right wing messianic bollocks on the hour every hour.

Its like they have signed up to join some pound shop Jonestown, except there isn't enough money left for the Cool Aid and we are stuck with them

Words cannot describe how much I hate Darren Grimes, scum of the highest order.
Grimes and Corcoran are grifters being brainwashed by some nefarious individual training them to spout some right wing messianic bollocks on the hour every hour.

Its like they have signed up to join some pound shop Jonestown, except there isn't enough money left for the Cool Aid and we are stuck with them

He really is a fecking nasty piece of work.

He really is a fecking nasty piece of work.


Conveniently forgetting that, on a daily basis, they suggest that the likes of Biden and Starmer favour ‘murderers and rapists from a country you’ve never heard of’ over ‘native’ Brits, who call judges the ‘enemies of the people’ etc.
He really is a fecking nasty piece of work.

Convenient cut off in that clip.

Also, the last sentance in the tweet sounds like a threat. He's a bit dim though so will give him the benefit of the doubt that he isn't threatening retribution against anyone.
It is worth reminding ourselves that grimes came to promenance by being a bag carrier for the brexit campaign to get around spending limits.

The only reason he did not go to prison for it is that his legal team argued he was too stupid to fill the forms in correctly and it was not a deliberate attempt to mislead. And having met grimes, the judge agreed. Too stupid to tick the right box in a choice of 3 boxes.

That is why you often see Americanism in his tweets, because the US right supply his content.
He really is a fecking nasty piece of work.

Can you acually "smear" Trump though? He's such a piece of shit and such a terrible human being that any bad thing you say about him is just an understatement.
It is worth reminding ourselves that grimes came to promenance by being a bag carrier for the brexit campaign to get around spending limits.

The only reason he did not go to prison for it is that his legal team argued he was too stupid to fill the forms in correctly and it was not a deliberate attempt to mislead. And having met grimes, the judge agreed. Too stupid to tick the right box in a choice of 3 boxes.

That is why you often see Americanism in his tweets, because the US right supply his content.

Im just sick of the sight of him and want him to get his comeuppance!
Also of course

Britain will not withdraw its objection to the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor's application for arrest warrants targeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, according to an Israeli news outlet.

The newspaper Maariv said British Foreign Secretary David Lammy had given assurances that the UK will maintain its objection to the application that was initially raised by the Conservative government in Downing Street.
In the long term they are so insanely fecked. Which is a positive.
It’s fantastic. I’d bet good money that 10% of reform voters will be dead by 2029 if not more.

Masks off now. Just like his idol Blair he want to be associated with war criminals or defend them or be one of them.

Masks off now. Just like his idol Blair he want to be associated with war criminals or defend them or be one of them.

Just yesterday

Pretty sure twerking for the right lost more than 8%.

10% of Tory voters dying in a 5 year period is honestly better than I could have hoped for.

I mean they did their level best to kill most of them with covid over the next 24 months following their election win.
I was merely pointing out Lammy had also met with the Palestinian PM, not just Israel.

I thought you were making equivalences between a war criminal and the Palestinian PM. Anyhow, the visit was successful for Netanyahu, Lamy told him they will defend him to the last breath.